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 楼主| 发表于 2011-11-28 12:29 | 显示全部楼层

A: 美语训练班上课啦!我是杨林!

B:我是Jessica! 杨林,让我来告诉大家今天的节目内容,怎么样?

A:没问题,go ahead!

B: 今天,我们要去打拳击 - boxing!, 回顾经典美剧--六人行, 谈谈换工作的事儿,还要告诉大家用美语怎么说“电灯泡”。

A: 电灯泡是light bulb,这个大家都知道,我猜,今天我们要教的是那种打扰情侣约会的“电灯泡”,对不对?

B: You'll have to listen and find out. 现在,咱们还是先来学个词儿吧!

Learn a word Career Path

今天我们要学的词是career path. Career is spelled c-a-r-e-e-r, career; and path, p-a-t-h, path; career path. Career path 职业生涯。求职顾问建议大家尝试不同种类的工作。Having a nonlinear career path can make you more interesting to potential employers. 有非直线职业生涯的人在雇人老板眼里更有吸引力。According to a new study by the UK Office for National Statistics, the birth month of infants can indicate what career path they will take in the future. 英国国家统计局的一项研究发现,出生月份将决定一个人未来的职业发展方向。好的,今天我们学习的词是 career path, career path, career path.

B:So the month in which I was born will affect the kind of job I have in the future? That's interesting!

A: 对啊。Jessica, 你是几月份生的?

B:February. So what does that say about my career path?

A: 恭喜,According to the study, 二月出生的人最可能成为艺术家!

B: Wow! that's nice!

A: 你说这和星座有关么?我不是特相信这些东西。

B: I don't know, but sometimes the predictions do come true, and when they do, it boggles the mind!

A: Boggle the mind? 你又说到大家听不懂的词了,咱们快来教一下吧!

Word and idioms: boggle the mind

女:各位听众,现在播送<美国习惯用语>第 944讲。我是晓北。

M:我是 Douglas Johnson.

女:那天我去看微雕,真的很厉害!小小的一块木头上雕刻了整整一本红楼梦! 太不可思议了! 真的惊叹于雕刻师的精湛手艺。这让我想到一个习惯用语:

M: Boggle the mind. Boggle is spelled b-o-g-g-l-e, and mind; m-i-n-d. Boggle-the-mind. Boggle the mind.

女: boggle本身有吃惊的意思,而mind是思想,头脑。Boggle the mind, 意思就是“令人惊叹的”。雕刻师在小小的一块木头上雕了整整一本书,令人惊叹! 这换了我绝对不行。我们再来看一个例子。大家都知道最初计算机非常沉笨,而现在电脑做得越来越轻便,像最新的I-pad 2 还不到80克! 让我们来听听这令人惊叹的科技进步:

M: "Fifty years ago, the fastest computers ever made took up the space of a football field. Their many vacuum tubes and mechanical parts required constant maintenance. Amazingly, the computing devices we now hold in our hands can do so much more in only a fraction of the time. That BOGGLES THE MIND."


女:这确实令人惊叹。想想我们现在不以为然的很多东西,摩天大楼,超音速飞机,基因工程,都是令人惊叹的人类发明。50年前,谁能想到现代社会根本就离不开电脑呢? 好,让我们再来听听刚才那段话:

M: "Fifty years ago, the fastest computers ever made took up the space of a football field. Their many vacuum tubes and mechanical parts required constant maintenance. Amazingly, the computing devices we now hold in our hands can do so much more in only a fraction of the time. That BOGGLES THE MIND."

女:Boggle the mind. 令人惊叹的。 在下面这个例子里,Linda 在事业上取得了令人惊叹的成就。而她的同事George 却有别的看法。让我们来听听看:

M:" George was shocked when Linda became his supervisor. She seemed to lack any of the necessary skills to manage employees. Her reports were often inaccurate and she did nothing to improve productivity. How she ever got her promotion BOGGLED HIS MIND. She must have known somebody important at the factory."


女: 在乔治眼里,没有实际能力的琳达能够晋升令他吃惊。Boggle his mind。大家注意,在boggle the mind 中,我们可以把"the"换成任何人称代词,boggle sb's mind, 令某人吃惊。在这里,George was so baffled by Linda's promotion that it boggled his mind. 琳达的神秘升职令乔治吃惊。好,我们再来听听刚才那段话:

M:" George was shocked when Linda became his supervisor. She seemed to lack any of the necessary skills to manage employees. Her reports were often inaccurate and she did nothing to improve productivity. How she ever got her promotion BOGGLED HIS MIND. She must have known somebody important at the factory."

女:各位听众,今天我们学习的习惯用语是BOGGLE THE MIND,意思是“令人惊叹的”。好的,这次[美国习惯用语]就到此结束,我是杨琳,我是 Douglas Johnson。谢谢各位的收听。

M: Until next time.


M: This has been Words and Idioms.

B: 杨琳, Let me tell you something that's really mind-boggling: a friend of mine got a Ferrari for her birthday! Isn't that something?


B: Yes! I joined them for a drive. It was fantastic!


B: 哈哈,They don't seem to mind. 不过说到电灯泡,Let's find out how to say it in American English!

How to say it: The third wheel

Donny 在北京学汉语,他的中国朋友要是遇到了不知道用美语怎么说的词,就会来请教他。今天是琼燕要问的:电灯泡。

QY: Happy Friday, Donny! 你今天晚上有什么计划吗?

Donny: Hmm, not yet. What do you have in mind?

QY: Let's go salsa!! 我今晚要跟两个朋友去跳salsa, 可他们俩是一对,我可真不想夹在中间,当大电灯泡--very bright light bulb!

Donny: I see. You don't want to be the third wheel.

QY: The third wheel?

Donny: Yep! Wheel is spelled w-h-e-e-l. The third wheel, 第三个轮子, it's a very colloquial way of saying a third person joining a couple in a social context.

QY: 没错!我就是不想当 the third wheel!

Donny: Exactly, you wouldn't want to bother any love birds, right?

QY: Wait! Love birds? 爱的鸟儿?

Donny:Yep! In English, we often use the word love birds to refer to a couple who are openly affectionate, especially in public. 就是大庭广众之下卿卿我我。你不想打扰这对love birds吧?

QY: 可不是吗!不过这两个人很配!They are a great match!

Donny: Oh that's nice! You can also say, they are a match made in heaven.

QY: A match made in heaven? 那不就是中文里说的天生一对嘛!

Donny: There you go! Since you don't want to be the third wheel, I will go with you! But first, let's see what you learned today!

QY: 第一:电灯泡叫做:the third wheel;

第二,如胶似漆的情侣 ,可以说 love birds;

第三,"天生一对"是,a match made in heaven.

A: A match made in heaven 天生一对儿。不过,虽说缘分天注定,有时也得寻觅好多年才能碰上合适的人。

B:That's okay as long as you find the one. The process itself will teach you what love really is. Don't you think so?

A:You're right! 而且这个过程越曲折,爱情故事就越动人。电视剧就是这么编出来的。

B: Speaking of TV shows, let's listen to GoEnglish. Today, Will and Jane will talk about my favorite sitcom, Friends.

GoEnglish: TV intermediate


Winnie:: Will 和 Jane在约会时聊天,谈到了"sitcom", 也就是situation comedy - 情景喜剧。

Professor: Hey Winnie, have you ever watched any American sitcoms?

Winnie:: 我以前看过Friends--“六人行”,这算是个sitcom吧?

Professor: That's right! Now let's see what sitcoms Will and Jane like to watch.

Will: So Jane, I know that you like watching reality TV. But what about sitcoms?

Jane: I used to watch Friends religiously! I cried when it went off the air in 2004.

Will: Oh yeah, Friends was a really popular sitcom. But wasn't it pretty unrealistic? None of the characters worked very often, but they had a huge apartment in New York city.

Jane: Who cares? Sitcoms are supposed to be funny. They're not supposed to be like real life.

Winnie:: 原来,Jane也是“六人行”的粉丝! 她说得对,sitcom追求的是搞笑、好玩儿,谁会在乎情节的真实性啊! 对了,professor, Jane说她以前 watch Friends “religiously”,这是什么意思呢?

Professor: It means she was very serious about watching the show.

Winnie:: 哦,我明白了,如果做什么事情是本着“religiously”的态度,就表明你是雷打不动,一直在很认真地做。Jane看“六人行”一定是集集不落! 她还说,2004年这个节目 went off the air--“停播”的时候,她都哭了!

Professor: Exactly! Winnie, the opposite of "off the air" is "on the air". You could say that Friends was so popular that it was able to stay on the air for 10 seasons.

Winnie:: 哦,off the air的反义词是on the air, 也就是“播出”的意思。

Will: Why did you like Friends so much? Did you think it was really funny?

Jane: Yeah, it was really funny, but it also had a great storyline. All the different episodes were part of the same plot.

Will: That's true. I also thought that the dialogue was really good too.

Jane: Oh yeah, the dialogue was great. I thought everything the characters said to one another was really funny.

Professor: So Winnie, what did Jane like so much about Friends?

Winnie:: 她说,“六人行”的storyline--“故事情节”特别好。每集的内容相互联系,使整个节目有one plot--一个完整的故事埂概。

Professor: That's right! But Will has a different reason for liking the show, right?

Winnie:: 对,Will喜欢里面的dialogue--对话,觉得这些对话特别好玩儿!

Will: The other thing that made Friends so good was the cast. All the actors were perfect for their characters.

Jane: Oh yeah, the casting was really great. The actor who played Ross did a great job. He was hilarious!

Will: Really? I didn't think he was the funniest. My favorite character was Joey.

Jane: Joey was pretty good, but not as funny as Ross. And the relationship between Ross and Rachel was really romantic too.

Will: It was kind of romantic, but it got old.

Winnie:: Will 和Jane都觉得“六人行”的cast--演员阵容选得好。

Professor: That's right. But what does Will say about the relationship between Ross and Rachel on the show?

Winnie:: Will说,Ross和Rachel的恋爱的确挺浪漫的,可后来就got old了。Professor, 这是不是说这些情节老演老演,就变得没劲了?

Professor: Right. It means the plot lost its original appeal because it is too long or gets repeated too many times. For example, "When I first heard Craig's joke, I thought it was funny. But after he told it 10 times, it got old."

Jane: What about you, Will? Do you like sitcoms?

Will: Not anymore. Ever since the series finale of Friends, I haven't found any other sitcoms that I really like.

Jane: Really? So what kinds of programs do you watch on TV now?

Will: Lately, I've gotten really into more serious shows, like crime dramas.

Winnie: 啊?自从“六人行”的series finale--“大结局”播完后,Will 就再也没找到好看的sitcom?!

Professor: That's right. Winnie, you can use the word "finale" in other contexts. For example, at the end of the Olympics there is always a big finale with lots of fireworks.

Winnie: 奥运会闭幕式也可以叫“finale.”Will 说,他现在喜欢看crime dramas, 这又是什么节目呢?

Professor: Listen next time to find out!

A:我也是“六人行”的粉丝呢,I used to follow it religiously!

B:So did I!


B: We all want to live the lives portrayed on TV.


B:I understand that. We need some change once in a while.

A: 说到改变,咱们来听下面的礼节美语,看看Lisa对自己的生活有什么新计划。

Business Etiquette: Looking for a change I


Emily: Hey Lisa...want to grab lunch with me?

Lisa: Sure, Emily. We haven't done that in a while.

E: Yeah...actually, we haven't hung out at all recently. You seem sort of under the weather. Is there something going on?

L: Well, keep this under your hat, but I think I'm going to quit after New Year.

Emily问Lisa要不要一起吃饭,她在这里用的动词是 grab, g-r-a-b, grab, grab lunch 是一种口语里常用的说法,意思是随便买点午饭吃,也可以说 to grab something to eat. 听上去,Lisa跟Emily很久没一起吃饭聊天了,we haven't hung out at all recently. to hang out 意思是跟朋友待在一起,Emily还说Lisa看上去sort of under the weather似乎有点不舒服,问她怎么回事。Lisa告诉Emily, 自己新年过后可能要辞职,但要Emily暂时保密,keep this under your hat. To keep something under one's hat 意思是保守秘密,不要告诉别人。Emily听到这个消息感到很突然。

E: Quit this company? Oh...wow.

L: I know I should be pretty happy here, but I'm not finding the kind of job satisfaction I need. I'm a good graphic designer...

E: One of the best in the company.

L: That's kind of you to say. But...the stuff we do here hasn't really challenged me very much at all.

E: Oh, I get it. Simply put: you're bored, huh?

L: That's one way of putting it. For me, a job needs to stimulate my brain, otherwise it becomes a daily drudgery.

MC: Lisa是公司里最好的图像设计师之一, 目前这份工作对她没有挑战性,simply put 简单地说,她觉得现在的工作很无聊。put, p-u-t, put 在这里意思是说出来,表达出来,上面两人的对话里还有 that's one way of putting it. 也是同样用法,意思是“可以这么说”。Lisa说,她需要一份能让她兴奋起来的工作,否则的话,工作就变成了a daily drudgery, drudgery is spelled d-r-u-d-g-e-r-y, drudgery, drudgery 意思是无聊乏味的工作。

L: Another thing is that I don't feel there is a decent chance of promotion. I've been here for three years and I'm doing the exact same thing at the exact same salary.

E: That's true...salaries have been frozen for a while and I hear next year it's the same story.

L: I'm finding that I spend a lot of time at work just sitting at my cubicle daydreaming or wasting time. I can's sleep on Sunday nights because I know I have to go back to work the next day.

E: Wow...it sounds like you're suffering from serious job dissatisfaction. I guess you really do need a change.

Lisa还说,想辞职的另外一个原因是觉得没有升职的机会,There isn't a decent chance of promotion. Emily 表示赞成,因为工资已经有一段时间没涨了,而且她听说,next year it's the same story. 明年也是一样。Lisa说,有时候上班就是在自己的小隔间 cubicle 里发愣,浪费时间,星期天晚上一想到第二天早上还要去上班,就睡不着觉。看来,Lisa真是得换份工作了。

A:工作中觉得无聊、不如意是常事,不过要是像Lisa这样suffer from serious job dissatisfaction, 那可能就真要考虑换个环境了。

B:Right. It seems like her current job is a dead-end position--no promotion, no pay raise and no fun.

A: 对啊,这样的工作等于是在一天天混日子,浪费时间。不做也罢! 好了,咱们下面换个话题,看场拳击比赛吧!

American Sports English: boxing

P: Hey Yang Chen, Let's go bowling.

Y: 我不会打保龄球。

P: Well don't worry, you are in good hands. I'll teach you how to bowl.

Y:那你可要耐心点儿。Be very patient with me.

P: No problem. First you need to learn how to hold the bowling ball.

Well, first hold the ball in your left hand.

Y: Whoa, 好重啊,差点闪了我的腰。

P: It's not that heavy. Well, now put the first and second fingers of your right had in the top two holes and your thumb in the bottom hole.

Y: OK, Patrick, I'm ready! Now what do I do?

P: Walk up to the line at the top of the bowling lane with the ball and center yourself in the lane.

Y: Okay, 站到bowling lane保龄球道中间。

P: Now, hold the ball with your right hand only. Swing it behind you, and then swing it forward and let it go.

Y: Here it goes! (Thud of ball on the lane sound of going in the gutter).

