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[进展] 2012 International Ambassador Program delegation announced

发表于 2012-1-31 11:31 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式


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The Society for Healthcare Epidemiology of America is pleased to announce its 2012 International Ambassador Program delegation. Each year, SHEA selects 10-12 delegates from around the world to participate in intensive training in healthcare epidemiology and infection prevention in the United States, as well as connect to leading experts in the field worldwide. With delegates from seventeen countries to date, SHEA is pleased to expand this year’s delegation to seven new countries, as well as deepen our presence in Asia, Africa, and South America. The 2012 delegates include:  Aziz O. Abdallah, MD, MS, HIVMAN, University Research Corporation, LLC, (Windhoek, Namibia) Pierre Abi Hanna, MD, MPH, Rafik Hariri University Hospital (Beirut, Lebanon) Martha I. Alvarez Larrañaga, MD, MPH, Fundacion Cardioinfantil IC (Cundinamarca, Colombia) Hitoshi Honda, MD, Teine Keijinkai Medical Center (Hokkaido , Japan) Ali Miraj Khan, MBBS, International Centre for Diarrhoeal Disease Research, (Dhaka, Bangledesh) (deceased) Hong Bin Kim, MD, Seoul National University Bundang Hospital (Seongnam, Korea) Admasu T. Mamuye, MD, Addis Ababa University School of Medicine (Addis Ababa , Ethiopia) Maria Alejandra Marcotti, MD, Clinica Alemana (Santiago, Chile) Joseph Ogirima Ovosi, MBBS, Ahmadu Bello University Teaching Hospital (Kaduna, Northern Nigeria) Tamer Saied, MD, MSC, U.S. Naval Medical Research (Cairo, Egypt) Sung Won Yoon Chang, RN, PhD, IC, Samsung Medical Center (Seoul ,Korea)
Dr. Khan passed away shortly after submitting his application, and SHEA did not learn of his passing until after awarding him this honor. For 2012, Dr. Khan has been named an honorary International Ambassador.
After attending both the SHEA Spring 2012 Conference and IDWeek, ambassadors will be well situated to significantly improve infection prevention efforts in their home countries. The applications for 2012 were extremely competitive and we would like to thank all of those who applied for this program. We will start accepting applications for 2013 next summer.


Thank you for timely sharing the information!  发表于 2012-1-31 11:40

使用道具 举报

发表于 2012-1-31 11:39 | 显示全部楼层


不远的将来会的吧  发表于 2012-1-31 11:46

使用道具 举报

发表于 2012-2-3 12:34 | 显示全部楼层
对老美来说,Asia, Africa, and South America总是重灾区,人口密度大,劳动强度大,跟楼上想的一样,啥时候有中国代表就好了

使用道具 举报

发表于 2012-3-20 15:36 | 显示全部楼层
翻译:美国医疗保健流行病学会很高兴地宣布其2012年的国际大使计划代表团。每年,佘选择10-12来自世界各地的代表参加在美国保健流行病学和预防感染的密集训练,以及连接到领域的世界领先的专家。与来自17个国家的代表,佘很高兴扩大今年的7个新的国家的代表团,以及深化我们的存在,在亚洲,非洲和南美洲。 2012年的代表包括:澳阿卜杜拉·阿齐兹博士,硕士,HIVMAN,大学研究公司,有限责任公司,(,纳米比亚温得和克)阿比皮埃尔·汉纳,医学博士,公共卫生硕士,拉菲克·哈里里大学医院(贝鲁特,黎巴嫩)玛莎一阿尔瓦雷斯拉腊因; AGA,医学博士,公共卫生,基金会Cardioinfantil IC(昆迪纳马卡,哥伦比亚)仁本田,MD,手稻Keijinkai医学中心(日本北海道)Miraj阿里·汗,内外全科医学士,国际腹泻病研究中心(达卡,孟加拉)(已故)香港金斌,医学博士,盆唐首尔国立大学医院(城南,韩国)Admasu吨Mamuye,医师,亚的斯亚贝巴大学医学院,亚的斯亚贝巴(埃塞俄比亚),医学博士玛丽亚·亚历杭德拉Marcotti,Clinica Alemana(智利圣地亚哥)约瑟夫Ogirima ovosi,内外全科医学士,Ahmadu Bello大学教学医院(尼日利亚北部卡杜纳州)添马舰Saied如何操作,博士,硕士,美国海军医学研究(埃及开罗),宋韩元尹昌,护士,博士,集成电路,三星医疗中心(韩国汉城)
博士汗去世后不久,提交他的申请,和Shea不学习,直到他逝世后,授予他这一荣誉。 2012年,汗博士已被任命为国际荣誉大使。
大使出席的谢伊2012年春季会议和IDWeek后,将位于以及显着改善在本国感染的预防工作。 2012年申请,竞争非常激烈,我们要感谢所有那些为这项计划申请。我们将开始受理申请2013年在明年夏天。

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