空紫 发表于 2013-2-23 00:54
我选其他。并不是不同意以上的各条,而是院感人员除了以上意外还要依据各项规章制度和您的院感知识给临床医 ...
那么人们期望的理想的医生应该是很么样子的呢? 在2006年,梅奥诊所曾经对200位他们的病人做出一项调查,根据病人的反馈,总结出了下面的七个特征,发表在 Mayo Clinic Proceedings 上面。 这项研究的结果对现在的医生仍然很有参考价值。哪七项特征呢?
直率: 医生用很简单的语言,用非常直白的方式告诉我我需要知道的东西。
做事缜密周全: 医生会一丝不苟,从一而终。
7 Key Traits of the Ideal Doctor
Confident: "The doctor's confidence gives me confidence."
Empathetic: "The doctor tries to understand what I am feeling and experiencing, physically and emotionally, and communicates that understanding to me."
Humane: "The doctor is caring, compassionate, and kind."
Personal: "The doctor is interested in me more than just as a patient, interacts with me, and remembers me as an individual."
Forthright: "The doctor tells me what I need to know in plain language and in a forthright manner."
Respectful: "The doctor takes my input seriously and works with me."
Thorough: "The doctor is conscientious and persistent."
参考:1. "7 Key Traits of the Ideal Doctor", WebMD.
2.“The Quality of Caring", March, 2006, Mayo Clinic
http://download.journals.elsevie ... 025619611614559.pdf
(注:此文由天堂小鱼于2013年2月20日发表于新浪博客) |