P: Oh No, Yang Chen. Your ball went into the gutter.

Y: A gutter?

P: Yep, those long troughs on both sides of the bowling lane are gutters G-U-T-T-E-R-S. And when your ball goes in the gutter it is called a gutter ball.

Y: 保龄球掉到旁边的沟里,就叫gutter ball沟球。

P: And since you didn't hit anything, you don't get any points, but you do get another chance.

Y: Okay, let me try again. 我再来一次。(Sound of ball hitting lane and going in the gutter) Rats! I got another gutterball.

P: It is pretty common to get gutterballs when you first start bowling. You just need practice.

Y: Okay, then let me try again. (Sound of ball hitting lane and going into gutter). Aiya! 又一个gutter ball!

P: Practice makes perfect!

A: 原来,在拳击比赛中扔毛巾就是认输。Throw the towel 就指放弃,承认失败。

B: Let me teach you another expression that comes from boxing, to throw one's hat in the ring! It means to announce that you intend to compete for something.

A:哦,to throw one's hat in the ring, 把帽子扔进赛场里,就表示要参与竞争。

B: 没错。For example, I threw my hat in the ring and became a candidate for the Student Council President.

A: 你竞选学生会主席,我支持你!

B: 哈哈,thanks, but I'm not really running for that position. I'm not interested in politics.


B: Exactly! That's my true calling!

A: 好了,今天节目时间差不多了,这次节目的撰稿人是晓北,编辑是蔚然,同学们,咱们下次的美语训练班节目再见!

B: Bye!


使用道具 举报

 楼主| 发表于 2011-11-29 12:41 | 显示全部楼层
B:Hello, everyone! This is American English Mosaic! 我是Jessica!


B: 杨林,介绍一下今天的节目吧!

A:好!今天,我们要去打保龄球, 聊聊受大家欢迎的电视节目, 抱怨一下对公司和领导的不满,还要告诉大家用美语怎么说“跑龙套的”。

B: 不过咱们还是先花一分钟,学一个词儿!

Learn a word Announce

今天我们要学的词是announce. Announce is spelled a-n-n-o-u-n-c-e, announce. Announce, 宣布。苹果公司宣布iPhone5即将上市。Apple announced that it will be introducing the new features of the iPhone 5 on October 4th. 苹果公司宣布,10月4日正式介绍iPhone 5的新功能。After months of speculation, Amazon announced it's new Kindle Fire, a tablet with a $199 price tag. 经过数月的等待,亚马逊公司宣布,平板电脑Kindle Fire即将上市,售价199美元。U.S. insurance companies announced that health care benefit costs will go up 5.4% next year. 美国的保险业公司宣布,明年的健康保险费用将上涨5.4%。好的,今天我们学习的词是announce, announce, announce.

A: 苹果和亚马逊都够忙乎的,现在新产品发布的消息真是此起彼伏。

B: Well, they need to keep consumers excited. That's how they lure you into their stores and make you spend money.

A: 没错!新产品总是能激起大家的购买欲。

B: Actually, in this sluggish economy, companies have to go out of their ways to stimulate consumer spending.

A: 是啊,不是都说刺激消费就能让经济复苏么!用咱们下面要教的短语来说,就是 Consumer spending will help the market bounce back,对不对?

B: That's right. Now let's listen to Words and Idioms!

Word and idioms: bounce back

女:各位听众,现在播送<美国习惯用语>第 945讲。我是杨琳。

M:我是 Douglas Johnson.


M:Bounce back. Bounce is spelled b-o-u-n-c-e, and back; b-a-c-k. Bounce-back.

女: Bounce 这个词本身是“弹回”的意思,而Bounce back作为一个词组意思是“恢复原状,复苏”。我们可以说,This region starts to bounce back after the oil disaster. 这个地区在漏油灾难之后渐渐恢复过来。Bounce back 也可以用来形容人。我们来听听下面这个例句:

M: "Grandma's fall on the ice last winter resulted in a badly broken leg. She spent months in a cast. Then she underwent weeks of physical therapy. Now her doctors say that she can resume normal activities. Nobody could be happier than Grandma that she's finally BOUNCED BACK."


女:是啊。老人身体恢复健康不容易。去年我爷爷得了感冒,足足过了两个月才痊愈。My grandpa finally bounced back after two months of coughing. 我爷爷的咳嗽足足两个月才好。 好,让我们再来听听上面那段话。

M: "Grandma's fall on the ice last winter resulted in a badly broken leg. She spent months in a cast. Then she underwent weeks of physical therapy. Now her doctors say that she can resume normal activities. Nobody could be happier than Grandma that she's finally BOUNCED BACK."

女:其实,Bounce back 除了指身体恢复健康以外,也可以指情绪上,情感上的恢复。在下面这个例子里,我们来听听Carlos跟女朋友分手后做了什么:

M: "Some guys have a hard time getting over a break-up with a girlfriend. That's not the case with Carlos. He doesn't get depressed or become withdrawn. In fact, no sooner does he end one relationship than he begins another. He BOUNCES BACK quickly. "


女: 这也太快了吧! 或许是卡洛斯提出分手的。He doesn't need a lot of time to bounce back after the breakup. 他分手之后很快就能恢复过来。我们看到,bounce back可以用来形容很多种情况,比如说: 财政困难之后的经济恢复,身体复原,或者情感上的恢复。好,我们再来听听刚才那段话:

M: "Some guys have a hard time getting over a break-up with a girlfriend. That's not the case with Carlos. He doesn't get depressed or become withdrawn. In fact, no sooner does he end on relationship than he begins another. He BOUNCES BACK quickly. "

女:各位听众,今天我们学习的习惯用语是Bounce Back,意思是“恢复原状,复苏”。好的,这次[美国习惯用语]就到此结束,

A:说到bounce back, 前几天我看杂志,说到一个几年前在拍戏时被烧伤的女演员,现在终于复出了,真令人感动──The actress' story of bouncing back from the horrible accident is so inspiring!

B: I'm so happy for her!


B: 跑龙套? You have to explain to me what that means.


How to say it: Extra

Donny 在北京学中文,他的中国朋友要是遇到了不知道用美语怎么说的词,就会来请教他。今天是吴琼要问的:跑龙套/群众演员。

Donny: Hey,吴琼,did you watch the 2008 Beijing Olympics Opening Ceremony?

WQ: Yes, I did. What about you?

Donny:No, but I heard it was awesome. Did you like it?

WQ: 嗯,我挺喜欢的,但是我真替那些跑龙套的觉得累。

Donny: 跑龙套的?you mean the extras or the walk-ons?

WQ: 对, 就是参加表演,但镜头不多的群众演员。还真挺形象的,extra--多余的,walk-on--在台上走来走去的,就是跑龙套的。

Donny: Exactly, but they are very important, as well.

WQ: 赚钱少,工作时间又长,真的很辛苦,而且他们中很多人其实都很多才多艺。

Donny: You're right. As a matter of fact, many famous actors started out as extras.

WQ: 没错,很多大腕儿都是从跑龙套开始。对了,"大腕儿" 美语怎么说?

Donny: 大腕儿是 Big Shot. B-I-G, big, S-H-O-T, shot, big-shot.

WQ: Big shot! 这个好记。唉,我也好想当明星啊!可是以我这样的条件,最多也只能当个替身。那 Donny,替身又该怎么说呢?

Donny: 替身是 "stunt-double." Stunt-doubles are used when special skills are needed for a performance, for example, playing the piano, dancing or car racing.

WQ: stunt是特技,所以 stunt-double 就是替身。糟糕,这些特技我一个都不会,看来,我连替身演员 stunt-double 都做不成!

Donny: 别这么说,你可以跟我学好美语,做为你的才艺啊!Now let's see what you've learned today.

WQ: 第一,跑龙套的/群众演员是extra 或者walk-on.

第二,大腕儿是 big shot.

第三,替身是 stunt-double.

这次的“美语怎么说”就到这里了。如果你也有不会说的词,请写信给Donny, 电邮请寄meiyu@voanews.com

A: 没错,a lot of big shots started as extras. 好多大明星都是从跑龙套开始的!现在看老电影,经常能发现成名前的大明星在里面演路人甲什么的。

B:Some of them also started as stunt doubles.

A:对!我觉得替身演员比跑龙套的更不容易,他们经常做些危险的事。If you asked me to choose, I'd choose to be an extra, not a stunt double.

B:What if I asked you to be an extra, but you had to play a dead body?


B: But what if I told you this was for CSI?


B: Haha, I bet a lot of people would love to be seen on CSI!


GoEnglish: TV Advanced


Professor: Will and Jane are on a date and talking about what kind of TV shows they like to watch, and it so happens that Will loves TV crime dramas.

Winnie: Crime drama 就是“侦破片”,Professor Bowman, 我听说最近几年,crime drama 已经是美国最受欢迎的电视剧了。这是为什么呢?

Professor: Let's see what Will and Jane have to say about it.

Jane: So Will, you really like crime dramas, huh? Why are you so into them?

Will: I really want to become a lawyer one day, so I think watching shows like "Law and Order" is pretty good preparation for my future career.

Jane: Oh come on .... that show is so boring. Each show has the same plot. The police arrest someone for a crime, and then he goes to trial.

Will: No way! It's totally interesting the way it shows how the American justice system works. If it were so boring, why would there be so many spinoffs?

Jane: Well that's one thing we can agree on. There are definitely a lot of cookie-cutter spinoffs.

Winnie: "Law and Order"--“法律与秩序”, 讲的是警察侦破罪案,法庭审案的故事。Will喜欢看这个片子,因为他可以从中学到关于美国司法系统的一些知识。

Professor: That's right. Will likes it, but what does Jane think about the show?

Winnie: Jane觉得这片子没意思。不过,Will说,如果这片子不吸引人,就不会有那么多spinoffs--仿照它所拍的同类型电视剧了。

Professor: Exactly. You know, you can call other things spinoffs too. For example, "The new Italian restaurant was so popular that there were soon three other spinoffs, all exactly the same, on the same block. "

Winnie: 对了,Jane还用到了cookie cutter这个词,cookie cutter就是做饼干时切面的模子。Professor, 在这里,cookie cutter 是不是指“千篇一律的东西”呢?

Professor: Yes! For example, I could say that I never believe my students when they give me cookie-cutter excuses for why they didn't do their homework, like saying that their dog ate it.

Jane: Well what are some of the other crime dramas you like?

Will: Do you know the show Crime Scene Investigation? We usually call it CSI. It's about a team of police

investigators solving crimes in Las Vegas.

Jane: Sure, I've heard of CSI. What other shows do you like?

Will: There are lots of other great crime dramas. There is also CSI New York and CSI Miami.

Jane: Will ... can't you see that those are all the same show! They just happen in different cities!

Will: No way! They're all totally different. And besides, they all get really good ratings and rave reviews.

Winnie: CSI--“犯罪现场调查”,也是个非常红的电视剧! 后来的CSI New York 和CSI Miami就是最初那版CSI的spinoffs.

Professor: That's right. But what does Will say?

Winnie: 他说,这些电视剧都得到了good ratings--高收视率,还有rave reviews--非常好的评论。

Professor: That's right, Winnie. The word "rave" is often used as a verb, meaning to praise something highly.

Winnie: rave 通常是动词,意思是“极力赞扬”。您能举个例子吗?

Professor: Well, I decided to take my next vacation in Greece after my sister came back from her visit there raving about how great it was.

Will: You know, all this talk reminds me that CSI Miami is coming on pretty soon. Do you mind if I cut our date short so I can get home to watch it?

Jane: You want to end our date early just so you can go home and watch TV? Was the last episode a real cliffhanger, and you have to see tonight's episode?

Will: Yeah! I can't wait to get home so I can see the sequel.

Jane: Well I hope you enjoy it, Will, because there will definitely not be a sequel to this date!

Winnie: Will居然要提前结束约会,赶回家看今晚播出的CSI Miami?我看这只是个借口吧! 不过,Professor, Jane提到一个词--cliffhanger,这是什么意思?

Professor: A "cliffhanger" is a chapter of a book or an episode of a TV show that ends without resolving the plot.

Winnie: 哦,我明白了,cliffhanger这个词由两个部分组成:cliff--悬崖,hanger--悬挂物,所以,cliffhanger就好比是有人在悬崖边,命悬一线! 指的是书和电视中那种有悬念、令人紧张的情节!

A:现在电视剧都爱跟风,If one show gets high ratings and rave reviews, the market will be flooded with cookie-cutter spinoffs.

B:没错! That's why original ideas are so precious.


B: That's very true! Now let's listen to "Business Etiquette". Lisa is complaining that her good ideas are not taken seriously by the company.

Business Etiquette: Looking for a change II


Lisa: The other problem is that I think the company is really set in its ways.

Emily: What do you mean?

L: In other words, I think management is resistant to change. I've given great proposals to my section chief and I've even sent emails with ideas on how to streamline operations to the big boss, but the reaction is always the same.

E: What do they say when you offer suggestions?

L: Usually something like: "We'll take a look and get back to you." But that's the last I'll ever hear from them.

Lisa 还觉得公司运作墨守成规,set in one's ways 是指生活方式或做事方法一成不变,类似的说法还有 stuck in a rut, rut is spelled r-u-t, rut 是指车轱辘留下的印儿,to stuck in a rut 陷在车轱辘印里,也是墨守成规,一成不变的意思。Lisa 说自己向部门经理和公司老板提出过很多好建议,但都没有得到重视。得到的回答一般都是:We'll take a look and get back to you. 我们看一下再答复你,然后就再也没有任何消息了。

E: So, do you have any job prospects lined up?

L: I've been sending out resumes and I've gotten a couple of bites.

E: I see....so you've pretty much made up your mind to quit then?

L: I think so. I'll miss seeing you everyday.

E: I'll miss you, too. Can I make a suggestion?

L: Sure!

E: Don't burn any bridges when you make your move.

L: What do you mean?

Emily问她工作找得怎么样了,Do you have any job prospects lined up? Lisa说自己发了一些简历,已经有一些公司对她表示有兴趣了,I've gotten a couple of bite. bite, b-i-t-e, bite 在这里是上钩的意思,意思是她的简历已经引起了一些公司的兴趣。看起来Lisa去意已定,Emily好心地建议Lisa, Don't burn any bridges. 辞职的时候不要把事做绝,最后给自己留条后路。Emily进一步解释说:

E: I mean, don't tell the boss you hate your job or him. Simply inform them that you plan to resign from your position and do your best to train your replacement. That way, this company can remain a back-up option for you.

L: You make a good point. I'll try to be as professional about this as possible. Thanks Emily! Talking to you makes me feel much better.

E: Sure! Now let's eat!

Emily劝Lisa不要burn any bridges 断了自己的后路,不用告诉老板对公司有多不满意,而且还要 do your best to train your replacement 尽力把交接工作做好,这里所说的replacement 指的是接替Lisa工作的那个人。Emily说,这样的话,现在的公司还能是Lisa的候补选项 back-up option. Lisa觉得Emily这番话很有道理,并保证自己在处理这件事的时候,I'll try to be as professional as possible. 这里的professional是专业的,as professional as possible意思是尽可能按照职场的惯例去做。

A:Don't burn your bridges 这句话说得好,We all need back-up plans,得给自己留条后路。

B: Well, that maybe true, but sometimes you need to burn the bridges and put yourself against the wall, and only by that way you can fully committed into doing something.

