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发表于 2011-10-30 12:08 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式


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本帖最后由 蓝鱼o_0 于 2011-10-31 12:24 编辑


Russia has been trying to join the World Trade Organization since 1993. Now Russian officials are saying they hope to become a member by the end of this year.
The 153-member World Trade Organization (WTO) is the agency overseeing the rules of international trade. It was founded in 1995, replacing an organization known as the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade (GATT).
世贸组织目前有153个成员国,世贸组织负责监管国际贸易法规的实施。现今的世贸组织是1995年成立的,它的前身是GATT --General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade --关税和贸易总协定。
Experts say to become a WTO member is a complex procedure. First, a country has to accept a whole series of agreements. They include a ceiling on tariff levels governments can impose on various imported goods and another dealing with the protection of intellectual property. In addition to accepting all the WTO rules, a country then has to settle bilateral trade agreements with all the countries that so desire. And finally, a country has to change many of its economic and trade laws to make them conform to international standards.
The last country to join the Geneva-based WTO was Ukraine in 2008. Russia has been negotiating for 18 years.
David Christy, a lawyer [with the firm Thompson Hine] and trade expert who has helped governments with their WTO bids, says a country that wants to join and is serious in meeting WTO requirements can become a member within three to four years.
"When a country like Russia or China joins, it generally takes longer because the economy is so much more complex, but also because they are negotiating hard to minimize the obligations that they will be forced to undertake," said Christy. "And Russia was willing to put off its accession in order to ensure that the package of obligations it eventually accepts is as light as possible. And in that regard, kudos to them and their negotiators - I think they have done an excellent job. They have an exceedingly forceful negotiating style that tends to wear down other delegations. And so they are willing to keep the negotiating process going for year, after year, after year," Christy added.
Anders Aslund, a Russia expert with the Peterson Institute for International Economics, says Russian President Dmitry Medvedev is a forceful advocate of Russia's WTO accession.
"He has been pushing it and substantial progress has been made in the last two years," said Aslund. "And the other period when there was substantial progress was the years 2000 to 2003 - President [Vladimir] Putin's first term. But in between, say between 2003 and 2010, very little progress was made."
Experts say one major obstacle remains to Russia's WTO membership and that is Georgia's opposition to it. Under WTO rules, any member can block a new country from joining simply by vetoing it, because the organization operates by consensus.
Georgia has always strongly opposed Russia's support for the breakaway regions of Abkhazia and South Ossetia. Moscow and Tbilisi fought a brief war over them in 2008. Russia now considers the two independent states, a status not accepted by the international community.
Anders Aslund says Georgia's opposition to Moscow's bid has to do with customs procedures between Russia and the two separatist regions.
"What the Georgians are demanding is that there is some kind of multilateral control over trade flows through these two territories, South Ossetia and Abkhazia. And Russia has resisted it," Aslund noted.
David Christy says the real issue is that Russia is treating the breakaway regions as being completely separate from Georgia - which is strongly opposed by Tbilisi.
"So that trade, in Russia's view, would be flowing from Russia through South Ossetia [and Abkhazia] and then into Georgia," said Christy. "Whereas from Georgia's view, as soon as it crosses out of Russia, it's in Georgia as a matter of international law, even if Georgia doesn't fully control that territory."
The United States has backed Russia's entry into the WTO while at the same time saying it will not pressure Georgia to change its view. Experts are divided as to whether Russia will be able to resolve its differences with Georgia by the December 15-17 WTO ministerial meeting in Geneva.


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 楼主| 发表于 2011-10-30 12:11 | 显示全部楼层
本帖最后由 蓝鱼o_0 于 2011-10-30 12:38 编辑

【10.29】题目:土耳其地震两百多死 伤亡仍在攀升

Search efforts are continuing in southeastern Turkey for survivors of Sunday's powerful 7.2 magnitude earthquake. The number of dead reported has exceeded 200 and the death toll is expected to continue to rise.
Rescue workers are racing against time to find the hundreds of people believed to be trapped under the rubble of buildings that fell after the the quake.
Authorities say the 7.2 magnitude quake collapsed or severely damaged thousands of buildings.
Despite battling against the numerous aftershocks, rescue efforts have been successful.
A women is dug out of her collapsed apartment block after being trapped for 10 hours. She calls out for her mother, who was injured.
The survivors are from the town Ercis, one of the worst hit areas where as many as 100 buildings were reported collapsed.
Turkish Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan visited Van, the main city in the quake stricken region, late Sunday. He warned there may still be worse news to come.
He says the biggest concern is for the villages, because the buildings are made of clay and mud and are more vulnerable to quakes. He says almost all buildings in such villages are destroyed.
With the telephone system failing in many places, there has been little news from the area. Many of the roads have also been cut, adding to the difficulties of rescue efforts.
The remote and mountainous southeastern region of Turkey where the quake struck is one of the poorest parts of the country. Weather conditions worsened late Sunday, with freezing temperatures and forecasts for snow.
Turkey has received offers of help from numerous countries including the United States, Greece and Israel.
But Erdogan told reporters he has declined most offers of help.
Turkey is particularly vulnerable to earthquakes because it sits on major geological fault lines.
In 1999, two earthquakes registering more than seven points on the Richter scale killed almost 20,000 people in densely populated parts of the north-west of the country.

