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本帖最后由 南京南京 于 2012-3-22 14:03 编辑
看了WHO推荐的手卫生监测方法《The World Health Organization hand hygiene observation method》(09版)后,我有几个疑问,想听听各位老师的看法,原文下载如下:
一、关于样本量的确定。原文节选如下: The best unit for estimating the number of observations is the denominator (ie, opportunities for hand hygiene), because it directly influences the results. If the scope of observation involves the comparison of results, then sample size estimation should be performed. Figure 3 shows exemplary results of sample size estimates according to anticipated baseline and follow-up adherence levels. These estimates do not take into account clustering of opportunities on the HCW level. Fig 3. Sample size required to identify a 10% (
) or 20% (
) difference between rates of hand hygiene adherence at two time periods (ie, baseline and follow-up). Note: the required number of opportunities to be observed is at both time periods, ie, the total number of observations is double the number shown on the graph. 本人才疏学浅,看了半天我愣是没看太明白这张Fig3图表的意思,横坐标是手卫生依从率,纵坐标是基线和随访所需要的必要手卫生时机数(样本数), 代表依从率增加10%的函数曲线,代表依从率增加20%的函数曲线。我的理解是样本量的确定的先决条件是知道手卫生依从率的大小,可是观察的目的就是想了解手卫生依从率,岂不本末倒置了?另外,我对“Sample size required to identify a 10% or 20% difference between rates of hand hygiene adherence at two time periods (ie, baseline and follow-up).”也不是很明白,试着翻译:“样本量的大小必须做到能够识别在2个不同时期(如基线调查和随访)手卫生依从率10%或者20%的差异”,不知如何理解?这里到底是想表达一个什么意思呢?
二、关于观察方法。原文节选如下: CONDUCTING AN OBSERVATION SESSION The observer should introduce himself or herself to the observed HCW(s) and patient(s) by indicating unobtrusively the reason for his or her presence, and maintain a discreet presence to avoid interference. How this introduction is handled depends on the local social and medical culture. The observer should aim to avoid excessive observation bias by not being too obvious, while not deceiving the observed HCW about the purpose of observation. The session should be concluded after 20 minutes ±10 minutes, depending on the duration of the care activity. 作者主张对选定的对象进行隐蔽观察20±10分钟再得出结论。并且根据《WHO手卫生观察表》(09版)上的描述,特意强调了每一例观察对象观察时间内所有手卫生指征和行为均应记录。对此我提出几点疑问: 1、如果正好被观察对象20±10分钟内无手卫生指征(虽然这种情况可能不多,但也存在,例如在30分钟内始终在持续护理患者或持续对患者进行有创操作),这样岂不浪费了时间? 2、如果正好被观察对象20±10分钟内手卫生指征较多,而恰巧此人手卫生依从性又非常的差(或者非常的好),将他的指针和行为都记录,不会对调查产生影响吗? 看了些类似文献,有人做法和WHO一样,也有人是从被观察者第一个手卫生指征开始记录,然后继续观察30分钟(或者60分钟),记录所有手卫生指征和行为。我个人倒是觉得可以在样本量足够大的基础上,只记录每个被观察者的一次手卫生指征和行为即可,这样是不是更好呢?请大家谈谈。 在此对safihu老师提供了《WHO手卫生监测方法》一文表示感谢! |