A:你是说自己断了后路,背水一战?That's too risky! Don't be too hard on yourself!

B:No pains no gains!

A:好了,咱们别争论了! 还是轻松一下吧,Now let's go bowling!

ASE: bowling

P: Hey Yang Chen, Let's go bowling.


Y: 我不会打保龄球。

P: Well don't worry, you are in good hands. I'll teach you how to bowl.

Y:那你可要耐心点儿。Be very patient with me.

P: No problem. First you need to learn how to hold the bowling ball. Well, first hold the ball in your left hand.


Y: Whoa, 好重啊,差点闪了我的腰。


P: It's not that heavy. Well, now put the first and second fingers of your right had in the top two holes and your thumb in the bottom hole.


Y: OK, Patrick, I'm ready! Now what do I do?

P: Walk up to the line at the top of the bowling lane with the ball and center yourself in the lane.

Y: Okay, 站到bowling lane保龄球道中间。


P: Now, hold the ball with your right hand only. Swing it behind you, and then swing it forward and let it go.


Y: Here it goes!

P: Oh No, Yang Chen. Your ball went into the gutter.

Y: A gutter?

P: Yep, those long troughs on both sides of the bowling lane are gutters G-U-T-T-E-R-S. And when your ball goes in the gutter it is called a gutter ball.

Y: 保龄球掉到旁边的沟里,就叫gutter ball沟球。

P: And since you didn't hit anything, you don't get any points, but you do get another chance.

Y: Okay, let me try again. 我再来一次。(Sound of ball hitting lane and going in the gutter) Rats! I got another gutterball.

P: It is pretty common to get gutterballs when you first start bowling. You just need practice.

Y: Okay, then let me try again. (Sound of ball hitting lane and going into gutter). Aiya! 又一个gutter ball!

P: Practice makes perfect!


B: 多练练就没事啦!

A: But it's so embarrassing!

B:If you're afraid of losing face, you can practice bowling at home. For example, you can play blowing video games.

A:在家里用保龄球游戏模拟练习,这个主意好!Do you want to join me?

B: Sure!


B: Bye!


使用道具 举报

 楼主| 发表于 2011-12-1 12:58 | 显示全部楼层
A: 又到了学美语的时间了!大家好,欢迎收听美语训练班!我是杨琳!

B: 我是CAT!杨琳,今天我们教什么呢?

A: 今天,咱们要看看被出租车司机忽悠时该怎么办, 要尝试刺激的跳台滑雪,要聊聊买车, 还要告诉大家怎么用美语说“路痴”和“新手”。

B: 新手是"newbie," 这个我们以前教过了吧?

A: 没错,今天咱们教另外一种说法。不过,节目一开始,咱们还是先来学个词儿!

Learn A Word #1355 Off the charts

今天我们要学的词是off the charts. Off is spelled o-f-f; and charts, c-h-a-r-t-s, charts; off the charts. Chart 是表格的意思,off the charts,不在表格上了,意思是超常。The band's popularity among teenagers is off the charts. 这个乐队特别受青少年欢迎。研究发现,医护人员容易患抑郁症,因为他们工作时间不规律,而且 Their stress levels can be off the charts. 他们承受的压力也过大。我们还可以把这三个词用hyphen, 连字符连接起来,作为形容词。比如:The Washington Redskins are having an off-the-charts season。美国首都华盛顿的橄榄球队红人队这个赛季表现特别好。好的,今天我们学习的词是off the charts, off the charts, off the charts.

A: 我家附近新开了一个泰国饭馆,Its food is totally off the charts! 哪天咱们一起去吃!

B:That's great! I love Thai food! As a matter of fact, I just bought some cooking books and now I'm learning to make Thai food by myself.

A: 在家钻研做泰国菜? 你太贤惠了!

B: 不是,我只是嘴馋嘛!

A: 那什么时候能尝尝你的手艺啊?

B: I'm not there yet. 我还是个新手,做得不好。

A: 诶呀,你太谦虚了。不过说到“新手”,咱们来听今天的流行美语!

Popular American: shoot hoops, rookie

各位听众,现在播送《流行美语》。Larry 和李华要放三天长假,他们正在计划假期的安排。李华会学到两个常用语:shoot hoops 和 rookie.

LL: I can't believe we have a three-day weekend. I haven't had a break from school for so long.

LH: 是啊,要放假了,一定得好好玩玩。

LL: What are you planning on doing over the long summer?

LH: 不知道啊,不过,今天放学后我和 Tracy 要去吃饭,看电影,你要不要一起来?

LL: Sorry Li Hua. I have plans tonight. I'm going to shoot hoops with Jeffrey and Tom.

LH: Shoot hoops? 那是什么?

LL: Shoot hoops is a casual way of saying to play basketball.

LH: 喔~原来to shoot hoops 就是去打篮球。

LL: Yes. In basketball, the main goal is to shoot hoops. If you are only playing basketball with friends or alone, in a casual manner, you can say that you are going to shoot hoops.

LH: 我明白了,打篮球主要目的是投篮得分,所以要去打篮球时就说,I'm going to shoot hoops. 那如果我要去踢足球,可以说,I'm going to kick balls 吗?

LL: No, no, no. No one says they're going to kick balls when they're going to play soccer. This way of saying to play a sport is only used in basketball.

LH: 哦,原来只有篮球可以这样说。对了,Larry, our school is going to shoot hoops with our rival school tomorrow. We have to win! 我这样说行吗?

LL: Well, you generally don't say shoot hoops when you are talking about a basketball game or competition. Shoot hoops is only used for casual basketball playing.

LH: 好吧,不过 Larry, 认识你这么久,我好象从来没见你打过篮球,藏而不露嘛!

LL: No, I'm not that good at basketball. I'm just a rookie.

LH: Rookie? What's a rookie? 我那天有个朋友也说自己是投资的 rookie, 我当时就没搞懂他的意思。

LL: Haha. A rookie is a beginner, a person who is new to a field or profession.

LH: 哦,Rookie 是初学者的意思,你说自己篮球打得不怎么样,刚入门,而我那朋友则是在说自己刚开始做投资。

LL: That's right. A rookie can be used to describe any type of beginner. You can be a rookie doctor, a rookie English speaker, or a rookie violinist.

LH: 嗯,那我懂了。Larry is not only rookie at basketball, but is also rookie at driving. 你不光打篮球刚入门,开车也是新手。

LL: What do you mean by that? I've been driving for years!

LH: 没错,你拿到驾照虽然很久了,可你开车的技术还是跟初学者一样,每次坐你的车我都心惊胆颤的。

LL: Well...I'm just not that good at driving. But you didn't use the word rookie correctly. Rookie is a noun; it is a person who is a beginner. However, you used the word as an adjective.

LH: 这么说,rookie 是名词,不能做形容词用,我刚刚的用法不对呀。

LL: It's okay. Try again. Give me another example.

LH: Even though he's a rookie in BASKETBALL, he practices very hard and has become really good at the sport.

LL: That's good. You can also say he's a rookie BASKETBALL player.Or, more simply, he is a BASKETBALL rookie.

LH: 是吗? 可以直接说一个人是 rookie BASKETBALL player 或者 BASKETBALL rookie. 那我懂了。

LL: That's good. Can you give me an example of shoot hoops?

LH: Mmm...有了!The basketball rookie is going to shoot hoops.

LL: Yes, that's right! Hey, you're learning fast.

LH: 那当然,我学习能力很强的,But I think I'm still a rookie English speaker.

LL: Well, it takes time to become good at a language. You're doing really well already.

LH: 是吗? 谢谢啦!

今天李华从Larry那儿学到两个常用语,一个是 shoot hoops, “打篮球”的意思;另一个是 rookie, 是指“初学者”。这次《流行美语》播送完了,谢谢收听,下次节目再见。

B: I'm a rookie at making Thai food.

A: I'm a seasoned Thai food eater!

B:So am I!

A: 不要紧,知道什么好吃是成为大厨的第一步!

B: I hope so!

A: 我期待去你家尝你手艺的那一天!不过,你们家实在太不好找了,我前几次去每次都迷路。

B: No!我家才不难找,是你方向感太差。

A: 呵呵,我承认自己的是个路痴。

B: 那赶紧听听“美语怎么说”吧,We'll teach how to say “路痴”in American English!

How to say it in American English: no sense of direction

Donny 在北京学汉语,他的中国朋友要是遇到了不知道用美语怎么说的词,就会来请教他。今天是琼燕要问的:路痴。

Donny: Hey 琼燕! You went hiking over the weekend, right? How was it?

QY: The view was breathtaking! 我跟朋友去了一个国家公园,可气的是,我们都是路痴,走错了好几回,1个小时的路足足走了3个小时!I'm such a road idiot...

Donny: Road idiot? That's not how we say it! You can say, I have no sense of direction.

QY: 哦,direction 是方向,所以No sense of direction 就是没有方向感--路痴啦!

Donny: Right! People with no sense of direction can easily get lost. 路痴经常迷路。

QY: 这说的不就是我么?下礼拜我们要开车去南京,一定又会迷路....哎,Donny, 你原来是不是在南京住过?

Donny: Yep! I lived in Nanjing for 3 years. I know that city like the back of my hand.

QY: Like the back of your hand? 了如指掌?

Donny: Exactly! It basically means that I know Nanjing really well. You can also say: I know every nook and cranny of Nanjing.

QY: Wait! Every nook and cranny? nook 一定是 n-o-o-k, 那 cranny 要怎么拼呢?

Donny: Cranny is spelled c-r-a-n-n-y. When people say "every nook and cranny," they're talking about every tiny corner and out-of-the-way place.

QY: 我明白了, every nook and cranny 就是所有边边角角,犄角旮旯。对了,既然你对南京这么熟,你一定要跟我们去!这样我们就不会走丢了。

Donny: Sure! I'd love to go back! Now let's see what you've learned today!

QY: 第一:形容路痴可以说:somebody has no sense of direction;

第二,对一个地方了如直掌,是 know somewhere like the back of one's hand; 也可以说 know every nook and cranny of a place.

A: I have absolutely no sense of direction, but you know what, getting lost isn't always a terrible thing!

B: Why?

A: 有时候,迷路了,反而会去一些你平常不会去的地方,有意想不到的收获。

B: You're right. Sometimes getting lost can lead to unexpected adventures.


B: If you're afraid of getting lost on your way to work, you can always take a taxi.

A: 那可不一定,有时候出租车也不靠谱!不信咱们就来听听今天的美语三级跳!

GoEnglish: Commute to work-beginner


MC: Craig 被纽约一家大公司录用,今天第一天上班。他刚搬来纽约不久,对公司周围的路不太熟,为了保险起见,他决定打车去公司--take a taxi。

Professor: Yes, Winnie. But if there is lots of traffic, taking a taxi might be slower than the subway.

MC: 的确,如果路上有lots of traffic--很多车的话,那么,坐subway--地铁,的确比打车更快。让我们一起听 Craig 打车是否顺利。

Driver: Good morning. Where are you headed?

Craig: I'm going to number 250, East 97th Street.

Driver: Which way do you want to go?

Craig: I'm not from New York, so I don't know the way. You decide.

MC: Professor Bowman, 司机问 Craig "where he is headed", 这是什么意思?

Professor: Asking someone where he is headed is a common and casual way to ask him where he is going.

MC: 我明白了,那么Craig在回答的时候,也可以说I'm headed to East 97th Street.

Professor: That's correct.

MC: 不过,我还真有点儿替Craig担心。他居然老实地告诉出租车司机,说自己新来乍道,不认识路。这种乘客很可能被司机 rip off,宰上一刀!

Professor: Well, let's see if your worries are necessary.

Driver: Oh, you don't know where you're going? Well, I know a special shortcut to that address.

Craig: I'm not sure we need a special shortcut. The address isn't very far away.

Driver: Well, it's rush hour right now. If we don't take my shortcut you might be late.

Craig: Hmm.... alright. I guess you know where to go.

Professor:Winnie. Why did the taxi driver say he needs to take the shortcut?

MC: 他说,现在是rush hour--上下班的高峰时段,如果不 take the shortcut--超近道,Craig 就可能会迟到。

Professor: That's right, Winnie. If traffic is really bad, you can say there is a "traffic jam."

But I think the driver sounds quite sketchy.

MC: 没错!我倒要看看这条shortcut能不能省时间!

Craig: Are we there yet? We've been driving for 30 minutes, and it feels like we've been going in circles.

Driver: Don't worry, we'll be there soon.

Craig: But the meter says the fare is already $25 dollars! I'm only going a few blocks. It shouldn't cost so much money.

Driver: Hey, you have to trust me. I'm a professional driver, remember?

MC: Craig 虽然不熟悉纽约,但也知道公司其实并不远。可是,出租车司机开了半个小时还在绕圈子,而且,the meter--计价器,显示,the fare--车钱,已经25块了!

Professor: That's right, Winnie. And remember, in this case the word "fare" is spelled F-A-R-E, not F-A-I-R.

MC: 我记住了。Professor Bowman, 看来我们猜对了,司机是想黑 Craig 的钱。

Craig: Alright, just pull over here and I'll get out. This is the last time I hail a cab.

Driver: What? Why? We're almost there.

Craig: You've been saying that for the past 30 minutes. I'm going to walk.

Driver: Well, at least you got to see a lot of the city. Will you give me a good tip for that?

Craig: A tip? I'm not even paying the fare!

MC: 好样的,Craig! 他明智地让司机停车,决定自己走到公司去。对了,Professor,什么叫hail a cab?

Professor: "Hail a cab" is when you stand on the side of the road and raise your hand to tell the taxis to stop and pick you up.

MC: 哦,就是站在路旁招手叫出租车。Craig说,他以后再也不打车了!对了,Professor,是不是在美国打车时都得给司机 a tip--小费呢?

Professor: Usually you give a tip, but not if he cheats you.

MC: 难怪Craig说,别说小费,他连车钱都不想付! 唉,希望他能顺利地走到公司!

Professor: Listen next time to find out!

B: Poor Craig! He was taken for a ride.

A: Yeah, but he got out of the taxi before the cabbie can take more advantage of him. 如果换成我,可能就不好意思,只能认倒霉挨宰了。

B: 我也是。

A: 所以还是自己开车好! 对了,CAT, you don't drive, do you?

B: No I don't. I live in the city and it's very convenient─everything is within walking distance. So I don't need a car.

A: But there must be some places outside the city where you want to go, right?

B: That's right. In that case, I'll have to ask other people for a ride or get a taxi.

A: 那不是要张嘴求人?要不就是要花很多钱。

B: 对啊。

A: 不如买车吧!来听听今天的“礼节美语”,讲的就是买车的事儿。

Business Etiquette: buying a car I

Chris告诉同事Jason, 准备买辆新车。

Jason: Hey there Chris, what are you up to?

Chris: I'm just poring over some brochures about various car models.

J: Oh, so you're thinking about buying a new car?

C: Yeah, it looks that way. My wife has been bugging me about it. I thought we could probably survive without one, but with a baby on the way, maybe it is time to get a car.

J: So this would be your first automobile?

C: That's right. For quite a few years, I rode a bicycle to work. Then I got a motorbike.