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 楼主| 发表于 2011-10-30 12:38 | 显示全部楼层
The U.S. economy added 103,000 jobs in September, but the nation's unemployment rate held steady at 9.1 percent for the third straight month. Although September's job growth was stronger than most economists were expecting, it is still not growing fast enough for the millions of Americans looking for work.
In many U.S. cities, frustration over the scarcity of jobs is spilling out into the streets in the form of protests, like the "Jobs Not Cuts" rally in Washington.
Many, including rapper Godfrey James, say lawmakers are not doing enough to help unemployed Americans.
"Cause it's another dark night when the U.S. is needing light," said James. "Tell me is it fair? We got workers rights in the air, and the Congress hasn't put one jobs bill there."
Experts say hiring is likely to remain weak for the remainder of the year as companies wait for the economy to improve.
But rally organizer Shannon Mcleish says corporations are sitting on piles of cash while the rest of America struggles to make ends meet.
"Yes, jobless numbers, poverty, unemployment, homelessness, health issues, no health insurance, you can trace it all back to the greed and the misinformation that has been propagated through our media," said Mcleish.
In New York, where the "Occupy Wall Street" movement appears to be gaining momentum, activists say the richest one percent own most of the country's wealth.
"I feel like the middle class has been almost completely wiped out now. Now, you have got the bottom class and the top class," said one protester.
All told, about 14 million Americans are unemployed, nearly 40 percent have been out of work for more than six months.
This single mother says finding a decent job is even harder for women and minorities.
"It's pretty discouraging, there's, it's also difficult especially for women to find flexible part time work where they can also take care of their children, that's a whole other issue," she said.
President Barack Obama, who is running for re-election next year, is pressuring Congress to pass a $450 billion job creation plan. Republicans, who see the economy as the president's weakness, have blocked many of his initiatives and are unlikely to approve the package of tax cuts and public spending.
But small business owner Dave Finnegan says Americans need to remind politicians who's really in charge.
"This is how things get done," said Finnegan. "That building, the Capitol building is only a place where they vote on stuff, it's not a place where things originate. Things originate with people in the street. This is a democracy and it has to start here."
While better than expected job numbers last month have helped calm fears of a new recession, the nation's chronic high unemployment is expected to be a major issue in 2012. And as the election draws near, analysts say the weak economy is likely to fuel more rallies.

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 楼主| 发表于 2011-10-31 12:22 | 显示全部楼层

Investments by Indian companies in foreign countries have risen sharply as they look for newer markets and resources to fuel a growing economy.
For nearly 150 years, Harrisons Malayalam has grown rubber and tea on massive plantations in the southern Indian states of Tamil Nadu and Kerala. But Managing Director Pankaj Kapoor says that despite the growing demand for both commodities, the company cannot develop new land in India.
将近150年来,印度的哈里森.马拉雅拉姆公司(Harrison Malayalam)在印度南部的泰米尔纳德邦和喀拉拉邦大片土地上种植橡胶和茶叶。管理主任卡普尔说,虽然对两种商品的需求持续增加,但公司无法在印度开发新的土地。
"To get land, say 10,000 hectares of land at one place, whichever be the state, is next to impossible, it's not available," noted Kapoor.
The company now plans to invest millions of dollars to develop rubber plantations in Africa.
Kapoor says they have scouted for land in countries like Ethiopia and Ghana.
"It's good to get the land in African countries, because the governments are very keen to get the investors overseas, they have large land, unutilized," Kapoor added. "We can bring in the technology and we can bring in the money."
Harrisons Malayalam is just one of scores of Indian companies which are pushing overseas in search of resources such as land and coal, newer markets, or technology.
Between April 2010 and March 2011 Indian companies invested nearly $44 billion overseas, more than double the previous year.
They have gone to Africa, Asia, Europe and Australia in sectors ranging from farming, pharmaceuticals and energy, to telecommunications and infrastructure. D.K. Joshi, chief economist at the Crisil consulting firm in Mumbai, says the growing investments are driven by several factors.
"Indian corporates have been cash rich and on top of that the foreign exchange regulations were liberalized so that allowed Indians to go out," Joshi noted. "The valuations of foreign companies after the global financial crisis, they were pretty good, so it made sense to go out and acquire companies to expand the global footprint."
The overseas investors include some of India's biggest groups, including: Reliance Industries, the Tata conglomerate, the Essar Group and Bharti Airtel. The Tata conglomerate now earns more than half its revenues overseas.
印度的海外投资者包括了一些最大的集团,包括信实工业(Reliance Industries)、塔塔集团(Tata conglomerate)、爱莎集团(Essar Group)和巴帝电信(Bharti Airtel)。塔塔集团现在的营收有超过一半来自海外。
Chandrajit Banerjee, who heads the Confederation of Indian Industry, says Indian companies have become increasingly confident as they have grown in scale and size since India liberalized its economy two decades ago.
"They became ambitious, their aspiration levels went up, and therefore they started looking offshore," said Banerjee. "Indian industry has today become much more competitive and therefore they are being able to acquire, they are able to match technology, they are able to export, they are able to invest."
Economists also say that as decision-making slows down in India in the wake of high profile corruption scandals, many businesses prefer to invest in what they call more "predictable" markets. A survey by the Federation of Indian Chambers of Commerce and Industry suggests that business confidence in India has plunged due to high interest rates, frustration with governance and problems with issues such as land acquisition.
However, economist Joshi warns that the pace of overseas investments may slow down in the coming months due to concerns of another recession in Western countries.
"I think the companies will try to preserve cash, because their margins are already coming under pressure, and I think there is also a fear that if the global economy crashes again, then I think there will be a credit freeze and you will require money," Joshi added. "So everybody is in a cautious mode right now, so they are likely to go a bit slow in their global acquisitions unless the dust settles on the global environment once again."
Meanwhile, the government says it wants to speed up the pace of economic reforms in such areas as labor laws and land acquisition to encourage Indian companies to invest more money at home.

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 楼主| 发表于 2011-11-1 12:48 | 显示全部楼层


The International Labor Organization (ILO) said the global recession has created – what it calls – a generation of “scarred” youth. It says frustration in finding good jobs has contributed to protests movements around the world.
ILO economist Steve Kapsos said this scarred generation of young workers continues to grow.
“If you look globally at the number of unemployed youth around the world (it) has increased dramatically as a result of the global economic crisis. We estimate that there’s about 4.6 million more unemployed youth today than in 2007,” he said.
And they face short and long term challenges.
“Young job seekers are having to queue, wait, longer periods of time, before securing their first employment opportunity. The wages that they receive when they enter the labor market are lower than they otherwise would have been. And this really sets them off on a lower trajectory in terms of their employment and their careers,” he said.
Not all young unemployed or under employed are alike. Kapsos says there a difference between those in developed and developing nations.
“In developed economies, the challenge is really one of generating employment, lowering unemployment rates. In developing regions, it’s really the quality of employment, the productivity of employment where we see large numbers of young people living below the poverty line,” he said.
In sub-Saharan Africa, economic conditions differ from many other developing regions. That’s because it has fared a bit better during the recession.
Kapsos said, “If you look at the unemployment rate in the sub-Saharan African region, our estimates show very little change during the global economic crisis. It’s really not an issue of unemployment in the region. It’s one of low productivity employment. We estimate in the countries for which we have data, about a quarter of young people around the world in developing countries are among the working poor. They’re working, but they’re living below the $1.25 poverty line. The figures in many sub-Saharan African countries are much higher than that.”
Also, sub-Saharan African countries have had faster growth rates in recent years than many other regions. Kapsos says while that offers some hope for young workers, there are still some underlying problems.
“If you look at the sources of growth, a lot of it is commodities based. A lot of it is the extractives industry. And those are very capital intensive. They’re not labor intensive. So, there is a real challenge in terms of generating employment in the formal sector, formal wage employment, that can really lift people out of poverty,” he said.
Not meeting demand
The ILO economist said a big reason for the high youth unemployment rate in the world is a skills mismatch. Young workers don’t have the skills needed for the jobs that are available.
Kapsos said education is one solution and improvements in education have occurred. But he says there are often wide education and skill gaps between men and women in developing countries.
Will things improve for young people when the global recession finally ends? Kapsos said not right away because labor markets typically lag behind the overall economic recovery.
“When we’re talking about youth, it’s even worse than adults in terms of a delayed labor market recovery. Young people are often the first to be let go in an economic downtown, and they’re often the last ones to get back into the labor market and to secure employment when things pick up,” he said.
The International Labor Organization findings can be found in its new report Global Employment Trends for Youth: 2011 Update.

