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Tissue adhesives for closure of surgical incisions

发表于 2012-2-22 11:40 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式


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    Paul Coulthard1,*, Marco Esposito2, Helen V Worthington3, Maarten van der Elst4, Oscar J F van Waes4,
  • James Darcey2
Editorial Group: Cochrane Wounds Group
Published Online: 12 MAY 2010
Assessed as up-to-date: 16 NOV 2009
DOI: 10.1002/14651858.CD004287.pub3
Copyright © 2010 The Cochrane Collaboration. Published by John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.

Sutures, staples and adhesive tapes are the traditional methods of wound closure, whilst tissue adhesives have entered clinical practice more recently. Closure of wounds with sutures enables meticulous closure, but they may show tissue reactivity and can require removal. Tissue adhesives offer the advantages of no risk of needlestick injury and no requirement to remove sutures later. Tissue adhesives have been used primarily in emergency rooms but this review looks at the use of tissue adhesives in the operating room where surgeons are increasingly using these for the closure of surgical skin incisions.
To determine the relative effects of various tissue adhesives and conventional skin closure techniques on the healing of surgical wounds.
Search methods
For this update we searched the Cochrane Wounds Group Specialised Register (Searched 17/11/09); The Cochrane Central Register of Controlled Trials (CENTRAL) - The Cochrane Library Issue 4 2009; Ovid MEDLINE  - 1950 to November Week 1 2009; Ovid EMBASE - 1980 to 2009 Week 46; EBSCO CINAHL - 1982 to 17 November 20098. No date or language restrictions were applied.
Selection criteria
Only randomised controlled clinical trials were eligible for inclusion.
Data collection and analysis
Screening of eligible studies and data extraction were conducted independently and in triplicate whilst assessment of the methodological quality of the trials was conducted independently and in duplicate. Results were expressed as random effects models using mean difference for continuous outcomes and relative risks with 95% confidence intervals for dichotomous outcomes. Heterogeneity was investigated including both clinical and methodological factors.
Main results
This update identified an additional six trials resulting in a total of fourteen RCTs (1152 patients) which met the inclusion criteria. Sutures were significantly better than tissue adhesives for minimising dehiscence (10 trials). Sutures were also found to be significantly faster to use. For all other analyses of infection, patient and operator satisfaction and cost there was no significant difference between sutures and tissue adhesives. No differences were found between tissue adhesives and tapes (2 trials) for minimising dehiscence, infection, patients assessment of cosmetic appearance, patient satisfaction or surgeon satisfaction. However a statistically significant difference in favour of using tape was found for surgeons' assessment of cosmetic appearance (mean difference 13, 95% CI 5 to 21). Tapes were also demonstrated to be significantly faster to use than tissue adhesives as were staples (1 trial). No other outcome measures were analysed in this group. One trial compared tissue adhesives with a variety of methods of wound closure and found both patients and clinicians were significantly more satisfied with the alternative closure methods than the adhesives. In this same trial tissue adhesives were significantly less time consuming to use. For the remaining outcomes of dehiscence and infection no difference was observed between groups. This trial also compared high viscosity with low viscosity adhesives and found that high viscosity adhesives were less time consuming to use than low viscosity tissue adhesives. For all other outcomes of dehiscence, infection, patient satisfaction and operator satisfaction there was no statistically significant difference between high and low viscosity adhesives.
Authors' conclusions
Sutures were significantly better than tissue adhesives for minimising dehiscence and were found to be significantly faster to use. Although surgeons may consider the use of tissue adhesives as an alternative to other methods of surgical site closure in the operating theatre they must be aware that adhesives may take more time to apply and that if higher tension is needed upon an incision, sutures may minimise dehiscence. There is a need for more well designed randomised controlled trials comparing tissue adhesives and alternative methods of closure. These trials should include people whose health may interfere with wound healing and surgical sites of high tension.
  Plain language summary
Tissue adhesives for closure of surgical skin incisions
Tissue adhesives or glues are increasingly used in place of sutures (stitches) or staples to close wounds and it has been suggested that they may be quicker and easier to use than sutures for closing surgical wounds. Adhesives carry no risk of sharps injury and are thought to provide a barrier to infection that also promotes healing as well as do away with the need for suture removal.
Fourteen studies were included and for most outcomes assessed there was no difference between tissue adhesives and the alternatives. However fewer wounds broke down when stitches were used and tissue adhesives were more time consuming to use than other methods. Some surgeons and patients preferred the alternatives to tissue adhesives.


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 楼主| 发表于 2012-2-22 11:40 | 显示全部楼层
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我們搜尋了The Cochrane Wounds Group Specialised Trials Register, The Cochrane Central Register of Controlled Trials (CENTRAL), MEDLINE 以及EMBASE等資料庫,我們還檢視了文獻回顧所引用的參考文件清單,以搜尋未發表於上述資料庫期刊的研究,同時我們還聯繫了產品製造商。


作者們獨立進行納入研究的篩選以及資訊摘錄達3次,而評估這些研究在方法學上的品質則獨立進行了2次。我們採隨機效果模式 (random effect models) 來呈現分析的結果,如果是連續變項,會使用加權平均差(weighted mean differences)、若是2分類變項,則改以相對危險性 (relative risk;RR) 以及95% 信賴區間 (confidence interval;CI) 來呈現。另外我們還調查了各研究在臨床和方法學因子上的異質性。

我們總共納入8項研究 (參與患者數為630位) 。在傷口裂開、感染、患者對傷口美觀的滿意度、或是外科醫師的整體滿意度上,各類型組織附著劑和縫線之間並未發現存在有顯著的差異 (8項研究) 。如果比較組織黏著劑和膠帶,則在感染、患者自評傷口是否美觀、患者與外科醫師滿意度上,也都沒有顯著的差異 (2項研究) 。然而,當討論到外科醫師對於傷口美觀程度的評估時,則發現組織黏著劑的分數平均值顯著高於其他產品,且平均差異達到13 (95% CI 5 to 21) 。



此翻譯計畫由臺灣國家衛生研究院 (National Health Research Institutes, Taiwan) 統籌。



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