本帖最后由 胡杨 于 2013-7-11 17:44 编辑
海内知己 发表于 2013-3-23 23:42
对于广泛耐药鲍曼不动杆菌 的英文缩写,我在阅读中看到有两个不同的表示,在《中国鲍曼不动杆菌感染诊 ...
MDR 和 PDR的含义为多耐和泛耐,相信大家都比较熟悉。耐药性介于二者之间的细菌被称为“XDR”,最早出现在WHO和美国为了区别结核杆菌的耐药性和诊疗方案的相关指南里,被国内抗结核专家译为 " 广泛耐药性肺结核" (Extensively drug-resistant,XDR-TB) 。往后文献中,对其他细菌的耐药性进行研究时,后被推演到其他关注细菌。可以看出介于多耐和泛耐之间的广耐,其如何命名?英文还是XDR为标准,除extensively drug-resistant以外,也会见到诸如 highly drug-resistant;Completely drug-resistant;Extremely drug-resistant 等的表述,来阐述不同于MDR 的耐药程度。但不会缩写成“EDR”的。
最后, 给一段英文描述参考: Definitions of multidrug-resistant Acinetobacter species vary when referring to a wide array of genotypes and phenotypes. [11] Different terms like 'multidrug resistant (MDR)', 'extensive drug resistant (XDR),' and 'pandrug resistant (PDR)' have been used with varied definitions to describe the extent of antimicrobial resistance among Acinetobacter spp. However, to date, unlike Mycobacterium tuberculosis, internationally, there are no accepted definitions for the extent of resistance in the bacteria. Arbitrarily used terms have thus caused great confusion making it difficult for the available literature to be analyzed.
In the current review 'MDR Acinetobacter spp.' shall be defined as the isolate resistant to at least three classes of antimicrobial agents - all penicillins and cephalosporins (including inhibitor combinations), fluroquinolones, and aminoglycosides. 'XDR Acinetobacter spp.' shall be the Acinetobacter spp. isolate that is resistant to the three classes of antimicrobials described above (MDR) and shall also be resistant to carbapenems. Finally, 'PDR Acinetobacter spp.' shall be the XDR Acinetobacter spp. that is resistant to polymyxins and tigecycline . The above definitions have been described keeping in view the different mechanisms of resistance known till date and the antimicrobials being used to treat various Acinetobacter spp. infections. These definitions further help to clearly define the extent of resistance and rational antimicrobial therapy .