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《柳叶刀》(The Lancet)是世界上最悠久及最受重视的同行评审性质的医学期刊之一。一直以来,《柳叶刀》对中国医学领域的进步以及医疗卫生改革保持了密集的关注。不久之前,《柳叶刀》特地推出一期中国专刊,丁香园就此制作了专题:中国医疗体系启示录。藉此机会,丁香园就广大会员关注的一些问题与《柳叶刀》主编Richard Horton展开了对话。
DXY.CN: As one of the world's most renowned medical journal with hundreds years of history, why would The Lancet pay such close attention to China's on-going health care reform?
Richard Horton: During the past decade, The Lancet has embarked on a change in its engagement with the medical and public health community. In addition to seeking to publish the very best medical research in the world, we have also sought to become an NGO for knowledge in health - and in global health in particular. What does this mean We aim to put equity at the heart of our mission: the right of every human being to the highest attainable standard of health. To achieve this goal, we must ensure that we investigate and advocate for the health of all peoples in all countries equally. We have therefore embarked on collaborations with Chinese centres of excellence to explore the challenges and solutions to predicaments facing the future health of the Chinese people. This work has become ever more urgent. We have always reported on events and progress in China. But in recent years we have seen Chinese colleagues themselves reach out and submit ever more work to us - China is now the third leading country in numbers of submissions to the journal. It is these two forces that have shaped our raised awareness and commitment to China.
Richard Horton:在过去的十年中,《柳叶刀》已经着手于一系列的转变,主要是关于其在医疗及公共卫生领域中的角色及应发挥的作用。除了致力于发表全球最顶尖的医学研究成果之外,我们同样也寻求成为一个非政府组织来提供医学健康知识——特别是关注全球的医疗卫生。这意味着什么呢?我们致力于将公平性作为我们使命的核心,即:每一个人享有其可能获得的最高标准健康的权利。为了实现这一目标,我们必须确保我们能够公平全面地关注全球各个国家及其人民的健康并为其呼吁。因此,我们开始与中国的优秀的研究机构共同合作,对于中国人民在未来将要面临的医疗健康困境探寻挑战及出路。这项工作已经变得愈发紧迫。我们对中国发生的事件及进展一直都有所报道。近几年,我们已经看到中国的同行向我们投递了越来越多的文章——在所有国家当中,中国现在在投稿数量上已排名第三。正是上述这两种力量塑造了我们对中国日益增长的关注以及对中国的承诺。
DXY.CN: Do you think the experience of China health care reform would be of value to some other countries?
Richard Horton: Of enormous value. The global consensus today is to discover a reliable path to universal health coverage. This objective combines two ideas - health system strengthening and the right of every person to the highest attainable standard of health. Health system strengthening includes how a country finances its health system. China's effort to create a universal insurance system to achieve universal health coverage will deliver valuable lessons for all middle-income nations.
Richard Horton:它拥有巨大的价值。现今的全球共识是寻找一个实现全民医疗覆盖的可靠途径。这个目标整合了两种思路:加强医疗体系,以及让每个人都享有其可能获得的最高标准健康的权利。加强医疗体系包括一个国家如何在财政上支持其医疗系统。中国努力创建一个全民医保系统以实现全民医疗覆盖,这能为所有中等收入国家提供宝贵的经验。
DXY.CN: Up till now, do you see any innovations/uniqueness in China health care reform?
Richard Horton: The uniqueness is the context: the understanding among Chinese leaders that market-based reforms created huge inequities, plunging families into catastrophic health expenditures, poverty, and further ill-health. The only solution for the health of China's people - as well as for social stability and economic sustainability - is universal coverage. That policy demanded a comprehensive health financing system - health insurance - together with a new commitment to training health professionals and improving health information for better planning and decision-making. China's remarkable economic growth has provided the resources for these solutions.