Chris太太怀孕,所以不得不考虑买车。Chris说,my wife has been bugging me about it. 意思是我太太一直在软磨硬泡要说服我,to bug someone是没完没了烦某人的意思,比如说,Stop bugging me. 意思就是别烦我了。这是Chris的第一辆车,他以前都是骑自行车或是骑摩托车上班,但现在 with a baby on the way 眼看就要有孩子了,所以只好考虑买车。Jason表示理解。

J: Yeah, I think I can understand your wife's position. Asking her to ride on a motorcycle when she's pregnant is a tall order.

C: Oh...I don't let her ride with me. It's just too dangerous. She takes the bus to work, but it is sometimes difficult to get a seat and it's crowded and hot.

J: So it's time to buy your very first car! Wow, that's exciting!

C: Yes, but it's also a pretty big financial responsibility.

J: Yeah. I still remember my first car. It was an old clunker that my dad gave me when I turned 17. I drove it around for a couple of years until I scraped together enough money to buy a better secondhand car.

Jason说,让太太挺着大肚子坐Chris的摩托车确实有点强人所难,It's a tall order. tall order 意思是很难完成的任务或要求。Christ解释说,其实太太不坐他的摩托车上班,但是挤公交车也很辛苦,所以才必须买车。Jason说,他的第一辆车是17岁过生日时老爸送的,It was an old clunker. clunker is spelled c-l-u-n-k-e-r, clunker, clunker 是老破车的意思,开了几年后,攒够了钱才自己买了辆稍微像点儿样的 secondhand car 二手车。Chris 说,

C: I'm having a hard time deciding which model is best for us.

J: Yeah, it is a tough call. Each one has its pros and cons. Are you looking for a sedan?

C: Yes, I'd like a Jeep, but my wife says we have to get a comfortable sedan for long drives home to see her relatives.

J: I'd advise you to listen to your wife. She will be sitting in the back taking care of the kids so whatever she prefers is probably the best choice.

Chris说,拿不定主意应该买什么型号的车。Jason承认,It's a tough call. tough call意思是很难做的决定。他还说,不同型号的车有各自的优缺点,pros and cons 是指一件事情的正反面,pros 是优点,正面的,cons 是缺点,负面的。Chris想买吉普车Jeep,但他太太坚持要买轿车sedan, 因为sedan开长途坐着更舒服些。买车还要考虑其他哪些因素呢?我们下次继续听。

B: See? That's exactly why I don't want to get a car─not only is it a big financial responsibility, it is also too much headache to choose the right model.

A: 咳,买车都一样。好车买不起,破车又不敢买。

B: So you don't like your car?

A:一般吧,It's not my dream car, but I can live with it just for now.

B:What's your dream car then?


B: You? driving a jeep in the wilderness? Er....I just don't see it.


B: If that's the case, you'll definitely like the sport we are doing in today's American Sports English!

American sports English: ski jump

Y: Aren't the Rocky Mountains beautiful, Patrick? 多么壮观的洛基山脉!啊!I'm so glad you agreed to go skiing with me.

P: Uhhh..Yeah, the Rocky Mountains are beautiful, Yang Chen. But I guess when you asked me to go skiing with you, I didn't realize you meant to go ski jumping. S-K-I J-U-M-P-I-N-G

Y: Of course, we are going ski jumping. 高台滑雪。多刺激啊。Say, Patrick, 你脸色发绿. Are you feeling okay?

P: Actually, Yang Chen, I look green because I'm afraid of heights. And right now I'm feeling a little sick.

Y: 你有恐高症啊!Well, think about it this way, once you slide down the take-off ramp and make your jump─you will be at the bottom.

P: I have to ski down there?

Y: Yup. There's only one way to learn, Patrick. Here let me give you a little push.

P: No, Yang Chen, wait. Don't push me.

Y: 跳啊,多么篮的天,快点儿跳。跳下去你就会融入蓝天。。。

P: I have no idea what you are talking about, it sounds like some kind of cheesy Japanese movie.

Y. All I'm saying is "Jump"!

P: .Noooooooooooooooàà.Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah.

Y: Are you OK, Patrick?

P: Yeah, I'm okay. I'm glad I'm still alive.

Y: Good, it's my turn next. 该我跳了。You better get out of my way.

P: Okay, I'm out of the way. It's all clear. You can jump now, Yang Chen.

Y: Okay! Here I go! Yeeeeee-haaaawwwww! (Sound of sliding down a ramp, landing).

P: Wow, Yang Chen. That was a great jump! And a perfect landing, too.

Y: I love ski jumping! Do you want to go again, Patrick?

P: Uh, no thanks, Yang Chen. I'll just stay down here and watch you jump.

Y. Here I go again. Yeeeeee-haaaawwwww!

B: How about that, 杨琳? Wanna go try ski jumping some day?

A: 诶....这个,我....

B: 不用不好意思承认,我也不敢!

A: 这个太危险了,咱们有时间还是多研究研究做饭吧。

B: 这也差得太远了。

A: 哈哈! 好了,今天的节目时间差不多了。这次的撰稿人是晓北,编辑是蔚然。同学们,我们下次的美语训练班再见!

B: Bye!


使用道具 举报

发表于 2011-12-1 13:08 | 显示全部楼层


使用道具 举报

 楼主| 发表于 2011-12-4 13:52 | 显示全部楼层
A: 大家好,欢迎收听美语训练班!我是杨琳!

B: 我是Kat!杨琳,今天我们教什么呢?

A: 今天,咱们要去找路, 去划船,要聊聊买新车还是二手车, 还要告诉大家怎么用美语说“挂羊头卖狗肉”。

B: 狗肉?Er....I have a dog. I don't want to....

A: 哈哈,别紧张,这只是个说法而已。

B: Okay. My dog will be happy to know that!

A: 让他放心吧!哈哈!好,节目一开始,咱们还是先来学个词儿!

Learn A Word #1356 set aside

今天我们要学的词是set aside. Set is spelled s-e-t; and aside, a-s-i-d-e, aside; set aside. Set aside有留出,拨出的意思。比如,He set aside $200 each week and put it in his rainy day fund. 他每周都留出200美元存起来,以备不时之需。I always set aside time to exercise no matter how busy I am. 不管多忙,我都要留出锻炼身体的时间。在美国运通信用卡公司的倡导下,Every November, one Saturday is set aside as Small Business Saturday, to encourage people to buy from small businesses. 每年11月都会有一个星期六是“小企业日”,鼓励消费者买小企业生产的产品。好的,今天我们学习的词是set aside, set aside, set aside.

A: I set aside time to go for a walk every day no matter how busy I am. 我不管多忙,每天都要出去散散步。

B: Good for you! I hope I could do that too, but I have so much work to do. I'm breaking my back to impress my boss.

A: 啊?为了给领导留下好印象,你只好把后背给扭了?

B: Stop teasing me, 杨林!You know what I meant by "breaking my back!"

A: 呵呵,我是知道,可是很多听众可能还不明白,所以咱们就来听听今天的美国习惯用语吧!

Words and idioms 946

Words and Idioms #946

女:各位听众,现在播送<美国习惯用语>第 946讲。我是杨琳。

M:我是 Douglas Johnson.


M:Break one's Back. Break is spelled b-r-e-a-k, and back; b-a-c-k. Break one's Back.

女: 我们知道,Break这个词本身是“打碎”的意思,而Break one's back,背都打碎了,引申的意思就是“非常辛苦地工作”。我妹妹的男朋友工作非常辛苦,Working as a consultant in this company will break your back. 在这间咨询公司上班非常辛苦。下面这个例句是一个儿子谈到他妈妈为子女所作的牺牲,让我们来听听看:

M: "Mom always wanted my sister and me to enjoy a better life than she had. That meant working two jobs for many years to afford what we needed. She BROKE HER BACK. But, as a result, I became a surgeon and my sister, a concert pianist. We would never have become so successful without our mother's great sacrifices. "


女:是啊。母亲为孩子的牺牲真的很让人感动。这也是美国很多第一代移民的处境。他们为了让子女享受到他们没有享受到的生活,一生都非常辛苦地工作。The parents of immigrant families are willing to BREAK THEIR BACKS in order to give their kids a better life. 移民家庭的父母非常辛苦地工作, 想让孩子过上更好的生活。 好,让我们再来听听上面那段话。

M: "Mom always wanted my sister and me to enjoy a better life than she had. That meant working two jobs for many years to afford what we needed. She BROKE HER BACK. But, as a result, I became a surgeon and my sister, a concert pianist. We would never have become so successful without our mother's great sacrifices. "


M: "My neighbor across the street is one of the laziest people I know. Just about every day, he's out drinking beer on his front porch. Yet his house is falling apart and his yard is full of junk. It would take a lot of effort to get the place in good condition. Unfortunately, I can't imagine him ever BREAKING HIS BACK."


女: 自己家的院子都不愿意收拾,可真够懒的!在这里,我们也可以用 neck, n-e-c-k 来代替,"BREAK ONE'S NECK" 一样也是辛苦工作的意思。I can't imagine him break his neck for anything! 我想没有什么能让他去辛勤工作。好,我们再来听听刚才那段话:

M: "My neighbor across the street is one of the laziest people I know. Just about every day, he's out drinking beer on his front porch. Yet his house is falling apart and his yard is full of junk. It would take a lot of effort to get the place in good condition. Unfortunately, I can't imagine him ever BREAKING HIS BACK."

各位听众,今天我们学习的习惯用语是Break one's Back,意思是“非常辛苦地工作”。好的,这次[美国习惯用语]就到此结束,我是杨琳,我是 Douglas Johnson。谢谢各位的收听。

A:I don't want to be breaking my back everyday! I want some easy money!

B: But there's no free lunch, unless....

A:Unless 什么?快说快说!

B:Unless you win the lottery! 中彩票!

A: 诶呀,我还以为是什么好办法呢。买彩票也太不靠谱了吧,我从来没中过,纯属骗人的把戏!

B: 可是别人中过啊!你运气不好吧。

A: 也有可能,不过有些抽奖,有奖购物什么的,我真怀疑是骗你消费的把戏,就是节目开始时说的挂羊头卖狗肉!听听今天的美语怎么说,你就明白我的意思了!

How to say it: catch

Donny 在北京学汉语,她的中国朋友要是遇到了不知道用美语怎么说的词,就会来请教他。今天是吴琼要问的是:挂羊头卖狗肉。

Donny: Hey 吴琼, 你看,买这个可以赢200块现金奖!

WQ: 200块?! 哪有这种好事?I mean....It's too...too 什么来着?

Donny: It's too good to be true!

WQ: 没错,It's too good to be true. 哪有这种好事? 你仔细看看,抽奖细则里一定有什么附加条件。Donny, 这种附加条件英文怎么说?

Donny: It's called "catch." You can say: It's too good to be true. What's the catch?

WQ: Oh, catch, C-A-T-C-H, catch. What's the catch? 就是“有什么附加条件”?

Donny: 对。Now 吴琼, tell me how I can win this.

WQ: 你就别想了! 你看,你要先花五百块买这件产品,然后再去抽奖,中奖率千分之三!这根本就是挂羊头卖狗肉!

Donny: 挂羊头卖狗肉!这种说法好,英文里叫:false advertising!

WQ: 假广告?没错,就这意思。你别被忽悠啊!

Donny: I can't believe I almost got bamboozled!

WQ: Bamboo...竹子什么?

Donny: 是 Bamboozle, B-A-M-B-O-O-Z-L-E, 就是骗人。

WQ: 换句话说,Bamboozle 就是忽悠别人喽?

Donny: Exactly. I almost got bamboozled. 我差点就被忽悠了。

WQ: 是啊,不是说 There is no such thing as a free lunch. 天下没有免费的午餐嘛!

Donny: Yea, you're right! Let's see what you've learned today.

第一,哪有那么好的事是 it's too good to be true;

第二,隐含的附加条件是 catch, as in "What's the catch?"

第三,挂羊头卖狗肉是 false advertising;

第四,忽悠是 bamboozle!

B: 杨林,Do you want to go to a penthouse party with me this weekend? It's a very fancy party at my friend's place.

A: 有好吃的么?

B: Sure! A high-end restaurant will do the catering.

A:这么好!So....what's the catch?

B: 哈哈,你倒会现学现卖!There is no catch. My friend got a super good job and he's throwing this party to celebrate.

A: Wow! Good for him! 不过你可得提醒他,头天上班可别迷路!

B: Where does that come from?!


GoEnglish: Transportation-intermediate


MC: Craig 刚搬来纽约,第一天到新公司上班,却迷路了,只好向别人问路。

Professor: That's right, Winnie. In this first part, Craig stops to ask a policeman for help.

Craig: Excuse me, I'm looking for number 250 on East 97th Street. Can you tell me how to get there?

Policeman: Ninety-seventh street? Wow, that's pretty far away. I hope you're not in a hurry.

Craig: Actually, I'm late for my first day of work. What's the fastest way to get there?

Policeman: Do you have a car or are you taking public transportation?

Craig: I'm on foot.

MC: 第一天上班就可能迟到,Craig 肯定急死了,可警察告诉他,到公司还有很远的路呢!

Professor: That's why the policeman hoped Craig was not "in a hurry". If you're late for something, you can also say that you're "in a rush". It means the same thing.

MC: 哦,in a hurry 和 in a rush 都是“来不及”、“赶着做什么事”的意思。Professor, “public transportation”是指公车、地铁这样的公交系统么?

Professor: That's right.

MC: 可是Craig 既没有开车、也不坐公车、地铁,而是 on foot--走着去。我真担心他会迟到!

Policeman: Well if you're walking, the fastest way to get there is to go through Central Park.

Craig: Central Park? How do I get there?

Policeman: Follow this road straight for three blocks until you see 97st street. Then take a left.

Craig: OK, I'll go straight on this street and take the third left. Then what?

Policeman: Follow 97th street until you get to the other side of Central Park. Number 250 will be four blocks ahead on your left.

Craig: Great! Thanks for your help.

Professor: So Winnie, what does the policeman tell Craig to do?

Winnie: 警察说,沿着这条街走三个街区,看到97街后左转。

Professor: Exactly. And then what does he have to do?

Winnie: 然后,他要一直沿着97街走,直到穿过整个中央公园为止。然后,再走四个街区,公司就在路的左边。

Professor: Exactly. In this next section, one hour has passed and Craig has come back to talk to the policeman again.

Winnie: 啊?一个小时之后Craig又回来向这个警察问路,那一定是迷路了!

Craig: Officer, I followed the directions you gave me, but I didn't find the address! I think you gave me the wrong directions.

Officer: What? That's impossible. I told you the right way to get to 250 West 97th street.

Craig: West 97th street? No, I told you East 97th street! You mean I walked all the way there for nothing?

Officer: You're going to East 97th Street? Oh no, I must have told you how to get to West 97th street! East 97th street is just around the corner. You can get there in five minutes.

MC: 原来是这么回事! Craig要去东97街,可是警察听成了西97街,难怪Craig走了大半天,还是找不到公司!

Professor: Yes, Craig is having some bad luck this morning. But at least his destination is only five minutes away now.

MC: 对,好在警察说,东97街 is just around the corner,就在附近,一拐弯就到。

Craig: Alright officer, can you please tell me how to get to 250 EAST 97th street?