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发表于 2011-11-1 16:55 | 显示全部楼层

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发表于 2011-11-2 15:54 | 显示全部楼层
[11月2日][双语新闻] 美国努力阻止“逆向人才流失”
The U.S. Congress is debating how to overhaul the nation’s immigration system in an effort to get foreign nationals who earn advanced degrees at American universities to stay and work in the country to help the U.S. stay globally competitive.

Some are calling it a “reverse brain drain.”
Foreign students flock to American universities to earn master’s degrees and Ph.D.s in science, technology, engineering and math.
But many, like 25-year-old Yifang Wei from Xian in central China, may not be able to get a visa to work in the United States after graduation.
“Yes, I am very worried, very worried,” said Wei.
In 2009, foreign students earned up to two-thirds of the doctorates in physics and engineering awarded by U.S. schools of higher education.
Xiao Qin is from Beijing and is working toward his Ph.D. in computer science at Georgetown University in Washington. He would like to work for Google, Yahoo or Microsoft.
“Obviously, we prefer to stay here for several years, but if we cannot get any valid visa we have to leave,” he said.
The United States limits the number of foreigners who can seek careers in the United States, and critics say restrictive immigration policies hurt America’s ability to retain top students.
Representative Zoe Lofgren of California said, “While we once asked the brightest minds in the world to come and make their homes here, we now turn them away. Having educated and trained the world’s best students in our universities, we no longer welcome them to enrich this nation.”
High-tech companies recruit workers at the nation’s top universities. But some, like Texas Instruments, say it can take 10 years for their foreign workers to become permanent U.S. residents.
Darla Whitaker, senior vice president at Texas Instruments, said, “This is not sustainable. It hurts our company and our industry, and it places burdens and stresses on our employees.”
The United States now limits the number of immigrants from other countries on a country-by-country basis, meaning students from large nations generally have the longest wait.
A recent study by the National Foundation for American Policy says a highly skilled Indian national could wait 70 years for permanent status.
Vivek Wadhwa conducts research about immigrant entrepreneurs, and is on the faculty of Harvard and Duke Universities.
“We are out of touch. We are in a knowledge economy. It is all about competition. If we don’t keep these people, if we don’t compete, we are going to lose. We are going to become a third world country and they are going to become like us,” said Wadhwa.
Congress is studying ways to change America’s immigration policies.
So far there has not been a consensus, however, on how to reverse the brain drain and keep scholars like Yifang Wei and Xiao Qin in the United States once they graduate from one of America’s top universities.


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 楼主| 发表于 2011-11-3 12:39 | 显示全部楼层
【11.3】20国峰会将召开 债务危机是焦点


Leaders of the G20 group of industrialized nations will meet in France later this week - with the threat of another economic crisis still looming over the world economy. The summit comes just days after European countries held an emergency meeting to try to save the euro currency.

The resort of Cannes is best known as a billionaire’s playground.
This week it’s austerity on the agenda, as G20 leaders gather here to discuss the dark shadows hanging over the world economy.
Twelve thousand French police will be backed by special forces and helicopter teams to keep the expected protesters at bay.
With the euro debt crisis still unresolved, there could be plenty of conflict within the summit, says Stephanie Rickard of the London School of Economics.
“This is the opportunity for the G20 partners to weigh in on how they feel about the eurozone debt deal," said Rickard. "I think behind closed doors there will be very frank, very difficult discussions about the actual details of the program. Where’s the money going to come from? How’s it going to work? Is it going to contain the crisis within the eurozone? In public, they are going to be very careful about presenting a unified front, they’re going to try to be as optimistic as they can so that they don’t sink the eurozone deal.”
European leaders agreed last week on a deal to try to stop the euro debt crisis spreading. Central to the plan is the beefing up of the EU’s bailout fund.
Europe is looking east to countries like China for help. It’s not yet clear if they will ride to Europe’s rescue, says Tobias Blattner of Daiwa Capital Markets.
“At the G20 summit what we are really looking out for is some kind of commitment and real figures coming from these countries, that they clearly state that they will give money in order to support the euro area. And that is the next event that markets are looking out for,” said Blattner.
Chinese President Hu Jintao arrived in Austria Monday before heading to Cannes.
The Chinese currency has long been a bone of contention at G20 summits.
Europe and the United States accuse Beijing of keeping the Yuan artificially low to aid exports.
“China’s in a very interesting position. China has some power potentially," added Stephanie Rickard of the London School of Economics. "They can provide the resources to help bailout the eurozone economies, but in return they’re going to be asking for some leniency on the currency issue and potentially more power at the international bargaining table.”
After the late night euphoria at the euro meeting last week, investors are now looking to the G20 for detail on who will pay what.
If that’s not forthcoming - analysts warn the chink of economic light emerging from Brussels will quickly be extinguished on the French Riviera.

