A multicenter comparison of tap water versus sterile saline for wound irrigation.
作者: Moscati RM;Mayrose J;Reardon RF;Janicke DM;Jehle DV ;
出处: Acad Emerg Med.2007V14N5 :404-9
Keywords:wound irrigation;tap water;saline;infections
ObjectivesTo compare wound infection rates for irrigation with tap water versus sterile saline before closure of wounds in the emergency department.
MethodsThe study was a multicenter, prospective, randomized trial conducted at two Level 1 urban hospitals and a suburban community hospital. Subjects were a convenience sample of adults presenting with acute simple lacerations requiring sutures or staples. Subjects were randomized to irrigation in a sink with tap water or with normal saline using a sterile syringe. Wounds were closed in the standard fashion. Subjects were asked to return to the emergency department for suture removal. Those who did not return were contacted by telephone. Wounds were considered infected if there was early removal of sutures or staples, if there was irrigation and drainage of the wound, or if the subject needed to be placed on antibiotics. Equivalence of the groups was met if there was less than a doubling of the infection rate.
ResultsA total of 715 subjects were enrolled in the study. Follow-up data were obtained on 634 (88%) of enrolled subjects. Twelve (4%) of the 300 subjects in the tap water group had wound infections, compared with 11 (3.3%) of the 334 subjects in the saline group. The relative risk was 1.21 (95% confidence interval = 0.5 to 2.7).
ConclusionsEquivalent rates of wound infection were found using either irrigant. The results of this multicenter trial evaluating tap water as an irrigant agree with those from previous single institution trials.
A total of 715 subjects were enrolled in the study. There were 377 subjects enrolled at Erie County Medical Center from June 1999 to August 2003, 216 subjects enrolled at Hennepin County Medical Center from August 1999 to December 2000, and 122 subjects enrolled at Millard Fillmore Suburban Hospital between September 2000 and December 2002.
伊利县医疗中心:伊利县(Erie County, Pennsylvania)是美国宾夕法尼亚州西北部的一个县,地处美国东北部著名五大淡水湖群的伊利湖畔。属美国东海岸大陆性气候。
It has been proven that wounds become infected when they contain more than 105(5是上标) bacteria per gram of tissue.Drinking-quality TW contains an insufficient number of bacteria to cause wound infection. The few bacteria isolated from TW are not skin pathogens.This makes it unlikely that exposure to TW would itself cause infection.