Policeman: Of course. Just go back to 97th street, and instead of turning left, turn right. The building will be on your left-hand side.

Craig: Ok. Is that the fastest route? I'm really late now.

Policeman: There is a short cut, but since you don't know the city well, it's probably best to take the easiest route so you don't get lost.

MC: 原来,问题就出在左拐还是右拐上。如果到了97街后右转,马上就能到公司!Craig为了赶时间,问警察有没有shortcut--近路,可警察怕他走丢,让他还是走最好走的路线。

Professor: That's right, Winnie. Do you think Craig's new boss will be mad at him for being late?

MC: 我们下次节目就知道啦!

A: 又是东又是西的,我听得都晕了。

B: 你是路痴,肯定得晕啊。

A: 幸好我开车上班,而且有GPS领路,那天我的GPS坏了,我就惨了。对了,Kat, 上次不是说到给你买车么,你有什么新的想法吗?

B: No, I don't. I still think the disadvantages of owning a car outweighs its advantages.

A: 你不想买,我倒是被说动了,想换车。

B: Really? What do you have in mind?

A: I want my car to be good-looking, fuel efficient, roomy and affordable. I haven't found the perfect combination yet.

B: I don't think you can have it all.

A: 我也这么觉得,最后还是要做出取舍。咱们接下来听听今天的“礼节美语”,看看Chris打算挑个什么车,也许能给我一些灵感呢!

Business Etiquette: buying a car II


Chris: What do you think about this one? Here....take a look.

Jason: I like it. It's quite stylish. But....it's also pretty small.

C: That's OK. We are only a family of three.

J: This model has a 1.3 liter engine. With a small engine, you'll save a lot of money on gas.

C: That's one of the reasons I'm considering this one. It gets good gas mileage and overall has good value.

J: When I was young, having a car was all about power, prestige and fashion. But today, everything is about economy, value and savings.

C: The world has changed.

Chris看中了一款车,征求Jason的意思。Jason说,车外观还是挺有形的,但就是有点小。Chris觉得,小点没关系,因为他们就三口人,a family of three, 小点也够用了。Jason说,这款车引擎是1.3公升的,省油,是优点。Chris承认,这也是他看中这款车的原因之一,It gets good gas mileage and overall has good value. 意思是说这辆车油耗低,总体上说很划算。Jason大发感慨,说自己年轻那会儿买车就是为了马力,时尚,如今大家考虑的却都是实用和省钱。

J: Have you considered getting a secondhand car?

C: My wife rejected that idea. She says that you never know if the car dealer is unscrupulous. The car could be water damaged or could have been involved in an accident.

J: She makes some good points. Anyway, having a new car is a great experience.

C: I'm also trying to decide if I should take the three or five-year payment option.

J: If I can make a suggestion: go with a three-year plan. The five-year might look easier, but in the end, the interest payments are not worth it.

Chris不准备买二手车,因为他太太担心碰上个缺德的二手车车行老板,把出过车祸的车买回家,上面所说的 unscrupulous is spelled u-n-s-c-r-u-p-u-l-o-u-s, unscrupulous, unscrupulous 意思是没有道德操守的。Jason觉得,she makes some good points. 她说的很有道理。在贷款方面,Chris不知道应该三年还清还是五年还清,Jason建议他做三年的贷款,因为五年贷款每个月付的钱看上去虽然少些,但其实把交的利息都算进去,就不值了。

C: I'll go home and do the math, but you're probably right.

J: How about the color?

C: Blue is my lucky color, so I'll pick blue if possible. My wife says we should consider black because it doesn't look dirty so quickly.

J: Cool! Well, let me know when you decide. I'd love to check out your new car!

C: Sure, Jason. Thanks for the input.

Chris说,我回家算算 I'll go home and do the math. Do the math 是口语里很常用的一种说法,意思是算算清楚,特别是指明摆着的事情,比如:We cannot afford that house with our salaries. You do the math. 咱们的工资买不起那栋房,你自己算算吧。在颜色选择上,Chris说,蓝色是自己的幸运色,而太太觉得黑色经脏。Jason最后说,I'd love to check out your new car! 买了新车别忘了给我看看。

B: I don't think Chris' case is of any help to you. He's a married man with a baby on the way, so his priority is quite different from yours.

A: 嗯,也对!不过有一点一样,那就是We both have to do the math! 都得算计算计自己的收入能负担什么价位的车!

B: So used cars are out of the question?




B: 啊?


American sports English: sailing

P: Let's go sailing, Yang Chen.

Y: Sailing,玩帆船,太棒了。

Aiya, 是要坐这条破船去吗? This boat looks like it's 100 years old!

P: No, it's not a 破船. You see, it only has a few small holes. And besides, I have you to help me bail it out.

Y: Bail it out? 你是说,因为这条船上有窟窿, a few small holes,所以要我一直不停地往外舀水。You are not serious.

P: I'm. Bail b-a-i-l out. Bailing out a boat is using a bucket to throw out the water that has leaked to keep the boat from sinking. But you can also say you bailed someone out any time you help them avoid disaster.

Y:没错。bail someone out 就是救某人于危难之中,比如美国有些银行要倒闭,政府就bailed them out.

P: That's right. Or, if your car broke down and you couldn't get to work and I gave you a ride, you could say I really bailed you out.

Y: You bailed me out? 我不记得了。哎,我们的船上还有一面旗子。

P: A boat's flag is called its colors. The flag gives other boats information about what kind of boat it is, like where it is from.

Y: Hmmm, 那我们应该挂一块破布。

P: Why our flag should be be a piece of trash, 为什么?

Y: 因为我们是条破船。

P: Very funny. Let me tell you something about flags. You know, sometimes pirate boats put up a fake flag to disguise themselves. Then when they attack, they put up a pirate flag, which is their true colors.

Y: Oh! 我知道了,所有有个说法叫"show your true colors"!让人看到你的真面目。

P: Exactly. When people pretend to be one way, but then reveal their true character, you can say they showed their true colors.

Y: Hey, Patrick, I have a good idea. 我们挂一面海盗旗怎么样?

P: Hmmm, a pirate flag, are you going to attack another ship?

Y: No. I just want to show my true colors.

B: Roe roe roe your boat....

A: 呵呵,我也会唱,让我们荡起双桨....

B: I've never heard of that song.

A: 这是很老的歌儿了,我妈小时候那个年代的。

B:Wow, but it sounds nice.


B: Sounds like a plan!

A: 好,it's a date! 今天的节目时间差不多了。这次的撰稿人是晓北,编辑是蔚然。同学们,我们下次的美语训练班再见!


使用道具 举报

 楼主| 发表于 2011-12-9 17:08 | 显示全部楼层


: Time to learn American English! 美语训练班上课啦! 我是Kat!

A: 我是杨琳!Kat, how was your weekend?

B: Not bad. I went fishing with my sister and we caught quite a few fish!

A: 够棒的!今天咱们节目也要带大家去钓鱼, 还要去逛街买礼物,要想想去哪儿渡假, 还要告诉大家怎么用美语说“抓狂”。

B: 听着不错!

A: 节目一开始,还是来学个词儿吧!

Learn A Word #1368 virtual

今天我们要学的词是virtual. Virtual is spelled v-i-r-t-u-a-l, virtual. Virtual , 虚拟的,模拟的。美国和伊朗没有正式外交关系,不过美国国务卿希拉里.克林顿表示,The United States plans to open a virtual embassy for Iran by the end of this year. 美国计划今年年底以前开设一个虚拟的美国驻伊朗网上大使馆。研究人员最近对网上虚拟大学的教学水平提出质疑。Experts at the University of Colorado asserted that full-time virtual schools are largely unregulated. 科罗拉多大学的专家认为,全日制网上学校很大程度上不够规范。A lot of web sites now provide virtual assistants to help customers with what they want. 现在很多网站提供虚拟助手,满足顾客的需要。好的,今天我们学习的词是virtual, virtual, virtual.

A: 现在虚拟的东西越来越多了,There's already a virtual world on the Internet!

B: That's true, but sometimes you still need the real thing. For example, when you're hungry, staring at virtual food won't help.

A: On the contrary, it'll make you more hungry!

B: Haha, exactly! Okay, now let's move on to the next program.

A: 好,一起来听今天的 Words and Idioms, 美国习惯用语。

Words and Idioms 947

女:各位听众,现在播送<美国习惯用语>第 947讲。我是杨琳。

M:我是 Douglas Johnson.

女:昨天我开车回家的时候,在我们家的小路口险些撞到一辆自行车!这个路口的设计特别差,上个月又出了一起事故,两辆车相撞,车里的人都受伤了。这里真的应该树一块警示牌了! 这也让我想到一个习惯用语,那就是:

M:Bring to a head. Bring is spelled b-r-i-n-g, and head; h-e-a-d. Bring to a head.

女: Bring something to a head 意思是,使某件事情到了非做决定的紧急关头。这个短语通常用来形容比较坏的情况,形容使一件事情到了迫在眉睫,必须做出决定,加以改变的地步。比如上面的例子中,交通路口的情况太糟,车祸使警察到了要决定是否立一块警示牌,以改变这种情况的时候了。The car crash will BRING TO A HEAD the need for a stop sign at the intersection. 这次车祸使警方开始考虑在交叉路口安装警示牌的必要性。下面的例子里,是什么促使人戒烟? 我们来听听看:

M: "Cindy had been trying to persuade her husband to quit smoking. But he never made a serious effort to stop until last month. When he became short of breath playing with his grandson, he realized that his bad habit had to end. It BROUGHT TO A HEAD his addiction to cigarettes. He's been tobacco-free ever since."


女:祝贺他! 改掉抽烟这个毛病可不容易。一些人戒烟说不抽就不抽了,不是一点一点来,也不靠外界帮助,我们可以说 cold turkey 断然戒掉烟瘾。It is difficult, but possible to quit smoking cold turkey. 虽然很难,但是断然戒烟是可能的。好,让我们再来听听刚才那段话。

M: "Cindy had been trying to persuade her husband to quit smoking. But he never made a serious effort to stop until last month. When he became short of breath playing with his grandson, he realized that his bad habit had to end. It BROUGHT TO A HEAD his addiction to cigarettes. He's been tobacco-free ever since."


M: "Our best trained workers are all over 60 years old. And they've been leaving the company faster than they're being replaced. The CEO ought to recognize what's happening. Retirements are BRINGING our labor shortage problem TO A HEAD. So he'd better come up with a solution quickly. "


女: 现在美国面临的很大的一个问题就是劳动人口老龄化。1945年到1961年“婴儿潮”时期出生的人现在都慢慢开始退休了,而这也给政府为他们提供的福利出了个大难题: Baby boomers' retirement has BROUGHT concerns about funding TO A HEAD. 婴儿潮一代人的退休使解决政府福利的融资问题变得迫在眉睫。好,我们再来听听刚才那段话:

M: "Our best trained workers are all over 60 years old. And they've been leaving the company faster than they're being replaced. The CEO ought to recognize what's happening. Retirements are BRINGING our labor shortage problem TO A HEAD. So he'd better come up with a solution quickly. "

女:各位听众,今天我们学习的习惯用语是Bring to a head,意思是“使解决某事迫在眉睫”。好的,这次[美国习惯用语]就到此结束,我是杨琳,我是 Douglas Johnson。谢谢各位的收听。


B: Which is?

A:搬家!我邻居太讨厌了,每天晚上拉小提琴,那叫一个难听,吵得我没法睡觉。今天一早我已经喝了三杯咖啡提神,要不眼睛都睁不开了。It brings to a head the need to find a new place.

B:I see. Have you asked your neighbor to keep it down?

A: 说了好多次了,没用!He's driving me crazy! 我要抓狂了!

B: 先别!Don't you want to know how to say 抓狂 in American English?

A: 嘿!我都气成这样了,哪儿还有心思学英语啊?

B: 啊?So....do you want to skip the next segment of the show?

A: 呵呵,也不用。行吧,咱们就来听今天的 “美语怎么说”。

How to say it in American English: over the deep end

MC:Jessica 在北京学汉语,她的中国朋友要是遇到了不知道用美语怎么说的词,就会来请教她。今天是Lulu要问的:抓狂。

Jessica: Morning Lulu!

Lulu: Jessica!! 我必须跟你说说,我都快气死了!

Jessica: 你怎么啦?

Lulu: 还不是我室友! 她特别不自觉,我所有的洗发水,擦脸油都随便用,还动不动就带男友回家! 我都快要抓狂了! 抓狂! scratch crazy!

Jessica: haha... 抓狂不是 scratch crazy, 你可以说,she's pushing me over the edge.

Lulu: over the edge?

Jessica: 对,edge is spelled e-d-g-e,edge 边缘。My roommate always brings her boyfriend over to our apartment. I feel like I'm living with a couple. It's really pushing me over the edge.

Lulu: push somebody over the edge, 就是使某人抓狂。这么说来,她可真是 push me over the edge! 昨天她又把男朋友带会公寓,我警告她说,这是最后一次了! 这又该怎么说呢?

Jessica: Oh, You can say: that's the final straw.

Lulu: final straw, 这个说法真形象! 好,我今天回去就再这么告诉她一次!

Jessica: You know what Lulu, my roommate is actually doing the same thing. She always uses my things, it's really annoying! You and I are in the same boat.

Lulu: in the same boat? 我们在一条船上? 哦我明白了,就是说我们处境相同,对不对?

Jessica: That's right! We both have annoying roommates-- we're in the same boat. Now, tell me what you've learned today!

Lulu: 第一:使某人抓狂叫 push sb over the edge; 第二,警告说这是最后一次,可以讲 that's the final straw;第三,处境相同,叫 in the same boat.

A: My neighbor is pushing me over the edge!

B:I know you're upset, 杨琳。Maybe you should report the problem to the building's manager and let him sort things out.

A:You're right. There must be other people in the building who are in the same boat with me! We should all go to the manager and complain. 大家一起去告他的状!

B: I'm sure things will work out. Now let's talk about something else. My Mom's birthday is coming. Do you have any gift ideas?

A:Hmm, 送礼物给妈妈?你以前都送什么?

B: Home-make cakes, flowers, skin care products, gift cards.... I mean, I've given her almost all kinds of gifts a Mom would want. I'm out of ideas this year.

A: Don't worry. 只要你去商场逛一逛,肯定会发现适合送妈妈的礼物,只有你想不到的,没有商家做不出的!

B: Okay. I'll go shopping then!


B: How sweet!


GoEnglish: Shopping (beginner)

MC : 各位听众,大家好!今天我们为您播出“美语三级跳”节目“购物”单元的初级课程。

MC: Kevin 准备在女友生日的时候跟她出去浪漫约会,为此,他特意到商场,打算买身儿精神的衣服。

Professor: Winnie, I think Kevin must be a very good boyfriend. It's nice of him to buy a new suit for his girlfriend's birthday.

MC: Oh come on, Professor Bowman, 如果他真是个好男友,就该把钱花在女朋友身上,而不是给自己买新衣服!

Professor: Well, that's true. Let's listen and we will see who is right!

Salesperson: Hello sir, can I help you find something?

Kevin: Yes, I'm looking for a new suit.

Salesperson: What is your size?

Kevin: I usually wear a size 42.

Salesperson: Alright, I'll show you the rack where we have our size 42 suits.

