Ann Acad Med Singapore. 2003 May;32(3):381-7.Links
Clinical characteristics of an outbreak of hand, foot and mouth disease in Singapore.
Shah VA, Chong CY, Chan KP, Ng W, Ling AE.
Department of Neonatology, Singapore General Hospital, Outram Road, Singapore 169608. gnevas@sgh.com.sg
BACKGROUND: We experienced a hand, foot and mouth disease (HFMD) outbreak in late year 2000 in Singapore. Between 14 September 2000 and 14 November 2000, a total of 3526 cases of HFMD were notified. There were 652 patients clinically suspected to have HFMD, who were seen at the Children's Emergency department of KK Women's and Children's Hospital of Singapore. OBJECTIVE OF THE STUDY: To study the clinical profile and virologic isolates of children admitted with HFMD during the outbreak. STUDY DESIGN: A prospective observational study. METHODS: Analysis of clinical features and virologic studies of 129 selected cases of HFMD and herpangina. RESULTS: The median age was 25 months with a range of between 4 months and 11 years. The majority were less than 5 years old (87%). The male-to-female ratio was 1.3:1. The median numbers of day of illness to presentation to the hospital was 3 days. Poor feeding and loss of appetite accounted for 76.7% of the admissions. Symptoms of vomiting were present in 37.2% of the cases. Oral ulcers were found in 96.1%, rashes over hands in 87.6%, over feet in 86.8% and over buttocks in 54.3%. Only 4.7% exhibited no rashes other than oral ulcers and were labelled as herpangina. The median duration of fever was 3 days, ranging from 2 to 7 days. An intravenous drip was required in 68.2% due to poor feeding. Viral cultures were sent in 89.1% of patients of whom 61.7% of patients were positive for viruses. Of the positive cultures, types of viruses isolated were EV71 (enterovirus 71) in 59/71 (83%), Coxsackievirus (A16, A24, A2 B3, B4) in 6/71 (8.4%), EV Untypable in 4/71 (5.6%) and mixed [EV71, echo25, cytomegalovirus (CMV)] in 2/71 (2.8%). EV71 was isolated mostly from stool samples followed by vesicle fluid culture and throat swabs. Two siblings aged 14 months and 2.5 years died during this period at day 5 of illness, their post-mortem examinations showed interstitial pneumonitis of the lungs. EV71 was isolated from the brain, heart, tonsils, intestines, throat and rectal swabs. A raised total white cell count of 14,000/L versus 12,000/L was significantly associated with complicated HFMD (P = 0.04). There was no difference in clinical characteristics of EV71 versus non-EV71 infections. Other viral illnesses, e.g. measles and CMV, may be mistaken for HFMD in the outbreak setting. CONCLUSIONS: HFMD tends to occur in younger children less than 5 years old due to low herd immunity. Poor feeding due to mouth ulcers accounts for admission to hospital requiring intravenous drip. EV71 accounted for the majority (75%) of the positive isolations, followed by coxsackievirus and untypable EV, mixed infection of echovirus or CMV. The yield of virus isolation was highest from stool, followed by vesicles and throat swabs. There is no difference in clinical characteristics of EV71 and non-EV71 virus infections. Enterovirus can cause mild symptoms to fatal death. Two infants died of interstitial pneumonitis and encephalitis.
Clin Infect Dis. 2007 Oct 15;45(8):950-7. Epub 2007 Sep 13. Links
Outbreak of neurologic enterovirus type 71 disease: a diagnostic challenge.
Pérez-Vélez CM, Anderson MS, Robinson CC, McFarland EJ, Nix WA, Pallansch MA, Oberste MS, Glodé MP.
