大家好吗,我是反方辩手,针对 142# 提出的传染病人的隔离要求及传染病血液透析患者必须专机透析,
Patients who are anti-HCV positive (or HCV RNA positive) do not have to be isolated from other patients or dialyzed separately on dedicated machines.
抗-HCV阳性(或HCV RNA阳性)病人不必与其它患者隔离或在专用机器分别进行透析
Fabrizi F, Messa P, Martin P. Transmission of hepatitis C virus infection in hemodialysos; current concepts. Int J Artif Organs 2008 Dec: 31(12): 1004-1016.
CDC. Recommendations for prevention and control of hepatitis C virus (HCV) infection and HCV-related chronic disease.
MMWR 1998;47(RR-19):1–39.
Hemodialysis patients have unique vulnerability to healthcare-associated infections. This is because of a number of human, environmental, and procedural factors related to the HD setting, in addition to a multitude of patient comorbidities. Establishing an infection prevention and control program which includes a bundle of strategies and interventions that are consistently performed will reduce the risk for both employees and patients. Th ese include the following.
1. Environmental cleaning/disinfection
2. Equipment cleaning/disinfection
3. Hand hygiene
4. Immunizations and screening for patients and employees
5. Medication/injection safety
6. Patient/family/employee education
7. Pre-/postsurgical infection prevention
8. Standard/Transmission-Based Precautions
9. Vascular access—infection prevention during insertion and care
10. Water treatment/testing
11. Infection surveillance
12. Quality improvement program
<Guide to the Elimination of Infections in Hemodialysis>
大家好,我是反方辩手,针对 153#明玥老师提出的反方辩友居然提供1998年文献作为理论依据.....
Fabrizi F, Messa P, Martin P. Transmission of hepatitis C virus infection in hemodialysos; current concepts. Int J Artif Organs 2008 Dec: 31(12): 1004-1016.
<Guide to the Elimination of Infections in Hemodialysis>2010