Professor: So Winnie, did you hear what size suit Kevin usually wears?

MC: 他一般穿42号的西装。对了,Professor Bowman, “rack, r-a-c-k, ”是货架的意思么?

Professor: That's right. If you can't find something you want "on the rack," you can ask someone at the store if they have it "in the back."

MC: 这么说,那些“on the rack”的衣服是摆在店面的货架上,让顾客挑选,而“in the back”就是那些放在后面库房里的衣服。

Salesperson: Do you see anything you like?

Kevin: Hmm ... I really like this black suit.

Salesperson: Yes, you would look great in that suit. Do you want to try it on?

Kevin: Sure. Where are your dressing rooms?

Salesperson: The dressing rooms are downstairs. I'll show you where they are.

MC: Kevin 看上了一套黑色的西装,打算 try it on,试穿看看。

Professor: Exactly. When you find something you like at a store, you can always tell the store employee, "I want to try this on."

MC: 这位店员很会说话,她说 Kevin "would look great in that suit",就是说他穿上那套西装一定很帅。

Professor: Exactly. You can also look good in a color. For example, you can say "you always look great in blue."

MC: 就是说蓝颜色很适合你。Kevin试穿效果如何?我们继续听。

Kevin: Oh, this is a really great suit! It's totally my style. What do you think?

Salesperson: Uh ... I think that suit is too tight, sir. You need one size larger.

Kevin: No way! I love it. Really tight suits are the European style.

Salesperson: Well alright ... but if you rip it when you sit down, you can't return it.

MC: Hmm ... Kevin的品味好象有问题。店员明明告诉他西装太紧,应该换大一号,可他却坚持要紧身的,还说这是欧洲流行的风格。

Professor: Right. Kevin says the suit "is totally my style." You can say something is "my style" if you think you really look good in it.

MC: 看来,Kevin觉得很满意! 不过店员说,如果因为衣服太紧,一坐下就撕了的话,人家可不给退。

Professor: Well, let's find out how much the suit costs.

Kevin: So, how much is this suit?

Salesperson: That one is $1,000.

Kevin: $1,000? Umm ... do you think it will go on sale anytime soon?

Salesperson: No. We only sell that suit for the full price.

Kevin: Well, it's very expensive. But I'm willing to sacrifice for my girlfriend so that I look really great on our date!

MC: 啊?我没听错吧?Kevin说,他豁出去了,花1000块买这套西装,就算是为女友做的"sacrifice"--牺牲!这么一来,他还有钱给女友买生日礼物吗?

Professor: But that is her present: A really well-dressed boyfriend on their special date.

MC: 你不会是当真的吧?男人真会这样想吗?

Professor: Uh ... I won't try to answer that question. But Winnie, can you guess what it means when something is "on sale"?

MC: 这个难不住我!On sale就是打折,减价的意思。可惜,Kevin买的这身儿衣服不打折,只按full price--原价出售。

Professor: Exactly. I'm afraid after buying this expensive suit, Kevin will have to buy something on sale for his girlfriend.

MC: 我猜也是。你看,Professor Bowman, 我说对了吧?Kevin根本不是合格的男友!对自己大方,对女友小气,不知道他会给女友买个什么便宜的礼物。

Professor: Listen next time to find out!

B: Did I hear it wrong? Was this guy really shopping for his girlfriend's birthday gift? All he bought was some fancy suit for himself!

A:Not only that, he also said spending a thousand dollars on that suit was for his girlfriend's sake! 算是为女朋友而作出的牺牲!

B: 这个男朋友真奇怪。

A: 没错。不过Kat, 我有个馊主意,你也可以花很多钱买个你喜欢的东西,然后就跟你妈说,这是为了庆祝她的生日,你作出的牺牲!

B: So....I'm celebrating my Mom's birthday by pampering her favorite daughter, which is me? Er....I don't think your mom is gonna buy that theory.

A: 呵呵,我也这么觉得。

B: Okay. Let's leave gift shopping for later, and talk about vacation now.

A:好,咱们一起来听“礼节美语”, 看看Jerry打算去哪儿度过他五个星期的长假。

Business Etiquette: Vacation II


Paula: Twenty years ago, many people thought that by this time, no one would be working in offices and everybody would have a more flexible schedule.

W: Well, that certainly hasn't happened.

J: Not yet....but it could still be the wave of the future. Then again, you know the famous saying: "Old habits die hard." Most bosses like to keep tabs on their employees and they think the best way to do that is by having them come into an office.

Paula说,20年前,很多人都以为社会发展到今天,大家都不用去办公室,可以在家上班了,and everyone would have a more flexible schedule. 大家都有更灵活的工作时间,但这种情况显然没有出现。Jerry 说,It could still be the wave of the future. the wave of the future 意思是未来的发展趋势。不过,老话说得好,"Old habits die hard." 积习难改。Jerry说,Most bosses like to keep tabs on their employees 大多数老板都想严格控制员工,to keep tabs on someone or something 是密切注意某人某事的意思。要想控制员工,最好的办法当然就是让他们来办公室上班,在老板眼皮底下工作。

J: I have to say I'm looking forward to my long vacation. I think you need at least three or four weeks of doing nothing before you can truly relax.

W: I thought you said you had months and months of vacation time available. Why are you only taking five weeks off?

J: Five weeks was the best I could negotiate with my boss. She says she knows I've earned the time, but she begged me not to take more than five weeks.

P: Five weeks should be long enough! Who knows? Maybe you'll get bored and come back early!

J: (laugh) I doubt it.

Jerry虽然有好几月的假期,但老板最多只让他休五个星期, 看来他一定是很能干。Paula开玩笑说,五个星期也足够了,搞不好用不了五个星期Jerry就觉得实在无聊,提前回来上班了呢!Jerry休假准备到哪里去呢?

W: So, where are you going?

J: I can't decide if I want to go with a more relaxing trip, or if I want to explore cities.

W: If you were to choose the more relaxing option, where would you go?

J: I'm thinking of the island of Bali in Indonesia. I hear it's a very relaxing and cheap vacation destination.

P: And what's your second option?

J: I was thinking of traveling around Europe, starting with Paris. I could take trains and visit other nearby major European cities as well. It's a tough call.

W: I'm so jealous of you!

P: Me too! Don't forget to bring us back some souvenirs!

J: I won't!

Jerry 说,他有两种选择,一个是印度尼西亚的巴厘岛,去那里更放松 more relaxing, 另外一种选择是去欧洲,第一站是巴黎,然后可以从巴黎坐火车到其他欧洲城市去玩。Jerry 说,It's a tough call. 意思是他很难在这两种选择之间做出决定。Will 和 Paula 都很羡慕 Jerry, 提醒他一定要带 souvenirs 纪念品回来送给他们。

A: If I were Jerry, I'd go with option two--visiting famous cities in Europe by train. That's classic!

B: So the Island of Bali doesn't sound as attractive to you?

A:巴厘岛也好,可那里是情人度假圣地,I'm saving it for my honeymoon!

B:Wow, you're thinking way ahead! 你想得还真远。


B:Let's listen!

American sports English: Fishing

Y: My gosh Patrick, I don't feel so well. 我晕船。

P: Don't worry Yangchen, once we're back on shore tonight eating the delicious fish we caught today, being a little sea sick will be totally worth it.

Y: A little sea sick? 我快要晕死了。而且我们要是一条鱼都钓不到怎么办?

P: Trust me, we'll catch something. I'm an expert.

Y: An expert on what?

P: On fishing, of course. Hey, I think I caught something!

Y: Go Patrick! Catch him!

P: Don't worry, I won't let him off the hook.

Y: Let him off the hook? That must mean 脱钩。

P: Exactly. Actually, any time you let someone escape punishment, you can say you let them off the hook.

Y: For example?

P: Well, for example, if my girlfriend forgets that it is my birthday, I won't let her off the hook with a simple apology. She would have to give me a REALLY expensive present to make up for it.

Y: 就是不能轻易地放过什么人。Well Patrick, if you don't catch any fish and I am starving to death, I'm not going to let you off the hook.

P: You are not letting me off the hook. So how are you going to punish me?

Y: You have to take me to a nice restaurant and buy me a huge dinner!

P: No need for that, look, I got one!

Y: Uh 这么一条可怜的小鱼,塞牙缝都不够。

P: Oh come on, this one is a keeper.

Y: A keeper? 我知道 salmon, bass 什么的, 从来没听过a keeper fish.

P: No no, a keeper is a fish that is big enough to keep, rather than throw it back.

Y: And you think this is a keeper?

P: Actually, any time you find something that you really like, you can say that it's a keeper.

For example, when I was single I had to go out with 15 girls before I found a keeper.

Y: Aha, 那我可以说 I had to try 100 lame sports with you before I found a keeper?

P: Lame? You think fishing is lame? If there is another sport you can play that will also provide you with dinner, I'd like to hear about it.

Y: That's easy. Hotdog eating contest,吃热狗比赛。

P: Oh, that's a keeper. Let's do it next time!

A: 钓鱼对我没太大吸引力,太闷了。

B: Fishing isn't always just sitting there and waiting for the fish to bite. Have you heard of big-game fishing? There you'll get on a boat and sail to offshore area and try to catch huge fish. It's very exciting!

A: 那....掉下去怎么办?我可不想被鱼吃掉!

B: Don't worry. Big-game fishing doesn't involve sharks!

A:那我就放心了! 好了,节目时间又到了,这次的撰稿人是晓北,编辑是蔚然。同学们,我们下次的美语训练班再见!


使用道具 举报

 楼主| 发表于 2011-12-10 19:41 | 显示全部楼层
: Time to learn American English! 美语训练班上课啦! 我是Kat!

A: 我是杨琳!Kat, how was your weekend?

B: Not bad. I went fishing with my sister and we caught quite a few fish!

A: 够棒的!今天咱们节目也要带大家去钓鱼, 还要去逛街买礼物,要想想去哪儿渡假, 还要告诉大家怎么用美语说“抓狂”。

B: 听着不错!

A: 节目一开始,还是来学个词儿吧!

Learn A Word #1368 virtual

今天我们要学的词是virtual. Virtual is spelled v-i-r-t-u-a-l, virtual. Virtual , 虚拟的,模拟的。美国和伊朗没有正式外交关系,不过美国国务卿希拉里.克林顿表示,The United States plans to open a virtual embassy for Iran by the end of this year. 美国计划今年年底以前开设一个虚拟的美国驻伊朗网上大使馆。研究人员最近对网上虚拟大学的教学水平提出质疑。Experts at the University of Colorado asserted that full-time virtual schools are largely unregulated. 科罗拉多大学的专家认为,全日制网上学校很大程度上不够规范。A lot of web sites now provide virtual assistants to help customers with what they want. 现在很多网站提供虚拟助手,满足顾客的需要。好的,今天我们学习的词是virtual, virtual, virtual.

A: 现在虚拟的东西越来越多了,There's already a virtual world on the Internet!

B: That's true, but sometimes you still need the real thing. For example, when you're hungry, staring at virtual food won't help.

A: On the contrary, it'll make you more hungry!

B: Haha, exactly! Okay, now let's move on to the next program.

A: 好,一起来听今天的 Words and Idioms, 美国习惯用语。

Words and Idioms 947

女:各位听众,现在播送<美国习惯用语>第 947讲。我是杨琳。

M:我是 Douglas Johnson.

女:昨天我开车回家的时候,在我们家的小路口险些撞到一辆自行车!这个路口的设计特别差,上个月又出了一起事故,两辆车相撞,车里的人都受伤了。这里真的应该树一块警示牌了! 这也让我想到一个习惯用语,那就是:

M:Bring to a head. Bring is spelled b-r-i-n-g, and head; h-e-a-d. Bring to a head.

女: Bring something to a head 意思是,使某件事情到了非做决定的紧急关头。这个短语通常用来形容比较坏的情况,形容使一件事情到了迫在眉睫,必须做出决定,加以改变的地步。比如上面的例子中,交通路口的情况太糟,车祸使警察到了要决定是否立一块警示牌,以改变这种情况的时候了。The car crash will BRING TO A HEAD the need for a stop sign at the intersection. 这次车祸使警方开始考虑在交叉路口安装警示牌的必要性。下面的例子里,是什么促使人戒烟? 我们来听听看:

M: "Cindy had been trying to persuade her husband to quit smoking. But he never made a serious effort to stop until last month. When he became short of breath playing with his grandson, he realized that his bad habit had to end. It BROUGHT TO A HEAD his addiction to cigarettes. He's been tobacco-free ever since."


女:祝贺他! 改掉抽烟这个毛病可不容易。一些人戒烟说不抽就不抽了,不是一点一点来,也不靠外界帮助,我们可以说 cold turkey 断然戒掉烟瘾。It is difficult, but possible to quit smoking cold turkey. 虽然很难,但是断然戒烟是可能的。好,让我们再来听听刚才那段话。

M: "Cindy had been trying to persuade her husband to quit smoking. But he never made a serious effort to stop until last month. When he became short of breath playing with his grandson, he realized that his bad habit had to end. It BROUGHT TO A HEAD his addiction to cigarettes. He's been tobacco-free ever since."


M: "Our best trained workers are all over 60 years old. And they've been leaving the company faster than they're being replaced. The CEO ought to recognize what's happening. Retirements are BRINGING our labor shortage problem TO A HEAD. So he'd better come up with a solution quickly. "


女: 现在美国面临的很大的一个问题就是劳动人口老龄化。1945年到1961年“婴儿潮”时期出生的人现在都慢慢开始退休了,而这也给政府为他们提供的福利出了个大难题: Baby boomers' retirement has BROUGHT concerns about funding TO A HEAD. 婴儿潮一代人的退休使解决政府福利的融资问题变得迫在眉睫。好,我们再来听听刚才那段话:

M: "Our best trained workers are all over 60 years old. And they've been leaving the company faster than they're being replaced. The CEO ought to recognize what's happening. Retirements are BRINGING our labor shortage problem TO A HEAD. So he'd better come up with a solution quickly. "

女:各位听众,今天我们学习的习惯用语是Bring to a head,意思是“使解决某事迫在眉睫”。好的,这次[美国习惯用语]就到此结束,我是杨琳,我是 Douglas Johnson。谢谢各位的收听。


B: Which is?

A:搬家!我邻居太讨厌了,每天晚上拉小提琴,那叫一个难听,吵得我没法睡觉。今天一早我已经喝了三杯咖啡提神,要不眼睛都睁不开了。It brings to a head the need to find a new place.

B:I see. Have you asked your neighbor to keep it down?

A: 说了好多次了,没用!He's driving me crazy! 我要抓狂了!

B: 先别!Don't you want to know how to say 抓狂 in American English?

A: 嘿!我都气成这样了,哪儿还有心思学英语啊?

B: 啊?So....do you want to skip the next segment of the show?

A: 呵呵,也不用。行吧,咱们就来听今天的 “美语怎么说”。

How to say it in American English: over the deep end

MC:Jessica 在北京学汉语,她的中国朋友要是遇到了不知道用美语怎么说的词,就会来请教她。今天是Lulu要问的:抓狂。

Jessica: Morning Lulu!

Lulu: Jessica!! 我必须跟你说说,我都快气死了!

Jessica: 你怎么啦?