Department of Pediatrics, Section of Infectious Diseases, University of Colorado School of Medicine, and The Children's Hospital, Denver, Colorado 80218, USA. anderson.marsha@tchden.org
BACKGROUND: Similar to poliovirus, enterovirus type 71 (EV71) causes severe disease, including aseptic meningitis, encephalitis, acute flaccid paralysis, and acute cardiopulmonary dysfunction. Large epidemics of EV71 infection have been reported worldwide. METHODS: After recognition of a cluster of cases of EV71 disease, we reviewed records of patients with EV71 disease who required hospitalization at The Children's Hospital in Denver, Colorado, from 2003 through 2005. The presence of enterovirus was detected by reverse-transcriptase polymerase chain reaction (PCR) and/or viral culture of specimens from multiple sources, and the virus was typed as EV71 using genetic sequencing. RESULTS: Eight cases of EV71 disease were identified in both 2003 and 2005. Fifty-six percent of patients with EV71 disease were < or = 6 months of age (range, 4 weeks to 9 years). All 16 patients had EV71 central nervous system infection. Enterovirus PCR (EV-PCR) of cerebrospinal fluid specimens yielded positive results for only 5 (31.2%) of the 16 patients; all of these patients were < 4 months of age and had less severe disease. However, EV-PCR of upper respiratory tract specimens yielded positive results for 8 (100%) of 8 patients, and EV-PCR of lower gastrointestinal tract specimens yielded positive results for 7 (87.5%) of 8 patients. CONCLUSIONS: An outbreak of neurologic EV71 disease occurred in Denver, Colorado, during 2003 and 2005. Likely, EV71 disease remains unrecognized in other parts of the United States, because EV-PCR of cerebrospinal fluid frequently yields negative results. EV-PCR of specimens from the respiratory and gastrointestinal tracts had higher diagnostic yields than did EV-PCR of cerebrospinal fluid. EV71 infection should be considered in young children presenting with aseptic meningitis, encephalitis, acute flaccid paralysis, or acute cardiopulmonary collapse. EV71 infection may be an underrecognized emerging disease in the United States.
Clin Infect Dis. 2000 Sep;31(3):678-83. Epub 2000 Oct 4. Links
Deaths of children during an outbreak of hand, foot, and mouth disease in sarawak, malaysia: clinical and pathological characteristics of the disease. For the Outbreak Study Group.
Chan LG, Parashar UD, Lye MS, Ong FG, Zaki SR, Alexander JP, Ho KK, Han LL, Pallansch MA, Suleiman AB, Jegathesan M, Anderson LJ.
Department of Pediatrics, Sarawak General Hospital, Sarawak, Malaysia.
From April through June 1997, 29 previously healthy children aged <6 years (median, 1.5 years) in Sarawak, Malaysia, died of rapidly progressive cardiorespiratory failure during an outbreak of hand, foot, and mouth disease caused primarily by enterovirus 71 (EV71). The case children were hospitalized after a short illness (median duration, 2 days) that usually included fever (in 100% of case children), oral ulcers (66%), and extremity rashes (62%). The illness rapidly progressed to include seizures (28%), flaccid limb weakness (17%), or cardiopulmonary symptoms (of 24 children, 17 had chest radiographs showing pulmonary edema, and 24 had echocardiograms showing left ventricular dysfunction), resulting in cardiopulmonary arrest soon after hospitalization (median time, 9 h). Cardiac tissue from 10 patients showed normal myocardium, but central nervous system tissue from 5 patients showed inflammatory changes. Brain-stem specimens from 2 patients were available, and both specimens showed extensive neuronal degeneration, inflammation, and necrosis, suggesting that a central nervous system infection was responsible for the disease, with the cardiopulmonary dysfunction being neurogenic in origin. EV71 and possibly an adenovirus, other enteroviruses, or unknown cofactors are likely responsible for this rapidly fatal disease.
Clin Infect Dis. 1999 Jul;29(1):184-90.Links
Comment in:
Clin Infect Dis. 2000 Jun;30(6):988.
Clinical spectrum of enterovirus 71 infection in children in southern Taiwan, with an emphasis on neurological complications.
Wang SM, Liu CC, Tseng HW, Wang JR, Huang CC, Chen YJ, Yang YJ, Lin SJ, Yeh TF.
Department of Emergency Medicine, National Cheng Kung University Hospital, Tainan, Taiwan.
An outbreak of enterovirus 71 (EV71) infection occurred in Taiwan in 1998. The clinical spectrums and laboratory findings for 97 patients with virus culture-proven EV71 infections were analyzed. Eighty-seven percent of the patients were younger than age 5 years. Hand-foot-and-mouth syndrome occurred in 79% of the children and central nervous system (CNS) involvement in 35%, including nine fatal cases. The predominant neurological presentations were myoclonus (68%), vomiting (53%), and ataxia (35%). Brain stem encephalitis was the cardinal feature of EV71 CNS involvement during this outbreak. Magnetic resonance imaging and pathological findings illustrated that the midbrain, pons, and medulla were the target areas. EV71 brain stem encephalitis can present either with cerebellar signs and an initially mild, reversible course or with overwhelming neurogenic shock and neurogenic pulmonary edema (NPE) resulting in a fatal outcome. Brain stem encephalitis that progressed abruptly to neurogenic shock and NPE was indicative of poor prognosis in this epidemic. Early aggressive treatment and close monitoring of the neurological signs are mandatory to improve the chance of survival.
Int J Pediatr Otorhinolaryngol. 2008 Jan;72(1):41-7. Epub 2007 Oct 29. Links
Upper aerodigestive tract sequelae in severe enterovirus 71 infection: predictors and outcome.
