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Journal introduction: Clinical Microbiology and Infection

发表于 2012-2-25 04:48 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式


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本帖最后由 细菌耐药 于 2012-2-25 04:49 编辑

Clinical Microbiology and Infection

Author Guidelines

Clinical Microbiology and Infection (CMI), the official publication of the European Society of Clinical Microbiology and Infectious Diseases, was initiated in 1995 and publishes manuscripts presenting the results of original research in clinical microbiology, infectious diseases, virology and parasitology, including immunology and epidemiology as related to these fields. The journal also publishes invited editorials and reviews, as well as guidelines and position papers originating from ESCMID Study Groups and ESCMID-sponsored conferences.


To allow rapid dissemination of original investigations and reduce the delays before publications, all accepted Original Articles exceeding 2500 words submitted after 1 March 2012 will be published online-only. Like all articles published in CMI, online-only Original Articles will be fully citable and indexed. Each Original Articles will have the abstract included in the accompanying print issue and be referenced in the table of contents.


Please see http://mc.manuscriptcentral.com/cmi for submission instructions. Manuscripts must be submitted via the account of the Corresponding Author.

Please enter author names in full, following the conventional use of capitalization (do not use either all lower case or all upper case).

Correct and individual email addresses must be entered for all authors (do not enter the corresponding author's address for co-authors; this will delay the review process until all co-author's addresses are furnished).

Please upload manuscripts as Word documents rather than pdf files.

In case of difficulty, please contact ScholarOne (Get Help Now in the upper right corner of the screen).

For security reasons, the Editorial Office is unable to provide passwords.


Each online submission must be accompanied by a document signed by all named authors.

The submission document must affirm that all authors have read and agreed to the submitted version of the manuscript, that all those quoted for personal communications or listed in the Acknowledgement section have agreed to their inclusion, and that the manuscript or a significant part of it has not been published or submitted for publication elsewhere.

Please also include the text of the Transparency Declaration as it appears in the submitted manuscript (see below).

Upload this document along with your other manuscript files via CMI ScholarOne Manuscripts, selecting the file designation ‘Submission Document’.


Original Article

unstructured abstract (up to 250 words)
5-10 key words
2500 words maximum
4 to 5 tables/figures maximum (optional colour online)                                                                                
30 references maximum                    

Research Note

unstructured abstract (up to 100 words)
5 key words
1000 words maximum (no subheadings)
2 tables/figures maximum
20 references maximum                                                                                                         

NEW POLICY: To allow rapid dissemination of new, exciting and high quality preliminary primary research, all accepted Research Notes, submitted after 1 August 2011, will be published online-only. Like all articles published in CMI, online-only Research Notes will be fully citable and indexed. Each Research Note will have the abstract included in the accompanying print issue and be referenced in the table of contents.

Editorials and Reviews                                                                                         

Please do not submit uninvited manuscripts. The Editorials and Reviews to be published during 2010 have been invited in conjunction with monthly themes. Proposals for Guest Editorship of a theme section for publication in 2011 are welcome.     

ESCMID Publications
Manuscripts from ESCMID Study Groups or proposals for publications originating  from ESCMID Conferences should be discussed with the Editorial Office prior to submission.  

Please contact Didier Raoult (cmi.raoult@gmail.com) to propose a theme section or an ESCMID publication.


All named authors should have made a significant contribution to the overall design of the study or the execution of the work described, or both. The journal considers all authors to be responsible for the content of the entire paper. Individuals who supplied facilities, strains or reagents, or individuals who completed questionnaires should not be listed as authors but may be recognized in the Acknowledgement section, either collectively or individually. Similarly, individuals who critiqued the manuscript or gave advice should be acknowledged but are not considered authors.                              

Authors are encouraged to describe their actual contributions to a study/paper in a section entitled Authorship/Contribution which will be published below the Transparency Declaration.   

For guidelines: http://www.councilscienceeditors.org/services/authorship.cfm, http://www.acponline.org/journals/resource/unifreqr.htm


Acknowledged individuals must be named in full and must agree to their acknowledgement. All results presented previously at a scientific meeting or in another public context must be acknowledged, giving the context, location and date of presentation. Previously published material or illustrations must be accompanied by the written permission of the copyright holder.


