Hand washing for preventing diarrhoea (Review)
腹泻是全球关注的公共卫生问题,据WHO估计,每年全球发生腹泻的病例次为300万。研究证明,通过手卫生,能够降低腹泻的发病风险。在研究者选择了14个随机对照试验。其中8个在高收入国家,5个在中低收入国家(社区)和1个高危险(获得AIDS的病人)。高收入国家,手卫生可以降低39%腹泻的风险 (IRR 0.61, 95% CI 0.40 to0.92; 2 trials) ,降低32%中低收入国家的儿童腹泻的发病风险(IRR 0.68,
95% CI 0.52 to 0.90; 4 trials).
Main results
Fourteen randomized controlled trials met the inclusion criteria. Eight trials were institution-based in high-income countries, five were
community-based in low or middle-income countries, and one was in a high-risk group (people with acquired immune deficiency
syndrome (AIDS)). Considering only trial results that adjusted for cluster randomization, interventions promoting hand washing
resulted in a 39% reduction in diarrhoea episodes in children in institutions in high-income countries (IRR 0.61, 95% CI 0.40 to
0.92; 2 trials) and a 32% reduction in such episodes in children living in communities in low- or middle-income countries (IRR 0.68,
95% CI 0.52 to 0.90; 4 trials).
Authors’ conclusions
Interventions that promote hand washing can reduce diarrhoea episodes by about one-third. This significant reduction is comparable to the effect of providing clean water in low-income areas. However, trials with longer follow up and that test different methods of promoting hand washing are needed.