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 楼主| 发表于 2011-11-4 13:43 | 显示全部楼层

It was meant to be a peaceful effort to voice unhappiness over the government's failure to provide concrete responses to existing problems. But soon extremist elements infiltrated the demonstrators, turning their anger into violence.
The streets of Rome saw scenes of urban guerrilla warfare that they had not witnessed in years.
Italy has Europe's second highest debt burden after Greece. Unemployment is high. Young and old find it very difficult to make ends meet.
Many students feel they have no prospects, no future. Among them is Camilla Polimadei, 17.
"I am worried about the fact the at the moment the way things are going I should no longer even bother studying because what's the point? I'll end up working as a hairdresser even if I get a degree," said Polimadei. "I don't want a future like this. I want a future that I earn what I want to become."
Her father is equally discontented.
"Politics do not do the interests of the population," he said. "Politics does its own private interests, especially this government. We have seen it at all levels with the corruption and bad management. And those who pay for all this are citizens who pay their taxes and do not know where the money goes and where it is being invested."
The center-right government led by Prime Minister Silvio Berlusconi narrowly survived a confidence vote in parliament last week. Many feel it is time for a new leadership because this government lacks the ability to implement the needed reforms.
The London School of Economics' Marco Simoni says Italy's inactive government has exacerbated the economic situation.
"It's like a spiral," Simoni noted. "Like you don't do your reforms. Because you didn't do the reforms, the economy gets worse. Because the economy gets worse, interest groups cling even more than before to what they have. And therefore reforms become even more unlikely."
Simoni says the economy could get worse before it gets better. And he says, while many believe a change of government would help solve the economic situation, Berlusconi will likely hold on to his leadership until elections in 2013.
Italians hold out little hope that their economic conditions will change any time soon. They feel poorer and poorer and more demonstrations are expected. Now authorities are discussing what measures need to be adopted to avoid a repeat of what was described as incredible and unacceptable violence.

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 楼主| 发表于 2011-11-7 16:41 | 显示全部楼层

Nearly 7 million immigrants live in Britain, and one particular group has grown drastically since 2004 when their countries were admitted to the EU. Today 600,000 Eastern Europeans reside in Britain, of which 66 percent are Poles. The Polish community keeps growing and is faring better than the rest during tough economic times in the UK.
Cooking up a little taste of home. That’s the goal each night at London’s oldest and arguably most well-known Polish restaurant - Gessler at Daquise.
But it’s more than food for many at this restaurant - which sits in an old Polish community turned posh London neighborhood.
For Polish immigrant and waiter Jarek Hunek, it's not only a job, but a place where he can connect with other Poles in London. He relied on friends in this tight-knit and growing community - concentrated in West London - when he moved to the Britain earlier this year.
“They helped me to find a job and an accommodation, a room in their home. They explain everything I should know about England and London,” said Hunek.
Czhanuek also had one other advantage in his job search.
“And it was easy for me - because as you can hear I speak English, so it was much easier," he said.
Analysts say fluency in English is a big advantage for immigrants looking for work. But a willingness to take any job also helps and is a key part of why 84 percent of Poles in Britain are employed. That number is higher than that of the native population.
分析人士说,英语流利对想找工作的移民来说是一个很大的强项。还有就是他们什么工作都愿意作, 这就是为什么84%的波兰移民都有工作的一个关键所在。这个数字比英国本国人的就业比率还高。
Oxford University’s Carlos Vargas Silva said Poles are faring better than other immigrants during this recession because they normally come for work - not family reasons.
剑桥大学的卡洛斯.席尔瓦说, 在当前经济衰退的情况下,波兰人的经济状况比其它移民好很多,这是因为他们移民的目的是为了工作,不是由于家庭的原因。
“They are willing to accept jobs in the labor market that are different from the ones that the local population is willing to accept. So they are willing to accept jobs that are very low given their skills.”
席尔瓦说:“在劳务市场上,他们愿意干当地人不愿意作的工作,而跟他们的技能相比, 这些工作要低很多。”
Many are highly skilled and educated like Hunek, who has a nursing degree but has chosen to work in the food industry.
Economist Jonathan Portes said despite the fact many Poles and other Eastern Europeans are overqualified for low paying work in Britain, many are young and likely will move up in the job market.
经济学家乔纳森.波特斯说,尽管波兰人和很多东欧移民在英国做的是薪水较低的工作,对这些工作而言, 他们的资历过高,但是很多年轻人都有望在就业市场上不断迁升。
“My view would be that in the short term that is actually not too much of a problem because they are mostly young. They will move on,” said Portes.
But for older immigrants, like 57-year-old Edward Brzychcy, being fluent in English is not enough. He has been looking for a job in Britain for a year. And he said the job search is made harder by all the young, educated applicants.
“But there are people, as you see here, from all over the world. And everyone is trying to find a job. And that's what I am trying to find, too. I hope I will be able to find it finally because I don’t intend to go back to Poland,” said Brzychcy.
And neither does Hunek. He not only has a job, but one he enjoys and that allows him to straddle the best of his two worlds: From the sidewalks of fashionable London he takes a few steps through a glass door to the sights and smells of childhood back in Poland.

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 楼主| 发表于 2011-11-9 12:38 | 显示全部楼层

A Saudi Arabian man accused of being the mastermind behind the bombing of the USS Cole in 2000 is scheduled to be arraigned Wednesday, Nov. 9 before a military commission at Guantanamo Bay. Abd al-Rahim al-Nashiri could face the death penalty if convicted.
The suicide attack on the U.S. naval vessel in Yemen’s Port of Aden left a gaping hole in the side of the ship, killing 17 sailors and wounding dozens of others.
"Bringing to justice the perpetrators of the October 12, 2000 attack is a vital part of our counterterrorism mission and we will dedicate whatever resources are needed to get the job done," said FBI director Robert Muller.
Abd al-Rahim al-Nashiri was captured in 2002, held in secret CIA prisons overseas, and transferred to Guantanamo Bay in 2006. He is one of 15 high-value detainees held at Guantanamo and is the first to face a military tribunal since U.S. President Barack Obama lifted a freeze on such trials earlier this year.
“I would just tell you we are training, we are ready," said Colonel Donnie Thomas, who is in charge of security at the Guantanamo Bay detention facility. "We have held commissions before and this will be another commission with a little bit more spotlight to it and so we are prepared for that.”
Nashiri is charged with murder, terrorism and conspiracy and could face the death penalty. Nashiri’s attorneys argue he should not be tried because he was subject to the near-drowning technique called waterboarding and mock executions.
Attorney Eugene Fidell is a lecturer on military law at Yale University, and has long criticized the Guantanamo process.
“It is a bad thing to be conducting these trials at Guantanamo," he said. "They should be conducted - if we have people who have committed federal crimes they should be tried in a proper federal court.”
But Congress has blocked attempts to bring Guantanamo detainees for trial in the U.S. and efforts to close the detention center have failed so far.
After Nashiri’s arraignment a military judge is expected to set the schedule for the trial.
Military law expert Cully Stimson of the Heritage Foundation says the process could take a long time.
“I think a year or two or more delay for defense to get ready for trial is not unreasonable and I would not be surprised if a military judge grants them all the time they need,” he said.
The case will be heard at Guantanamo’s Camp Justice in a courtroom so secure no photographs are allowed even outside the building.