Sources of funding, including internal support or grants from non-commercial (e.g. academic or governmental) institutions, must be included in this section. The absence of funding should also be declared, and data generated as part of routine activities should be acknowledged. A general statement disclosing a commercial relationship or a potential conflict of interest of any nature related to the submitted manuscript must be included. Alternatively, a statement must be made concerning the absence of dual or conflicting interests.     

For guidelines: http://www.icmje.org



Manuscripts must be submitted in English, using British spelling. Authors unsure of English usage should consult someone proficient in the English language. Nonconformity to accepted standards of English usage or journal style may delay both the review and the editorial process. Brevity is an advantage as well as a requirement (see length restrictions under Manuscript Categories). In particular, text should not be repeated in more than one section; text and tables/figures should not be redundant. Consistency is important; contributions from different authors and text from different sources must be rewritten to create a coherent and homogenous text.


All manuscripts must be double-spaced, with wide margins, and should have continuous line numbers throughout.


All submissions in all manuscript categories must include a title page indicating the intended category, the title, the full names and institutional affiliations of each author, a running title of up to 55 characters, and a complete postal address, email address, and international telephone and fax numbers for the single Corresponding Author (telephone and fax numbers will not be published).


All colour illustrations and figures are published in print and on-line, free of charge to the author.

Data reported in tables or figures should not be repeated in the text. Figures should be submitted electronically, with a high resolution (at least 300 dpi). Please save artwork as EPS files and bitmat files as TIFF. Ideally, vector graphics that have been saved in metafile (.WMF) or pict (.PCT) format should be embedded within the body of the text file. Please avoid using tints. Detailed information on digital illustration standards is available at http://authorservices.wiley.com/bauthor/illustration.asp.htm. Hard copy of all figures must be retained by the authors and may be required during the publication process. Hard copy figures should be professionally prepared in the form of high-quality photographic prints (not less than 13 x 18 cm) or electronically produced laser prints on A4 bonded paper. Please be aware that all illustrations will be significantly reduced in size for publication (often to a single column width). All descriptive or explanatory captions should be typed double-spaced on a separate page following text and tables, and should include full explanations of any abbreviations used in the figure. In the full-text online edition of the journal, figure legends may be truncated in abbreviated links to the full screen version. Therefore, the first 100 characters of any legend should inform the reader of key aspects of the figure.


Each table should be presented on a separate page with a descriptive or explanatory title, and numbered consecutively as cited in the text. Wherever possible, tables should be typed as text, using 'tabs' to align columns. The use of table editors should be avoided, as should graphics software. Please do not use paragraph returns within tables to indicate spacing within blocks of text; use instead a soft return (shift, return). Abbreviations may be used, but must be explained in full as footnotes. Units of measurement must be clearly indicated.


Extensive data sets or large figures may appear as Supporting Information on line. In this case, it remains the authors's responsibility to ensure that all figures or tables are illustrative of the text, but not redundant, and presented in such a way that non-specialist readers are likely to find the information understandable. Supporting Information will appear in colour as deemed appropriate.


Reports of research involving human subjects must include a statement in the Methods section that informed consent was obtained, as well as a statement of approval by a local human investigations committee. Similarly, experiments involving animals must have been conducted under appropriate licensing/approval arrangements, details of which should be included in the Methods section.


Authors are responsible for the accuracy and completeness of all references and are also responsible for ensuring that references are not used out of context. References should be numbered sequentially in the text in square brackets before punctuation marks, according to the Vancouver style. (Examples of references following).

Henriques Normark B, Normark S. Antibiotic tolerance in pneumococci. Clin Microbiol Infect 2002; 8: 613-622.

Article from a Supplement
Nikaido H. Crossing the envelope: how cephalosporins reach their targets. Clin Microbiol Infect 2000; 6 (suppl): 22-26.

Finch RG, Greenwood D, Norrby SR, Whitley RJ, eds. Antibiotic and chemotherapy. 8th edn. Philadelphia: Churchill Livingston, 2003.