Richard Horton:独特之处是中国的大背景:中国领导人的理解是市场化改革已经造成了巨大的不平等,使一些家庭陷入巨大的医疗支出、贫困以及更进一步的健康恶化之中。要消弭中国人民健康问题,同样也是为了维护社会稳定并使经济可持续发展,那么解决这些问题的唯一方法是全民医疗覆盖。这项政策要求建立一个全面的医疗经济系统,即医疗保险。同时,也要有新的决心来承担起对医疗从业者的培训并加强医学信息,以更好地支持规划及决策。中国令人瞩目的经济发展成就已经为这些解决方案提供了资源。
DXY.CN: Do you see any challenges in China health care reform in the future, and what are your suggestions?
Richard Horton: The important two mutually dependent conditions that have triggered a renaissance in China's health are enlightened and technically able political leadership and economic growth. Long may both continue!
Richard Horton:中国医疗体系的复兴离不开两个重要的相互依存的条件,即愈发开明的、有能力的领导层以及经济的发展。希望两者都能长存!
DXY.CN: Compared with policy makers, doctors are generally considered as the mere executors of the health care reform. Do you believe doctors should play a more important role in influencing the reform?
Richard Horton: I do. China has many talented health professionals in clinical and public health practice, and in academic settings too. Our experience is that harnessing and incentivising the talent of the health professional community can bring extraordinary dividends to the health system - in leadership, transformation, and higher standards of care.
Richard Horton:我确实是这么认为的。中国在临床医疗、公共健康以及学术领域中拥有许多优秀的医疗专业人士。我们的经验是引导并激励医疗从业人员,这可以为医疗卫生系统在领导、改革和实现更高的医疗标准等方面带来莫大的益处。
DXY.CN: As you may already have heard about the constant incidents happening in China where doctors were attacked, some even killed by angry patients. What do you think of such incidents (A young intern was brutally killed by a patient in Harbin just in last week and around 70% netizens in China are "happy" to hear about it based on an online survey)?
Richard Horton: Violence against those whose professional duty and commitment it is to provide care seems a desperate situation. I don't fully understand the reasons for these actions. In my country, such events would likely trigger a government inquiry to understand the root causes and to identify possible policies to prevent and treat violence against health professionals.
Richard Horton:对于职业和使命是提供关爱和照顾的人群实施暴力,在我看来是一个非常让人绝望的处境。我无法完全理解这些行为背后的原因。在我的国家(英国),类似的事件很可能会引发政府对于事件最深层原因的探究,并从而制定出相应的政策来防止和解决对医疗从业人员的暴力行为。
托马斯. 威克利(Thomas Wakley)在1823年创立《柳叶刀》时,讲道“柳叶刀犹如拱形窗口,让光亮透入,或亦是锋利的手术刀,以切除陈杂,我意谓《柳叶刀》赋有上述双重含义。” 至今,此价值理念仍存于该杂志之精髓中。
《柳叶刀》于1823年10月25日发行创刊号。自创立伊始,威克利便以激发兴趣,指导实践和推动革新为目标。指导实践起初将来自伦敦教学机构中抄录的医学讲座整理刊出, 激发兴趣在早些日子则参照戏剧评论和辛辣有趣的政论,借鉴这两者的形式予于呈现。但首要也是最重要的是,《柳叶刀》是秉持革新主义的医学刊物。托马斯. 威克利及其继任者旨在在世界范围内将最卓越的医学科学出版物和一腔热忱相结合以对抗那些侵蚀医学之价值的力量,这些力量可能是政治的,社会的亦或是商业的。
该杂志从创立至今始终保持独立,未曾加入任何一个医学或科学组织。在180多年后,《柳叶刀》在整个医学界的发言仍保持着其独立性和权威性。我们探寻发表可引发医学实践变革的高质量临床试验;我们致力于世界健康的使命以确保广泛覆盖来自世界各区域的研究分析。我们强大的评论部和通信部可确保对研究及回顾性文章的严格评审;《柳叶刀》的主张及格调则在每周由三位主编交流后而确定; 优先发表的论文则通过thelancet.com提前快速发表;并且《柳叶刀》系列专业月刊的持续成功可确保《柳叶刀》深入探讨医学中主要学科的知识。