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 楼主| 发表于 2011-11-11 11:56 | 显示全部楼层

Next week (November 14-19), leaders from 18 nations will gather on the Indonesian island of Bali for the sixth annual East Asia summit. The regional economic and security forum has steadily gained in importance in recent years and this year for the first time includes the leaders of the United States, Russia and China. The host nation Indonesia has raised the profile of the summit through its consensus-building work as chair of the Association of Southeast Asian Nations.
Temple mediation
When violent clashes between Thailand and Cambodia erupted in February, about disputed border claims near a historic Hindu-Khmer temple, Indonesian Foreign Minister Marty Natalegawa used his position as chairman of the Association of Southeast Asian Nations to act as a mediator.
During the months of shuttle diplomacy that followed, Natalegawa defended ASEAN's consensus-building approach while also acknowledging that the absence of any threat of political or economic sanctions makes his job more difficult.
"Diplomacy, it's not only about pressure and sanctions but also about encouragement. We'll see. The jury is still out. Come back to me in a little bit and see where we are," he said.
Natalegawa managed to get the two member states to agree in principle to a cease-fire agreement, but has been unable to actually implement the plan which calls for stationing Indonesian peacekeepers in the conflict zone.
Such diplomacy has made the ASEAN forum, and its East Asia summit, increasingly important for a region with about half of the world’s population and many of its fastest growing economies. U.S. officials routinely call the Asia-Pacific region one of the most dynamic and significant for American interests in the coming decades.
South China sea diplomacy
At the last ASEAN regional security summit, in July, Natalegawa hailed an agreement between China and ASEAN to resolve disputed claims in the oil-rich South China sea, even though the agreement only called for both sides to develop a process to eventually reach an agreement.
And, on the sidelines, officials from North and South Korea held informal talks, sparking hope for the eventual resumption of the six-party talks on North Korea’s nuclear programs.
Dewi Fortuna Anwar, Indonesia's deputy secretary to the vice president for political affairs says, although the ASEAN summits rarely produce ground breaking agreements, they play an important role in maintaining regional peace and stability.
"The most you can do is to try to diffuse tension and hopefully also to develop a mechanism for creating linkages between the parties so that the parties will see it is in their interest to cooperate, rather to carry out the rather adversarial relationships," said Anwar.
Burma issue
Also on the East Asia summit's agenda will likely be Burma's bid to take the annual chairmanship role of ASEAN in 2014. ASEAN has expressed conditional support as a incentive to further democratic progress made by recent elections and the release of pro-democracy leader Aung San Suu Kyi and some other political prisoners. Some human rights groups argue that ASEAN should take a tougher approach and first pressure Burma to live up to the organization's own democracy and human rights principles.
Anwar says supporting Burma or Myanmar's bid is risky for ASEAN's credibility as it moves to become an integrated regional organization in 2015 that establishes principles of democracy and the rule of law.
"If significant reforms are not made or if there are some setbacks in the reform then there is always the possibility that Myanmar's chairmanship of ASEAN, just one year before the ASEAN community is supposed to take place could spell real disaster, real public relations disaster for ASEAN," said Anwar.
But she says, especially in these times of regional economic growth, the "ASEAN way" of focusing on mutual interests, offering encouragement and building consensus over time is the most effective way to ensure peace and stability.

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 楼主| 发表于 2011-11-14 12:28 | 显示全部楼层
Senior officials from 21 countries are meeting in Hawaii this week for the annual summit of the Asia Pacific Economic Cooperation forum, or APEC. This year's host, President Barack Obama, will meet with other Asia-Pacific leaders Saturday and Sunday.
Security is in force in Honolulu, as 10,000 people gather for the summit, including national leaders, government ministers, business executives and reporters.
This year the United States hopes to expand trade and coordinate regulations in the Pacific region and announce a framework for the so-called Trans-Pacific Partnership, a Pacific free trade zone. It would be built on an existing trade agreement involving Brunei, Chile, New Zealand and Singapore.
American negotiators are spearheading the effort to expand the partnership to include the United States, Australia, Malaysia, Peru and Vietnam. Japanese farmers and fishermen rallied Tuesday against the possible involvement by their nation after news reports said Prime Minister Yoshihiko Noda will soon announce that Japan will join the talks.
The United States is urging restrictions on subsidies to state-owned enterprises, which would have an impact on China, whose mixed economy is making the transition from state ownership to private enterprise. A Chinese official said this week that China has not been asked to join the free trade partnership.
Political scientist Christopher McNally of the East-West Center says the U.S. Congress would probably not approve the agreement if China were included, at least for now. But Vietnam has joined the talks, and he notes that Vietnam is making the same transition. He says APEC is a good forum to reach limited agreements that involve only some of the member nations.
“It's a venue where leaders can get together to discuss facilitation of trade, investment and other economic issues within the Asia-Pacific. But, agreements that are binding tend to be forged at a smaller level because it's very difficult to get all 21 economies to agree on one issue,” noted McNally.
American officials, including Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, are asking APEC nations to reduce tariffs on environmentally sustainable goods and services, including wind turbines and solar power panels.
China has said the U.S. goals are too ambitious and are beyond the reach of developing countries. Analyst McNally says American trade agreements are more complex than China's and typically deal with issues other than trade.
“They also include environmental standards, they include labor standards. The include also product standardization, things like that," said McNally.
He says Chinese agreements focus on such basic issues as reducing tariffs and quotas and harmonizing customs standards.
Both kinds of issues will be tackled in meetings at successively higher levels. President Obama will host the APEC leaders at a dinner Saturday, and the summit will wrap up with a meeting of the leaders Sunday.