Lulu: 还不是我室友! 她特别不自觉,我所有的洗发水,擦脸油都随便用,还动不动就带男友回家! 我都快要抓狂了! 抓狂! scratch crazy!

Jessica: haha... 抓狂不是 scratch crazy, 你可以说,she's pushing me over the edge.

Lulu: over the edge?

Jessica: 对,edge is spelled e-d-g-e,edge 边缘。My roommate always brings her boyfriend over to our apartment. I feel like I'm living with a couple. It's really pushing me over the edge.

Lulu: push somebody over the edge, 就是使某人抓狂。这么说来,她可真是 push me over the edge! 昨天她又把男朋友带会公寓,我警告她说,这是最后一次了! 这又该怎么说呢?

Jessica: Oh, You can say: that's the final straw.

Lulu: final straw, 这个说法真形象! 好,我今天回去就再这么告诉她一次!

Jessica: You know what Lulu, my roommate is actually doing the same thing. She always uses my things, it's really annoying! You and I are in the same boat.

Lulu: in the same boat? 我们在一条船上? 哦我明白了,就是说我们处境相同,对不对?

Jessica: That's right! We both have annoying roommates-- we're in the same boat. Now, tell me what you've learned today!

Lulu: 第一:使某人抓狂叫 push sb over the edge; 第二,警告说这是最后一次,可以讲 that's the final straw;第三,处境相同,叫 in the same boat.

A: My neighbor is pushing me over the edge!

B:I know you're upset, 杨琳。Maybe you should report the problem to the building's manager and let him sort things out.

A:You're right. There must be other people in the building who are in the same boat with me! We should all go to the manager and complain. 大家一起去告他的状!

B: I'm sure things will work out. Now let's talk about something else. My Mom's birthday is coming. Do you have any gift ideas?

A:Hmm, 送礼物给妈妈?你以前都送什么?

B: Home-make cakes, flowers, skin care products, gift cards.... I mean, I've given her almost all kinds of gifts a Mom would want. I'm out of ideas this year.

A: Don't worry. 只要你去商场逛一逛,肯定会发现适合送妈妈的礼物,只有你想不到的,没有商家做不出的!

B: Okay. I'll go shopping then!


B: How sweet!


GoEnglish: Shopping (beginner)

MC : 各位听众,大家好!今天我们为您播出“美语三级跳”节目“购物”单元的初级课程。

MC: Kevin 准备在女友生日的时候跟她出去浪漫约会,为此,他特意到商场,打算买身儿精神的衣服。

Professor: Winnie, I think Kevin must be a very good boyfriend. It's nice of him to buy a new suit for his girlfriend's birthday.

MC: Oh come on, Professor Bowman, 如果他真是个好男友,就该把钱花在女朋友身上,而不是给自己买新衣服!

Professor: Well, that's true. Let's listen and we will see who is right!

Salesperson: Hello sir, can I help you find something?

Kevin: Yes, I'm looking for a new suit.

Salesperson: What is your size?

Kevin: I usually wear a size 42.

Salesperson: Alright, I'll show you the rack where we have our size 42 suits.

Professor: So Winnie, did you hear what size suit Kevin usually wears?

MC: 他一般穿42号的西装。对了,Professor Bowman, “rack, r-a-c-k, ”是货架的意思么?

Professor: That's right. If you can't find something you want "on the rack," you can ask someone at the store if they have it "in the back."

MC: 这么说,那些“on the rack”的衣服是摆在店面的货架上,让顾客挑选,而“in the back”就是那些放在后面库房里的衣服。

Salesperson: Do you see anything you like?

Kevin: Hmm ... I really like this black suit.

Salesperson: Yes, you would look great in that suit. Do you want to try it on?

Kevin: Sure. Where are your dressing rooms?

Salesperson: The dressing rooms are downstairs. I'll show you where they are.

MC: Kevin 看上了一套黑色的西装,打算 try it on,试穿看看。

Professor: Exactly. When you find something you like at a store, you can always tell the store employee, "I want to try this on."

MC: 这位店员很会说话,她说 Kevin "would look great in that suit",就是说他穿上那套西装一定很帅。

Professor: Exactly. You can also look good in a color. For example, you can say "you always look great in blue."

MC: 就是说蓝颜色很适合你。Kevin试穿效果如何?我们继续听。

Kevin: Oh, this is a really great suit! It's totally my style. What do you think?

Salesperson: Uh ... I think that suit is too tight, sir. You need one size larger.

Kevin: No way! I love it. Really tight suits are the European style.

Salesperson: Well alright ... but if you rip it when you sit down, you can't return it.

MC: Hmm ... Kevin的品味好象有问题。店员明明告诉他西装太紧,应该换大一号,可他却坚持要紧身的,还说这是欧洲流行的风格。

Professor: Right. Kevin says the suit "is totally my style." You can say something is "my style" if you think you really look good in it.

MC: 看来,Kevin觉得很满意! 不过店员说,如果因为衣服太紧,一坐下就撕了的话,人家可不给退。

Professor: Well, let's find out how much the suit costs.

Kevin: So, how much is this suit?

Salesperson: That one is $1,000.

Kevin: $1,000? Umm ... do you think it will go on sale anytime soon?

Salesperson: No. We only sell that suit for the full price.

Kevin: Well, it's very expensive. But I'm willing to sacrifice for my girlfriend so that I look really great on our date!

MC: 啊?我没听错吧?Kevin说,他豁出去了,花1000块买这套西装,就算是为女友做的"sacrifice"--牺牲!这么一来,他还有钱给女友买生日礼物吗?

Professor: But that is her present: A really well-dressed boyfriend on their special date.

MC: 你不会是当真的吧?男人真会这样想吗?

Professor: Uh ... I won't try to answer that question. But Winnie, can you guess what it means when something is "on sale"?

MC: 这个难不住我!On sale就是打折,减价的意思。可惜,Kevin买的这身儿衣服不打折,只按full price--原价出售。

Professor: Exactly. I'm afraid after buying this expensive suit, Kevin will have to buy something on sale for his girlfriend.

MC: 我猜也是。你看,Professor Bowman, 我说对了吧?Kevin根本不是合格的男友!对自己大方,对女友小气,不知道他会给女友买个什么便宜的礼物。

Professor: Listen next time to find out!

B: Did I hear it wrong? Was this guy really shopping for his girlfriend's birthday gift? All he bought was some fancy suit for himself!

A:Not only that, he also said spending a thousand dollars on that suit was for his girlfriend's sake! 算是为女朋友而作出的牺牲!

B: 这个男朋友真奇怪。

A: 没错。不过Kat, 我有个馊主意,你也可以花很多钱买个你喜欢的东西,然后就跟你妈说,这是为了庆祝她的生日,你作出的牺牲!

B: So....I'm celebrating my Mom's birthday by pampering her favorite daughter, which is me? Er....I don't think your mom is gonna buy that theory.

A: 呵呵,我也这么觉得。

B: Okay. Let's leave gift shopping for later, and talk about vacation now.

A:好,咱们一起来听“礼节美语”, 看看Jerry打算去哪儿度过他五个星期的长假。

Business Etiquette: Vacation II


Paula: Twenty years ago, many people thought that by this time, no one would be working in offices and everybody would have a more flexible schedule.

W: Well, that certainly hasn't happened.

J: Not yet....but it could still be the wave of the future. Then again, you know the famous saying: "Old habits die hard." Most bosses like to keep tabs on their employees and they think the best way to do that is by having them come into an office.

Paula说,20年前,很多人都以为社会发展到今天,大家都不用去办公室,可以在家上班了,and everyone would have a more flexible schedule. 大家都有更灵活的工作时间,但这种情况显然没有出现。Jerry 说,It could still be the wave of the future. the wave of the future 意思是未来的发展趋势。不过,老话说得好,"Old habits die hard." 积习难改。Jerry说,Most bosses like to keep tabs on their employees 大多数老板都想严格控制员工,to keep tabs on someone or something 是密切注意某人某事的意思。要想控制员工,最好的办法当然就是让他们来办公室上班,在老板眼皮底下工作。

J: I have to say I'm looking forward to my long vacation. I think you need at least three or four weeks of doing nothing before you can truly relax.

W: I thought you said you had months and months of vacation time available. Why are you only taking five weeks off?

J: Five weeks was the best I could negotiate with my boss. She says she knows I've earned the time, but she begged me not to take more than five weeks.

P: Five weeks should be long enough! Who knows? Maybe you'll get bored and come back early!

J: (laugh) I doubt it.

Jerry虽然有好几月的假期,但老板最多只让他休五个星期, 看来他一定是很能干。Paula开玩笑说,五个星期也足够了,搞不好用不了五个星期Jerry就觉得实在无聊,提前回来上班了呢!Jerry休假准备到哪里去呢?

W: So, where are you going?

J: I can't decide if I want to go with a more relaxing trip, or if I want to explore cities.

W: If you were to choose the more relaxing option, where would you go?

J: I'm thinking of the island of Bali in Indonesia. I hear it's a very relaxing and cheap vacation destination.

P: And what's your second option?

J: I was thinking of traveling around Europe, starting with Paris. I could take trains and visit other nearby major European cities as well. It's a tough call.

W: I'm so jealous of you!

P: Me too! Don't forget to bring us back some souvenirs!

J: I won't!

Jerry 说,他有两种选择,一个是印度尼西亚的巴厘岛,去那里更放松 more relaxing, 另外一种选择是去欧洲,第一站是巴黎,然后可以从巴黎坐火车到其他欧洲城市去玩。Jerry 说,It's a tough call. 意思是他很难在这两种选择之间做出决定。Will 和 Paula 都很羡慕 Jerry, 提醒他一定要带 souvenirs 纪念品回来送给他们。

A: If I were Jerry, I'd go with option two--visiting famous cities in Europe by train. That's classic!

B: So the Island of Bali doesn't sound as attractive to you?

A:巴厘岛也好,可那里是情人度假圣地,I'm saving it for my honeymoon!

B:Wow, you're thinking way ahead! 你想得还真远。


B:Let's listen!

American sports English: Fishing

Y: My gosh Patrick, I don't feel so well. 我晕船。

P: Don't worry Yangchen, once we're back on shore tonight eating the delicious fish we caught today, being a little sea sick will be totally worth it.

Y: A little sea sick? 我快要晕死了。而且我们要是一条鱼都钓不到怎么办?

P: Trust me, we'll catch something. I'm an expert.

Y: An expert on what?

P: On fishing, of course. Hey, I think I caught something!

Y: Go Patrick! Catch him!

P: Don't worry, I won't let him off the hook.

Y: Let him off the hook? That must mean 脱钩。

P: Exactly. Actually, any time you let someone escape punishment, you can say you let them off the hook.

Y: For example?

P: Well, for example, if my girlfriend forgets that it is my birthday, I won't let her off the hook with a simple apology. She would have to give me a REALLY expensive present to make up for it.

Y: 就是不能轻易地放过什么人。Well Patrick, if you don't catch any fish and I am starving to death, I'm not going to let you off the hook.

P: You are not letting me off the hook. So how are you going to punish me?

Y: You have to take me to a nice restaurant and buy me a huge dinner!

P: No need for that, look, I got one!

Y: Uh 这么一条可怜的小鱼,塞牙缝都不够。

P: Oh come on, this one is a keeper.

Y: A keeper? 我知道 salmon, bass 什么的, 从来没听过a keeper fish.

P: No no, a keeper is a fish that is big enough to keep, rather than throw it back.

Y: And you think this is a keeper?

P: Actually, any time you find something that you really like, you can say that it's a keeper.

For example, when I was single I had to go out with 15 girls before I found a keeper.

Y: Aha, 那我可以说 I had to try 100 lame sports with you before I found a keeper?

P: Lame? You think fishing is lame? If there is another sport you can play that will also provide you with dinner, I'd like to hear about it.

Y: That's easy. Hotdog eating contest,吃热狗比赛。

P: Oh, that's a keeper. Let's do it next time!

A: 钓鱼对我没太大吸引力,太闷了。

B: Fishing isn't always just sitting there and waiting for the fish to bite. Have you heard of big-game fishing? There you'll get on a boat and sail to offshore area and try to catch huge fish. It's very exciting!

A: 那....掉下去怎么办?我可不想被鱼吃掉!

B: Don't worry. Big-game fishing doesn't involve sharks!

A:那我就放心了! 好了,节目时间又到了,这次的撰稿人是晓北,编辑是蔚然。同学们,我们下次的美语训练班再见!

B: Bye!


使用道具 举报

 楼主| 发表于 2011-12-24 00:39 | 显示全部楼层
A: 美语训练班上课啦! 我是杨琳!

B: 我是Kat! 杨琳,今天教什么呢?

A:今天咱们要去滑雪, 要为出席一个非常正式的宴会作准备,要去健身房减肥, 还要告诉大家怎么用美语说“衣着暴露”。

B: 这些听起来都很有用!

A: 那当然!不过节目一开始,咱们还是先来学个词儿!

Learn A Word #1370 at the expense of

今天我们要学的词是 at the expense of. At is spelled a-t; and expense, e-x-p-e-n-s-e, expense; at the expense of. At the expense of 意思是以某件事或者某个人为代价。沸沸扬扬的占领华尔街运动继续在美国各大城市上演。Protesters accused the richest 1 percent of accumulating their wealth at the expense of the remaining 99 percent. 示威者指责说,全美最富有的1%的人以其他99%的人为代价聚集财富。美国国防部将在未来10年内缩减开支,不过,Defense Secretary Leon Panetta said the budget cuts won't come at the expense of U.S. power in the Pacific. 国防部长帕内塔表示,预算削减不会以降低美国在太平洋地区的实力为代价。好的,今天我们学习的词是 at the expense of, at the expense of, at the expense of.

A: 我也来造个句子,He took a job he loves at the expense of a bigger income. 他放弃了更高的收入,选择了一个自己喜欢的工作。这样说对不对?

B: That's correct. You can also say he chose what he loves over financial gains.

A: 不管怎么说,都是在做选择。人生就是不能两全其美,You can't have it all!

B: 对啊。我们今天在“流行美语”里也要谈到这个选择。

A: 对,是美食和身材的选择!咱们一起来听!

Popular American 386

各位听众,现在播送《流行美语》。 Larry和李华在他们最喜欢的pizza店吃饭,他们会用到两个常用语:love handles 和 no pain no gain.

Larry: Ahhh. That was delicious ━ as usual.

LH: Larry, 你还剩了一点pizza呢,怎么不吃完?

Larry: Oh, no, I couldn't eat another bite... well if you insist. (takes a bite, talks while still chewing:) Mm, Lihua, this is so good, I could eat this forever!

LH: 什么声音?!天啊,Larry, 你的皮带被撑断了!

Larry: Oops. Er, maybe we should stop coming to this restaurant so often. I think I'm starting to grow some love handles.

LH: Love ...handles? 什么意思?

Larry: Love handles are the fat that grows around someone's waist.

LH: 哦,腰上一圈赘肉叫love handles! 哈哈,这可真有意思!不过Larry, 你最近的确胖了好多呢。

Larry: Oh? You noticed my love handles?

LH: 你这几个月好像长胖了好几磅,不过我一直不好意思告诉你,如今既然你连皮带都撑断了,我也不瞒你了─you have some love handles, Larry!

Larry: You're right. I haven't been paying much attention to my diet lately.

