本帖最后由 鬼才 于 2011-12-23 11:00 编辑
The efficacy of a hand wash depends on the time taken and the technique. Unfortunately, this period is usually rather (too?) short in normal hospital work. The average duration was reported by several authors to be between 8 and 20 seconds. This period of time, however, does not include the additional time needed to approach and return from the washplace. Therefore, the complete process takes considerably longer. In fact, it has been measured to take 40 to 80 seconds. effectively the release of transient bacteria from artificially contaminated hands can be reduced by hand washing. The greatest reduction is achieved Within the first 30 seconds; it ranges between 0.6 and 1.1 log after 15 seconds and between 1.8 and 2.8 log at the end of 30 seconds. Extending the washing time to 1 minute results in reductions of 2.7 to 3.0 log. A further prolongation of the procedure is not worth the effort, because after 2 minutes the reduction increases negligibly to only 3.3 log and after 4 minutes to only 3.7 log. 洗手的有效性取决于所采取的时间和技术。不幸的是,通常在正常的医院工作中应用较短的(?)时间洗手。据报道一些作者的平均时间是8至20秒。当然,这一段时间,不包括额外的去洗手处来返的时间。因此,完整的过程需要相当长的时间。事实上,它已被测量,从40~80秒。可以通过有效地洗手减少释放来自手人为污染的短暂细菌。在前30秒钟达到最大的减少;在15秒内菌落的对数值在0.6~0.4之间,30秒后达1.8~2.8,延长洗涤时间1分钟,结果减少2.7~3.0个对数值,一个洗涤操作时间的进一步延长是无意义的,一次洗涤延长2分钟,仅能减少3.3个对数值,4分钟仅减少3.7个对数值。 这里所说的洗手仅指肥皂洗手,不包括酒精擦手。