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 楼主| 发表于 2011-11-16 12:53 | 显示全部楼层


The United States observes Veterans Day November 11, a national holiday to remember and honor military veterans of all wars. Veterans Day dates back to the end of World War I in 1918. This year it falls less than two months before all U.S. troops are due to leave Iraq, and while nearly 100,000 American service members are still in Afghanistan. Veterans of those recent wars have differing views about the U.S. military presence abroad.
今天是美国的退伍军人节(Veterans Day)。在美国,这是一个全国性的假日,纪念所有参与过各项战事的军人。退伍军人节可以追溯到1918年第一次世界大战结束的日期。今年的退伍军人节,距离美国从伊拉克撤军不到两个月的时间,但是美国依然有将近10万官兵驻扎在阿富汗。
Inside a classroom at Santa Monica College, a group of students meet once a week to make friends and for support. They are all military veterans, and for some, such as Monica Scates, the horrors of war are still very real.
“When I came home it took three years to transition after getting out. That was such a feeling of being lost, that we were given no transitional training, no decompression,” she said.
Scates served in the first Gulf War against Iraq 20 years ago. When she returned home she was suffering from post-traumatic stress disorder.
斯盖茨20多年前在第一次海湾战争中服过役。她从战场上退下来以后,明显感受到了自己患有创伤后精神紊乱症(post-traumatic stress disorder)。
“I lost my marriage. I lost my family, my home,” she said.
Scates eventually received treatment, and has just started college.
Fellow Army veteran Daniel Anderson served in both Iraq and Afghanistan. He joined the military shortly after finishing high school.
"I gave myself an ultimatum. If I don't do well in college, I'll join the military," Anderson said.
Another veteran of the war in Afghanistan, Christopher Bellingham, joined the Army for the education benefits that military service provides.
"I wanted some money for college," Bellingham said.
While these three Army veterans had military experience under combat conditions, their views about America’s future course in Iraq and Afghanistan are not the same.
Scates says U.S. troops should not leave Iraq at the end of this year. “To be honest with you, no, because it will be just like what we did during Vietnam. We have to stabilize the people first. They don’t have a stable government. They don’t have a stable force,” she said.
Anderson disagrees. “I think it’s about time that we pull out because they, I think, are ready to stand up take it on their own,” he said.
Anderson says he is not sure whether the fight in Iraq was worth the cost, in either human or military terms.
“I’m glad Saddam Hussein was ousted from power. And there is a lot of corruption, and you can see it. ... But that’s just a much more muddied water, you know. I think that war was a political, strategic war, as opposed to a necessary, on-the-ground fight,” Anderson said.
Bellingham says the U.S. should also get out of Afghanistan.
"There’s no purpose any more. We’ve pumped so much money in that economy that we are their GDP [their entire economy]. We are how they’re making money now. Regardless of when we pull out, they’re not going to be able to sustain to the level we brought them up to. The longer we’re there, the more damage we ... bring," Bellingham said.
But Anderson says the Afghan people need U.S. help against the Taliban.
"I think the people are really oppressed by that terrible organization. I think that one is really worth fighting for," he said.
All three veterans say they don’t think the Americans fully understand what their troops are fighting for in Iraq and Afghanistan. In part, they blame the American news media.
"The 'talking heads' on TV ... It gets lost in opinion as oppososed to fact," Anderson said.
For these veterans, their experiences in the military are shaping their future plans.
Monica Scates wants to help homeless veterans.
“I want to work with [troubled] vets, I want to get them off the streets,” Scates said.
Christopher Bellingham wants to conduct research on brain disorders, such as post traumatic stress syndrome.
"Definitely experiencing and seeing my friends go through PTSD, and their emotional coping, piqued a greater curiosity and drive," Bellingham said.
Anderson wants to be a screenwriter, to tell the story of what he saw.
Their experiences in war changed the lives of these three veterans, and they hope that life experience will enable them to change the lives of others - the people they will touch in their future careers.

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 楼主| 发表于 2011-11-20 21:56 | 显示全部楼层
The arrest on child-abuse charges of a one-time assistant football coach at a prominent American university has quickly broadened into a major scandal. The president of Pennsylvania State University and the school's enormously popular football coach, Joe Paterno, have been dismissed, and further consequences are expected.
Penn State, as the school is called in the U.S., reacted decisively to show its senior officials must be held accountable if they fail to take action against such abuse.
The recent arrest of the former defensive coordinator for the Penn State university football team, Gerald Sandusky, created a cascade of events dominating U.S. media headlines.
Sandusky is being charged with sexually abusing eight boys over a period of 15 years. Several more accusers have come forward to police. Sandusky denies the accusations, and his lawyer says he has already been tried in the court of public opinion.
Still, the arrest did not take long to have other effects.
Legendary football coach Joe Paterno, who was still coaching at the age of 84, with a record 409 victories to his credit, was fired, as were top university officials.
Angry sports commentators are saying the entire football team, which brings the university more than $50 million in profit every year, should also quit its season now.
Paterno had been told about Sandusky violating a boy in 2002. At the time, Sandusky was running a charity for foster children with activities at the football team’s practice center. Paterno told his superiors but not police.
Child abuse in the United States is mainly the responsibility of states and local governments.
In Pennsylvania, telling your superiors is what you are mandated to do, while in other states failure to report knowing about child abuse can be a crime.
Pennsylvania state police commissioner Frank Noonan was clear about his priorities.
"This is not a case about football, about universities. It is a case about children who have had their innocence stolen from them, in a culture that did nothing to stop it or prevent it from happening to others,” he said.
There had been other allegations against Sandusky which had also been ignored.
Similar scandals with attempted cover-ups have affected other schools in the United States, as well as the Catholic Church.
In recent decades, thousands of victims have come forward saying they were sexually abused as children by Catholic priests.
Jon O’Brien, president of a Washington-based group called Catholics for Choice, says the Catholic Church made huge mistakes in dealing with its own scandals.
"The sexual abuse of children was outrageous," he said. "The cover-up, the subsequent cover-up, though, is what I think fundamentally disappoints and hurts so many of us, inside and outside the Church. Because we recognize that there has not been the type of far-reaching efforts to both identify what went wrong and what was the mindset that actually cannot admit, 'We made a mistake.'"
The Penn State University board of trustees moved quickly after the arrest to fire top university officials and coach Paterno. The board is now forming a special committee to investigate the school’s handling of the still unfolding Sandusky scandal.

