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发表于 2012-8-11 02:05 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式


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Was the spectrum of patients representative of the patients who will receive the test in practice?
Studies should score "yes" for this item if you believe, based on the information reported or obtained from the study's authors, that the spectrum of patients included in the study was representative of those in whom the test will be used in practice.
If you think that the population studied does not fit into what you specified as acceptable, the item should be scored as "no".
If there is insufficient information available to make a judgement then it should be scored as "unclear".

Were selection criteria clearly described?
If you think that all relevant information regarding how participants were selected for inclusion in the study has been provided then this item should be scored as "yes".
If study selection criteria are not clearly reported then this item should be scored as "no".
In situations where selection criteria are partially reported and you feel that you do
not have enough information to score this item as "yes",then it should be scored as "unclear".

Is the reference standard likely to correctly classify the target condition?
If you believe that the reference standard is likely to correctly classify the target condition or is the best method available, then this item should be scored "yes".
If you do not think that the reference standard was likely to have correctly classified the target condition then this item should be scored as "no".
If there is insufficient information to make a judgement then this should be
scored as "unclear".

Is the time period between reference standard and index test short enough to be reasonably sure that the target condition did not change between the two tests?
是:A 进展速度快的疾病,金标准和诊断性试验的检测时间间隔约为数小时或数日;B 慢性病,疾病状态可能不会在一周、一个月甚至更长的时间内发生变化,这是虽然诊断性试验和金标准的检测时间间隔较长,但仍可以评价为“是”
For conditions that progress rapidly even a delay of several days may be important. For such conditions this item should be scored "yes" if the delay between
the performance of the index and reference standard is very short, a matter of hours or days. However, for chronic conditions disease status is unlikely to change in a week, or a month, or even longer. In such conditions longer
delays between performance of the index and reference standard may be scored as "yes".
If you think the time period between the performance of the index test and the reference standard was sufficiently long that disease status may have changed between the performance of the two tests then this item should be
scored as "no".
If insufficient information is provided this should be scored as "unclear".

5、是否所有的样本或随机选择的样本均接受了金标准试验?(部分参照偏倚Partial verification biaswork-up bias, selection bias, or sequential ordering bias)
Did the whole sample or a random selection of the sample, receive verification using a reference standard of diagnosis
If it is clear from the study that all patients, or a random selection of patients, who received the index test went on to receive verification of their disease status using a reference standard then this item should be scored as "yes".
If some of the patients who received the index test did not receive verification of their true disease state, and the selection of patients to receive the reference standard was not random, then this item should be scored as "no".
This item should be scored as yes even if the reference standard was not the same for all patients. [详细解说请见下文]
If this information is not reported by the study then it should be scored as "unclear".

Did patients receive the same reference standard regardless of the index test result
If it is clear that patients received verification of their true disease status using the same reference standard then this item should be scored as "yes".
If some patients received verification using a different reference standard this item
should be scored as "no".
If this information is not reported by the study then it should be scored as "unclear".

Was the reference standard independent of the index test (i.e. the index test did not form part of the reference standard
If it is clear from the study that the index test did not form part of the reference standard then this item should be scored as "yes".
If it appears that the index test formed part of the reference standard then this item should be scored as "no".
If this information is not reported by the study then it should be scored as "unclear"

Was the execution of the index test described in sufficient detail to permit replication of the test?
Was the execution of the reference standard described in sufficient detail to permit its replication?

If the study reports sufficient details or citations to permit replication of the index test and reference standard then these items should be scored as "yes".
In other cases these items should be scored as "no".
In situations where details of test performance are partially reported and you feel that you do not have enough information to score this item as "yes", then it should be scored as "unclear".

Were the index test results interpreted without knowledge of the results of the reference standard?
Were the reference standard results interpreted without knowledge of the results of the index test?

If the study clearly states that the test results (index or reference standard) were interpreted blind to the results ofthe other test then these items should be scored as "yes".
If this does not appear to be the case they should be scored as "no".
If this information is not reported by the study
then it should be scored as "unclear".

Were the same clinical data available when test results were interpreted as would be available when the test is used in practice?
If clinical data would normally be available when the test is interpreted in practice and similar data were available when interpreting the index test in the study then this item should be scored as "yes". Similarly, if clinical data would not be available in practice and these data were not available when the index test results were interpreted then this item should be scored as "yes"
If this is not the case then this item should be scored as "no".
If this information is not reported by the study then it should be scored as "unclear".

Were uninterpretable/ intermediate test results reported?
If it is clear that all test results, including uninterpretable/indeterminate/intermediate are reported then this item should be scored as "yes".
If you think that such results occurred but have not been reported then this item should be scored as "no".
If it is not clear whether all study results have been reported then this item should be scored as "unclear".

Were withdrawals from the study explained?
If it is clear what happened to all patients who entered the study, for example if a flow diagram of study participants is reported, then this item should be scored as "yes".
If it appears that some of the participants who entered the study did not complete the study, i.e. did not receive both the index test and reference standard, and these patients were not accounted for then this item should be scored as
If it is not clear whether all patients who entered the study were accounted for then this item should be scored as "unclear".

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