Chapter from a Book
Jacoby G, Bush K. ƒÀ-Lactam Resistance in the 21st Century. In: White DG, Alekshun MN, McDermott PF, eds. Frontiers in antimicrobial resistance.  Washington, D.C.: ASM Press, 2005: 53-65.

Meeting Abstracts, Websites and Databases, Articles in press

Meeting abstracts are not acceptable as references within the Methods section, but are acceptable as preliminary unpublished results (if not older than 2 years) and should be cited parenthetically within the text rather than in the list of References (e.g. 14th European Congress of Clinical Microbiology and Infectious Diseases, abstract XXX). Similarly, references to websites or databases should be made parenthetically within the text, as should references to unpublished data, personal communications and articles submitted for publication. Copies of manuscripts in press or submitted manuscripts should be uploaded at the time of submission to facilitate the review process.


An automated message confirming receipt is sent upon submission. Please be aware that the submission process is not complete until you receive this message indicating a tracking number (CLM-XX-XXXX).

Submissions are screened for completeness and quality of files and will not enter the review process until the online files are satisfactory.

Submissions are initially reviewed by the Editor-in-Chief and are either assigned to an Associate Editor or declined as being out of scope or lacking priority considering the current rate of rejection (c. 75%).

The peer review process is managed by Associate Editors who are responsible for assessing priority and for selection of reviewers.

Submissions may be declined without external review as deemed appropriate by the Editor-in-Chief and Associate Editors.

Correspondence concerning papers that have been reviewed externally is between the Editor-in-Chief or an Associate Editor and the Corresponding Author.

Revised submissions are handled directly by the Editor-in-Chief or  an Associate Editor and should be resubmitted within 6 weeks. The intent is a short-term process of revision; however, some submissions may require several revisions. Although unusual, a submission may be declined after revision if the response to suggestions and requests is deemed incomplete or inadequate.

The current status of submissions is available via your Author Centre (select the appropriate category under My Manuscripts and view status on the right side of the screen).  Do not contact ScholarOne concerning editorial status.

Questions concerning the editorial process or an editorial decision should be addressed to the Editor-in-Chief (cmi.raoult@gmail.com)



An Exclusive License Form, which grants to Wiley-Blackwell the exclusive right to publish an article on behalf of the European Society of Clinical Microbiology and Infectious Diseases, must follow each accepted manuscript. Authors remain the copyright owner of the article.

Do not send an Exclusive License Form until a submission has been accepted.
Forms are available from the submission website and here: CMI Exclusive License Form .   

Forms should be sent to:                                                                                    

Production Editor, Clinical Microbiology and Infection, Wiley-Blackwell, 101 George Street, Edinburgh, EH3 2ES; Fax: +44 131 226 3803.      

OnlineOpen is available to authors of primary research articles who wish to make their article available to non-subscribers on publication, or whose funding agency requires grantees to archive the final version of their article. With OnlineOpen, the author, the author's funding agency, or the author's institution pays a fee (currently $3000) to ensure that the article is made available to non-subscribers upon publication via Wiley Online Library, as well as deposited in the funding agency's preferred archive. For the full list of terms and conditions, see: http://wileyonlinelibrary.com/onlineopen#OnlineOpen_Terms.

Any authors wishing to send their paper OnlineOpen will be required to complete the payment form available from our website at: https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/onlineOpenOrder

Prior to acceptance there is no requirement to inform an Editorial Office that you intend to publish your paper OnlineOpen if you do not wish to. All OnlineOpen articles are treated in the same way as any other article. They go through the journal's standard peer-review process and will be accepted or rejected based on their own merit.


Page proofs will be made available to the Corresponding Author and, if corrections are required, these should be returned within three days of receipt to the Publisher (in case of absence, arrangements should be made for a colleague to correct the proof pages). If corrections are not received, approval for publication is assumed. Notification will be sent by email with a link to a secure server where the proof pages will be available as an Acrobat pdf file. Acrobat Reader is required to read this file; software can be downloaded (free of charge): http://www.adobe.com/products/acrobat/readstep2.html.


A pdf file will be made available to the Corresponding Author for purposes of creating reprints for personal use. To purchase reprints for commercial purposes or wide distribution, use the reprints order form which will be included with the proof pages.


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