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 楼主| 发表于 2011-11-21 11:27 | 显示全部楼层

Secretary of State Hillary Clinton is promoting U.S. economic engagement with Asia during the East Asia Summit in Bali. The secretary focused her public remarks on increasing economic ties to the region.
In an address to a group attending an ASEAN Business Summit, Secretary Clinton spoke about one of the main objectives of the U.S. policy of increased engagement in Southeast Asia, creating more business opportunities and jobs for Americans.
“We each recognize that economic policy is foreign policy and foreign policy is economic policy. And by strengthening diplomacy and presence abroad, we can strengthen our economies back home and actually vice-versa,” Clinton said.
The Secretary of State said while trade between the U.S. and Southeast Asia has tripled over the last 20 years, it still accounts for only 6 percent of U.S. global trade. And with the region home to some of the fastest economies in the world, rich in natural resources and growing domestic markets, the potential for American trade and investment opportunities is great.
The United States however is competing with China to develop southeast Asian markets. ASEAN Secretary General Surin Pitsuwan says China is currently the number one trading partner with ASEAN countries.
"We have already reached $300 billion a year towards trade. I think prime minister of China Wen Jiabao has put the figure at $500 billion for the year 2015, very ambitious, but things seem to be going in the right direction,” Clinton stated.
Secretary Clinton wants more opportunities for American firms to compete in this economic arena and wants ASEAN to reduce trade barriers and apply the same rules to all investors. “We have to start by insisting on economic competition that is open, free, transparent and fair. That means taking on rules that prevent foreign investors from competing with local businesses to produce better goods and services,” she said.
She says the United States is now pushing back on unfair trade practices. She says these efforts have helped increase efforts by the Obama administration to help U.S. companies like construction equipment maker Caterpillar build a new plant in Indonesia, and aircraft manufacturer Boeing secure multi billion dollar deals with Thai Airways and Indonesia's Lion Air.
Clinton says the U.S. supports ASEAN efforts to develop a Trans Pacific Trade Agreement that would create a regional legal frame work for trade and investment and would include standards for worker protections and the environment.

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 楼主| 发表于 2011-11-22 17:01 | 显示全部楼层
[双语新闻] 美澳宣布扩大军事合作

The United States and Australia have announced expanded military cooperation aimed at bolstering security in the Asia-Pacific region. President Barack Obama and Australian Prime Minister Julia Gillard announced the agreement after his arrival for a one-day visit.
Air Force One touched down after the 10-hour flight from Honolulu, where Obama hosted the APEC (Asia Pacific Economic Cooperation) summit, focusing on expanding regional free trade.
A full ceremonial welcome followed at Parliament House, complete with national anthems and a 21-gun salute.
Standing with President Obama, Prime Minister Julia Gillard announced an "enhancement" of the 60 year ANZUS (Australia, New Zealand, U.S.) Treaty, in which as many as 2,500 U.S. Marines will rotate through bases in the north.
和奥巴马总统并肩而站的澳大利亚总理吉拉德宣布了一项强化有60年历史的美澳纽安全条约(ANZUS)的协议, 根据这项协约,多达2500名美国海军陆战队员将在澳大利亚北部的基地轮流部署。
“We are a region that is growing economically, but stability is important for economic growth too, and our alliance has been a bedrock for stability in our region. So building on our alliance through this new initiative is about stability,” Gillard said.
The "force posture initiatives", as a White House statement describes them, will begin in mid-2012 with 250 U.S. Marines deployed and conducting exercises and training in Darwin and bases in Northern Australia. This would expand to a 2,500-person Marine Air Ground Task Force.
There would also be closer cooperation between the two countries' air forces, involving what White House officials called "a significant increase" in rotations of U.S. aircraft through northern Australia and prepositioning of equipment and supplies.
Both leaders fielded reporter's questions about the extent to which the agreement is designed as part of the response to rising capabilities of China in the Asia-Pacific region.
President Obama put his answer in the context of what he calls the overall message for China, about being a world power in an economically important region.
"With their rise comes increased responsibilities," said the president. "It is important for them to play by the rules of the road and, in fact, help underwrite the rules that have allowed so much remarkable econ progress to be made over the last several decades. And, that is going to be true on a whole host of issues."
President Obama, Prime Minister Gillard, and U.S. officials say a major objective of the agreement is also to increase the ability of the United States to quickly assist countries in East and Southeast Asia, and train and exercise with them, in such areas as anti-piracy and disaster response.
The president says the U.S. message to the entire region is "we are here to stay." A White House official says the United States is maintaining its security capabilities and alliances in Northeast Asia while enhancing them in Southeast Asia.
Obama's speech to Australia's Parliament on Thursday is expected to communicate a broad U.S. economic and security vision for the Asia-Pacific region, emphasizing the importance of stability and the region's potential.
A White House official says he will also address questions and concerns in the region about tough budget choices Washington needs to make and whether these will make it hard to maintain or increase the U.S. security presence.
In the northern city, Darwin, Thursday, Obama will speak directly to Australian soldiers and U.S. Marines at a Royal Australian Air Force Base.

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 楼主| 发表于 2011-11-25 13:04 | 显示全部楼层

