Trendelenberg Position:查了一下英文解释
In the Trendelenburg position the body is laid flat on the back (supine position) with the feet higher than the head by 15-30 degrees, in contrast to the reverse Trendelenburg position, where the body is tilted in the opposite direction. This is a standard position used in abdominal and gynecological surgery. It allows better access to the pelvic organs as gravity pulls the intestines away from the pelvis. It was named after the German surgeon Friedrich Trendelenburg. It is not recommended for the treatment of hypovolaemic shock.
过去这么久了,现在给大家一个答案:反向头低脚高位的定义(Definitions of Reverse Trendelenburg Position),即没有弯曲或伸展、头高脚低仰卧位(supine position without flexing or extending, in which the head is higher than the feet)。所谓“反向头低脚高位”是相对于“头低脚高位”而言,二个体位正好头与脚所处位置相反。这几个体位与医院感染的关系简述如下:
1、Trendelenburg Position头低脚高位:一般进行深静脉置管时建议采用这个体位,我看国外有关中心静脉置管标准操作规程中也专门提到采用这个体位,但似乎我们临床很少使用这个体位,认为会提高发生空气栓塞的可能性?
2、Reverse Trendelenburg Position反向头低脚高位:机械通气患者若无禁忌征,建议半卧位,但有些患者,脊柱或四肢不能弯曲等,美国SHEA发布的VAP预防指南中建议使用“反向头低脚高位”,但我国临床使用的床都是普通床,据说要达到这个体位,每张床得花上百万元看来这个体位对我国大多数医院来说还比较遥远。
3、Elevated HOB Position,即Elevated Head of Bed Position的缩写,床头抬高,它的作用应该不需要赘述了吧。