LH: 我就说嘛! 咱们最近来这儿吃pizza, 每周至少来三次,你不长出love handles 才怪呢!

Larry: Well, you have to admit, the pizza here is out of this world. I don't mind your love handles, Lihua─I think they're kind of cute!

LH: 等等等等,你说我也有love handles 啊?

Larry: Uhh... no, of course not! I mean, uh, if you did have love handles, I would still think you are beautiful, honey!

LH: 哼!这还差不多。

Larry: At any rate, I think it would be a good idea to start watching what we eat and get more exercise. What do you think about joining a gym?

LH: 去健身房?让我考哗b一下!......嗯,考虑好了,我就自我牺牲一下,陪你去健身,帮你减掉你的love handles.

MC: Larry和Lihua 办了健身卡,俩人在跑步机上挥汗如雨地锻炼。

Larry: Phew! Running makes me feel good! So exhilarating! These love handles will be gone in no time! How are you feeling, Lihua?

LH: 我...我不行了...腿快断了...

Larry: Aw, come on, Lihua! We've only been jogging for 3 minutes! Don't you want to be fit?

LH: 我是想身材健美,可是这也太累了,算了算了,就让love handles来找我吧,我不练了!

Larry: You know what they say, Lihua. No pain, no gain.

LH: No pain, no gain?

Larry: That's right! It means you have to work hard to get results. No pain, no gain!

LH: 哦,No pain, no gain 就是“不付出努力就收不到成果”。Larry,现在不要给我讲大道理了,我实在跑不动了。

Larry: Come on, Lihua. I know you have a good work ethic.

LH: 我好学上进?

Larry: Remember when you stayed up all night on your project for that computer class? Some people would just go to sleep, but you worked right through. No pain, no gain, right?

LH: 那不一样,我可以通宵念书,可跑步不是我的强项,没跑两分钟,我的腿就已经开始发酸了!

Larry: But you'll feel better afterwards─I promise. You're already in pretty good shape anyway. I have a long way to go to get rid of these love handles.

LH: Larry, 连你都说,我本来身材就挺匀称的,所以我就不练啦!省得你们这些胖子压力大!

Larry: Suit yourself, Lihua. Hey, isn't that your classmate over there? Wow, she's really working hard!

LH: 哪个?!哦!那个女生!她在班里经常和我比!

Larry: Man, she's looking fit! No love handles on her.

LH: 什么?Larry,靠边,别挡着我用跑步机!

Larry: Oh?? You changed your mind about exercise?

LH: No pain, no gain, Larry.

Larry: Aha! Looks like all you needed was a little competition! No wonder you're always working so hard in school.

LH: 我绝不能让那个女生的身材比我好!

Larry: Great! Well! I guess I'll let you exercise.

LH: 哎?那你干吗?你不跑啦?

Larry: All this exercise made me hungry. I'm going to eat some pizza!

各位听众,今天李华从 Larry 那儿学到两个常用语,一个是 love handles, 表示腰上的赘肉;另一个是 no pain no gain, 意思是不付出就没有收获。这次《流行美语》播送完了,谢谢收听,下次节目再见。

A:No pain, no gain. 说起来容易,做起来难啊!真羡慕那些天生吃不胖的人!

B: Well, maybe they do want to gain some weight.


B:If she's concerned about that, She might want to choose a more conservative wedding gown.

A: 设计保守的婚纱?你是说不要太性感,太裸露的,对么?

B: 对啊,她可以走清纯可爱路线嘛。

A: 有道理!我提醒她一下。不过刚才说到裸露,今天在“美语怎么说”节目里,咱们就教这个词儿!

How to say it in American English: scantily clad

Jessica 在北京学中文,她的中国朋友要是遇到了不知道用美语怎么说的词,就会来请教她。今天是吴琼要问的:暴露。

WQ: Jessica, 明天我要去面试,得好好打扮打扮,你帮我参谋参谋?

Jessica:没问题!Show me what you've got.

WQ: 你看这件连衣裙,我穿上挺漂亮的,不过,似乎有点太露了。对了,这个衣着暴露在美语里要怎么说呢?

Jessica: You can say this address is showing too much skin.

WQ: Showing too much skin? 我明白了,就是露得太多。

Jessica: Exactly. You can also say someone is scantily clad. Scantily is spelt S-C-A-N-T-I-L-Y, 意思是少,不够;clad is spelt C-L-A-D, 意思是穿衣服。

WQ: 哦!那把两个词放在一起就是穿得不够,衣着暴露的意思喽!对了,Jessica, 如果说天冷的时候穿得太少太薄,是不是也可以用scantily clad 呢?

Jessica: Yes! For example, you can say girls who are scantily clad when they go out in the cold weather are at higher risk of getting sick.

WQ: 你是说,大冷天穿得特别少出门的女孩子更容易感冒。那当然!不过做女生就是这么辛苦,为了漂亮只能忍着。

Jessica: 其实也不用这么辛苦。I know girls want to be pretty, but we don't have to be dressed to kill everyday. Right?

WQ: Dressed to kill? 要杀人??

Jessica: No! "Dressed to kill" means wearing fancy or formal clothing. 比如说,I was dressed to kill for my interview.

WQ: 哦,我明白了! Dressed to kill 就是着装正式、抢眼。哎?你看这条西服裙行不行?It's not showing too much skin.

Jessica: I like this pencil skirt! It's perfect for the interview.

WQ: 原来西服裙叫pencil skirt─像铅笔一样直直的裙子!好吧, Let me put on this pencil skirt and this shirt. 看看效果如何!

Jessica: Hmm! WQ, now you're dressed to kill!


WQ: 第一,形容衣着暴露,可以用scantily clad, 或者 show too much skin;

第二,穿得正式、抢眼,是dressed to kill;

第三,西服裙是pencil skirt!

A: 正好,Kat,你看看我朋友婚礼我穿这件礼服去怎么样?Is it showing too much skin?

B:Let me see. Hmm, this is a really nice evening gown, and you're not scantily clad. The problem is it's too much for a wedding. It's like what a movie star would wear on the Oscar night.


B: 对啊。You should save it for a black-tie event.

A:Black-tie event? 你不是让我穿着这么漂亮的礼服再配上条黑领带吧?

B: Of course not! Listen to "Business Etiquette" and you'll know what I meant!

Business Etiquette: Attending a black-tie event I


Jim: Gary, did you hear about my upcoming trip to New York?

Gary: I think I did hear something about it. You and Henry are attending some kind of function, right?

J: Yeah. It's an anniversary celebration for one of the companies we do a lot of work with, you know, Walcon Electronics.

G: Right! Walcon is one of our biggest clients.

J: It's Walcon's 120th anniversary and they're throwing a big party.

Jim马上要出差,到纽约去。Gary说,他听说了Jim的 upcoming trip. upcoming is spelled u-p-c-o-m-i-n-g, upcoming, upcoming是即将发生的意思,Gary还知道,他们这次是要去参加什么活动,function 在这里指正式的社交活动。公司最大的客户之一 Walcon Electronics 庆祝成立120周年,they're throwing a big party. 他们要办个大派对。英语里说办派对,经常会用动词 throw, t-h-r-o-w, throw.

G: Walcon Electronics is 120 years old?

J: Yep. They started out as a shoe manufacturer and then branched off into electronics in the late 1960s.

G: That's a big change, moving from shoes to electronics. But you have to give the company's founder credit for thinking ahead.

J: Absolutely. Today they're one of the world's top home electronics brands.

G: Well, you'll have fun. New York is always a great place to visit.

J: Yeah, but I'm a bit worried. I've never attended a function like this before. Look, here's the invitation.

Walcon电器公司最开始是生产鞋的,60年代才改行生产电器。这里用到的两个动词词组,一个是 start out 意思是起步,另外一个是 branch off 意思是改变前进的方向。Gary 说,You have to give the company's founder credit for thinking ahead. 咱们不得不佩服这个公司创始人有远见,to give someone credit for something 意思是肯定某人的做法。纽约是个好玩的地方,可Jim却很担心,他拿请柬给Gary看。

G: Oh my! It's a black-tie event. That means you have to wear a tuxedo.

J: A tuxedo? I don't own a tux!

G: Not very many people do....you can rent one, though.

J: Oh wow. That means it's going to be a very formal event, huh?

G: A black-tie event is about as formal as it gets. Men wear tuxedos and ladies wear evening gowns.

J: What else should I expect?

G: There will probably be a band playing soft music. Waiters will walk around serving drinks. Most of the guests will mainly stand around socializing with each other.

原来,这次活动是 a black-tie event 参加者要穿礼服、打黑领结的正式活动,男宾要穿燕尾服,tuxedo, tuxedo is spelled t-u-x-e-d-o, tuxedo, 女宾要穿 evening gown 晚礼服。Gary说,A black-tie event is about as formal as it gets. 这基本上要算是最正规的活动了。as....as it gets 是指最彻底的表现,两个as之间加形容词。Jim会喜欢这种活动吗?我们下次继续听。

: 哦, Black-tie event 就是非常正式的场合。我朋友要是嫁给了什么欧洲王子,那我穿这个华丽的夜礼服去参加她的王室婚礼,就很合适了,对不对?

B: That's right. So save it till one of your friends marries a prince.

A:啊?这得等到什么时候啊! 其实女孩子只要找对了人,都可以像公主一样幸福。

B: Yes. Every girl can have her own prince charming.

A: 不过,你还记得“美语三级跳”节目里那个男朋友么?

B: How can I forget him? He's such a lousy boyfriend!

A: 是啊,他还有更过分的呢,听听吧。

GoEnglish: Shopping (Intermediate)


Professor: Today Kevin is going shopping at a clothing store to buy his girlfriend a present for her birthday. What do you think he's going to get her, Winnie?

MC: 他花了1000块钱给自己买了套时髦西装,我估计,他现在肯定没钱了,给女朋友买的八成儿是便宜货! 不信一起听。

Salesperson: Good afternoon sir! Can I help you find something?

Kevin: Sure, I'm looking for something special for my girlfriend. Could you help me find something she'll like?

Salesperson: Sure, do you know what size she is?

Kevin: Uh ... I'm not really sure. She's about your size, maybe a little more petite. I haven't really noticed.

Salesperson: You don't know your girlfriend's size? Uh ... OK.

MC: Kevin这家伙!给女友买衣服,连人家穿多大尺寸都不知道!这种男友,再帅我也不要。

Professor: Really??? I hope you're kidding. Do you know what the word "petite" means?

MC: "Petite"就是指女性身材娇小。服装店的店员问Kevin女友的身材,Kevin说,可能比这位店员的身材更娇小一些。

Professor: Exactly. In this next section listen for the word "trendy," which means really cool and popular.

Salesperson: Alright ... well what does your girlfriend normally wear? What is her style like?

Kevin: Well she works in an office so she always dresses really professionally. But for her birthday I want to get her something really fun and trendy.

Salesperson: Well let's see ... we have some really nice skirts I can show you. What colors do you like on her.

Kevin: Hmm ... You know, I've never really noticed. But I know that I look fantastic in blue, so let's get her something blue!

Professor: So Winnie, what kind of outfit does Kevin want to buy for his girlfriend?

MC: 他说,女友平时在办公室都穿职业装,所以想给她换个风格,来件活泼、时髦的衣服。

Professor: Right. And what colors does Kevin think his girlfriend looks good in?

MC: 说起来真是让人来气! 他从来就没注意过女友适合穿什么颜色的衣服,就因为自己穿蓝色好看,就要给女友也买蓝色的衣服。我看Kevin爱自己胜过爱女朋友!

Salesperson: Well do you want something inexpensive, or is money no object?

Kevin: I want to get her something reasonably priced, but nice.

Salesperson: Hmm ... so how about $100 dollars? Maybe $200?

Kevin: $200? Come on, it's not like we're married.

Salesperson: Is $100 out of your price range?

Kevin: I don't want to go overboard. I think my budget is closer to $20.

MC: 啊? 他的“budget”--预算,只有20块!我看这些钱只够给人买双袜子的! Kevin真是“浪漫”得让人想揍他一顿!

Professor: Why, Winnie? Women don't think socks are a romantic present? Hmm ... So, that's why my wife was so mad at her birthday last year! But Winnie, can you guess what "money is no object" means?

MC: 我想,"money is no object"就是说 “钱不是问题,多少钱都无所谓”的意思。

Professor: That's right. For example, I usually only buy cheap things. But when I look for something important like a good doctor, money is no object.

Salesperson: Umm ... I don't think we have any outfits for 20 dollars here. This is a nice clothing store.

Kevin: Oh ... well, can you recommend a store near here where I could find some really good bargains?

Salesperson: There is a store down the street called Bargain Basement. You could probably find some really cheap clothes there.

Kevin: Wow, that sounds perfect for my budget. I'll go try to find her a present there. Thanks!

MC: Professor Bowman,"go overboard" 意思是“过份”么?

Professor: Exactly.

MC: 这么说,Kevin连100块都不舍得花?要我说,等他女友把他甩掉时,他可别怪人家 go overboard!

Professor: I agree. Tune in next time to see what happens!

A: 有句话叫礼轻情意重,可见花多少钱并不代表礼物好不好,不过,这个Kevin 给自己花1000块买衣服,给女朋友就用20块打发,这也太敷衍了。

B: Exactly. And he doesn't know what color his girlfriend likes. I don't see this relationship going anywhere.




American sports English: Skii

P: Thanks for going skiing with me today, Yang Chen. The Winter Olympics have really made me want to get out in the snow.

Y: Of course, Patrick! 我也喜欢滑雪。而且啊,seeing you crash and burn sounds like a lot of fun.

P: Thanks. But before we go, I should tell you some safety rules. Skiing can be dangerous if you don't know what you're doing.

Y: 我知道,要注意安全。Safety first.

P: Right. For example, an avalanche could kill you.

Y: An avalanche? 你是说雪崩?

P: Exactly. Actually, you can use the word "avalanche" any time there is a lot of something. For example, the politician received an avalanche of criticism when it was revealed he had taken bribes.

Y: Oh, an avalanche of criticism, 就是说批评的声浪很高。可是 Patrick, 这里只是一个小山坡,a bunny slope. 不可能发生雪崩。 而且We are twice as old as all the kids here.

P: Alright, maybe not. But you can fall and get hurt too if you don't know what you're doing. Whoa! Did you see that little kid crash? That was a total yard sale!

Y: Patrick! That's so mean.

P: But you said its funny to watch people crash.

Y: Not everyone. Just you! 不过你刚才为什么说 it was a total yard sale?

P: A yard sale is when you put stuff you don't want in the yard in front of your house, and people who walk by can stop and buy it from you.

Y: Oh, like a 自家门口的 旧货摊儿。这和滑雪有什么关系啊!

P: Well if you have a bad crash, and all your equipment gets spread out in the snow, it looks like you're having a yard sale.

Y: Aha, I get it. 因为摔得很惨, 滑雪的家伙摊了一地,好像卖旧货一样。Very funny.

P: As funny as watching me crash, Yang Chen?

Y: Mmm, I don't know. But there's only one way to find out. Let's go!

A: I remember the first time I went skiing. I crashed so hard and had a big yard sale!

B: Been there, done that!


B:But it surely hurt physically!


B: But you'll miss the thrill of the real thing!


B: Bye!


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