A new report says African governments are ill prepared to handle the growing number of people over age 65. The African Development Bank is raising concerns over the lack of health insurance and pensions.
The report says the population in Africa, as in other parts of the world, is getting older. Currently, there are 36 million people on the continent 65 years and above. That’s 3.6 percent of the population, up from 3.3 percent 10 years ago. That could rise to 4.5 percent by 2030 and 10 percent by 2050.
这份报告说,非洲像世界其他地方一样都面临了人口老化。目前,非洲大陆65岁以上的人达到3千6百万人。这是占非洲总人口的3.6%,10年前这个数字只有3.3%。老龄人口可能在2030年前增加到4.5% ,在2050年前达到10%。
No safety nets
The African Development Bank says, “Aging is highly linked with long-term physical and mental disability and a number of long-term chronic conditions.”
“Africa is not well prepared to care for its aging population right now. But…it needs to prepare for this phenomenon,” said Professor Mthuli Ncube, the African Development Bank’s chief economist.
African nations spend far less on healthcare than developed nations do -- about $26 per person per year.
“Not so many countries have well developed medical aid schemes for the elderly, whether they are privately provided schemes or indeed government schemes. And number two, if you look at the pension schemes, the pension industries, (they’re) not well developed in some of the countries. And here one is talking of a pension industry where both the employer and employee, while the employee is at a working age, contribute. These types of industries are also not well developed,” he said.
The bank’s report says “contributory pension plans” cover very few people due to the nature of many jobs and livelihoods. Most of the population works in the informal or agricultural sectors that offer little, if any, social security protection.
The report adds that households headed by older Africans are among the poorest. For example, in Kenya and Tanzania, such households have a poverty rate over 20% higher than the national average.
Time to act
Ncube said African governments failed to take action on health insurance and pensions because they were busy with economic reforms.
“If you look at what happened in Africa in the 80s, which is when quite a bit of the reforms were done, it was about economic structural adjustment. It was about macroeconomic stability. But now it’s time to move to the second phase, which is regulatory reforms. It’s about deepening capital markets, unleashing new institutions. All things that are regulatory need to be put in place as the second level of institution building,” he said.
Another challenge for Africa is the decline of informal systems of social protection. That is, cash and support from both the extended family and community sources.
“The extended family issue is still embedded in the African culture. But over time, it’s going to get eroded as middle class values set in, as urbanization accelerates. We estimate that the urban population will grow from something like 40 percent currently to closer to 75 percent in 50 years time. All of that erodes the extended family culture and systems and all of that,” he said.
As the extended family erodes, he said, the nuclear family will become dominant. A nuclear family is defined as a mother, father and children sharing living quarters.
The African Development Bank recommends governments help implement health insurance and pension plans.
“Even at the current level of population of just over a billion people, there is a burgeoning middle class. The middle class are naturally living longer. Even people who are in the rural areas are also beginning to live longer. So over time, the next 50 years, the issue of the elderly will become a problem,” said Ncube.
What’s more, there are fewer caregivers because of the millions who’ve died from HIV/AIDS. This can be seen in South Africa, Botswana, Lesotho, Zimbabwe and Swaziland.
Ncube said African governments don’t have to handle the health insurance burden alone.
“Not only is it an imperative,” he said, ”but also it’s an opportunity for the private sector to add its bit in this regard, you know, the launch of privately owned companies, health care insurance, medical insurance and all of that. All these are private sector opportunities that are there to be taken.”
The report also recommends that African governments consider providing access to both free and subsidized health services, medications and long-term health care facilities for the elderly.

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 楼主| 发表于 2011-11-28 12:22 | 显示全部楼层

Republican candidates who want to replace President Barack Obama sparred in Washington Tuesday night in one of the few televised debates centered on foreign policy issues.
The candidates gathered just a few blocks away from the White House - where they each hope to spend the next four years.
Two former governors - Jon Huntsman of Utah and Mitt Romney of Massachusetts - clashed over Afghanistan.
两位前州长 --前犹他州州长洪博培和前麻萨诸塞州州长罗姆尼--在阿富汗问题上针锋相对。
First, Romney asked Hunstman, "Are you suggesting, governor that we just take all our troops out next week? What's your proposal?"
罗姆尼说:“你是说,州长,我们下个星期就把我们所有的部队撤出? 你到底是什么建议?”
"Did you hear what I just said? I said, 'We should draw down from 100,000.' We don't need 100,000 troops," said Hunstman. "We don't need 100,000 troops, many of whom can't even cross the wire [engage the enemy]."
But the Heritage Foundation's Jim Carafano says global issues will change before any of these candidates can become president.
"The most important thing in the debate is listening less to say 'What would I do if I were president today' - which is irrelevant - to what kind of character do they have," said Carafano. "What kind of commander-in-chief they are going to be. Are they going to put what's right over what's easy."
A current governor, Rick Perry of Texas, explained how he would handle Iran if elected president:
一位现任州长 - 德克萨斯州州长佩里,解释了他如果当选总统他将如何处理伊朗问题。
"When you sanction the Iranian Central Bank, that will shut down that economy," said Perry. "At that particular time, they truly have to deal with the United States."
But what about American allies in Europe that depend on Iranian oil?
Former House Speaker Newt Gingrich said, "We ought to have a massive, all sources energy program in the United States designed to once again create a surplus of energy here," said Gingrich. "So we could say to the Europeans, pretty cheerfully, that with all the various sources of oil we have in the United States we could literally replace the Iranian oil."
The Republican candidates criticized current U.S. foreign policy, even though opinion surveys show it is President Barack Obama's strength.
"There's going to be a referendum on that on how well it's worked," said James Carafano. "I think what's important is people have to distinguish what that is and how what they want to do is different than that. And, I don't think I heard that yet from any of these candidates."
In six weeks, the Republican candidates will face their toughest test yet. The Iowa caucuses are the first major event leading up to selection of the Republican presidential nominee.

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 楼主| 发表于 2011-11-29 12:43 | 显示全部楼层
The Thanksgiving holiday, celebrated in the U.S. on the last Thursday of November is a big date, but for those with a low income, getting a traditional dinner on the table can be a struggle. In Denver, Colorado, the Volunteers of America charity is preparing a food drive to make sure those families get the food they need.
就美国人的传统假日来说,感恩节当天的晚餐算是一件大事儿。但是对那些收入不高的家庭来说,感恩节大餐的费用不算小事。在科罗拉多州的丹佛市,慈善机构“美国志愿者”(Volunteers of America)为了能在感恩节让收入不高的家庭也都能吃上节日大餐,展开了收集食品的行动。

Volunteers of America helper Rodney Cunningham unloads boxes of Thanksgiving food for low-income families. He’ll be getting a box himself to feed his four children and grandchildren.

“This Thanksgiving box is very important because I don’t receive food stamps or anything," he explains, "so this is the only way that I would be able to get a Turkey and the other things going with it.”

Cunningham and other volunteers are sorting the food into 1,500 baskets ready to deliver on Thanksgiving Day. The baskets will be filled with all sorts of tasty treats that make up a traditional Thanksgiving meal. Demand has been greater than ever this year, Cunningham says.

“One of the reasons why it’s really important is because the economy is pretty bad and a lot of people have a need for extra food. They don’t have any food at all.”

Jim White, director of community affairs at the charity, says local residents donate the food.

“These individuals donated over 148 tons of food but it takes a huge amount of food as you can imagine to do 1,500 food baskets complete with stuffing and cranberries and pumpkin and fresh produce and then they are all topped off with a 15-pound (6.8-kilogram) frozen turkey,” he explains.

Thanksgiving is not just about eating well, he adds.

“Whatever your situation is we all have a lot to be thankful for," White says. "And Thanksgiving should be viewed as a verb not a noun and what better way to give thanks than to help somebody out that you know is struggling right now.”

Making sure people get a good Thanksgiving dinner is, for Cunningham, the best part of his work.

“They are very happy. They are blessed and it makes me feel to good to see the smiles on their faces, you know, it’s like you can see their stomach get big like they are full,” White says.

And that is what drives him to keep volunteering.


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