Tsou YA, Cheng YK, Chung HK, Yeh YC, Lin CD, Tsai MH, Chang JS.
Department of Otolaryngology, China Medical University Hospital, Taichung, Taiwan, ROC.
OBJECTIVE: Enterovirus 71 (EV71) infection sequelae can be severe and life-threatening, and long-term follow-up outcomes remain unknown. Therefore, we conducted a retrospective follow-up study to review airway and neurological sequelae development in patients with severe EV71 infection. We also studied the incidence and risk factors for tracheotomy and gastrostomy requirement. PATIENTS AND METHODS: We investigated 202 EV71-infected children according to their disease stage. Seventy-two of them were diagnosed to have EV71 encephalitis, which was characterized by myoclonus, ataxia, nystagmus, oculomotor palsy and bulbar palsy or combinations of these conditions. All the 72 patients required endotracheal intubation due to respiratory failure or ventilator dependence; among these, 14 underwent tracheostomy and 10 underwent gastrostomy. All patients were followed-up for at least 3 years after discharge. Predictors of tracheostomy and gastrostomy requirement were age <2 years, body weight <10th percentile, pulmonary hemorrhage or edema, meningeal symptoms and magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) findings of upper spinal cord and brainstem. We determined outcome based on persistent tracheostomy or gastrostomy requirement and whether patients developed positive neurological sequelae. RESULTS: Significant tracheostomy and gastrostomy predictors were age <2 years, pulmonary edema or hemorrhage, hypotension, hemiparesis and positive MRI findings. Statistical analysis revealed pulmonary edema and hypotension as index predictors of tracheostomy requirement and pulmonary edema as the significant risk factor for gastrostomy. CONCLUSIONS: Long-term neuropsychological impact was observed on children who present the signs of the pulmonary edema or hypotension in the early onset of the EV71 infection. EV71-infected patients who develop neurological pulmonary edema or hypotension should be hemodynamically stabilized and undergo early tracheostomy to prevent further complications. This may improve the decannulation success rate after the brainstem function recovers.
Pediatrics. 2002 Feb;109(2):E26-. Links
Cardiopulmonary manifestations of fulminant enterovirus 71 infection.
Wu JM, Wang JN, Tsai YC, Liu CC, Huang CC, Chen YJ, Yeh TF.
Department of Pediatrics, National Cheng Kung University Hospital, Tainan, Taiwan. jingming@mail.ncku.edu.tw
BACKGROUND: The pathogenesis of acute pulmonary edema and cardiac collapse after enterovirus 71 (EV71) infection are not completely understood. OBJECTIVE: To determine the hemodynamic features and the mechanism of pulmonary edema (PE) after EV71 infection by direct intracardiac monitoring. DESIGN: Prospective clinical and laboratory study at a tertiary medical center. PARTICIPANTS: Five consecutive infants, ages 2 to 13 months, with EV71 infection-proved by viral isolation in 4 and antibody in 1-with PE were enrolled. The clinical characteristics were systemically assessed. Hemodynamic profiles were determined every 4 hours by simultaneously implanted pulmonary arterial and central venous catheters during the acute stage. RESULTS: Magnetic resonance imaging revealed that all 5 infants had brainstem lesions. All patients had tachycardia and hyperthermia. Transient systolic hypertension was noted in 1 patient, and 1 presented with hypotension. Pulmonary artery pressure in all 5 infants was normal or mildly elevated (26-31 mm Hg), and central venous pressure ranged from 10 to 22 mm Hg. Pulmonary artery occlusion pressures were normal or slightly elevated (13-16 mm Hg). Systemic and pulmonary vascular resistances were transiently increased in only 1 patient. The stroke volume index decreased to 15.3 to 35.7 mL/M2 (normal: 30-60 mL/M2), but because of the elevated heart rate, the cardiac index did not decrease. All hemodynamics normalized within days. CONCLUSION: Fulminant EV71 infection may lead to severe neurologic complications and acute PE. The acute PE and cardiopulmonary decompensation in EV71 infection are not directly caused by viral myocarditis. The mechanism of PE may be related to increased pulmonary vascular permeability caused by brainstem lesions and/or systemic inflammatory response instead of increased pulmonary capillary hydrostatic pressure.
N Engl J Med. 1999 Sep 23;341(13):936-42. Links
Neurologic complications in children with enterovirus 71 infection.
Huang CC, Liu CC, Chang YC, Chen CY, Wang ST, Yeh TF.
Department of Pediatrics, College of Medicine, National Cheng Kung University, Tainan, Taiwan. huangped@mail.ncku.edu.tw
BACKGROUND: Enterovirus 71 infection causes hand-foot-and-mouth disease in young children, which is characterized by several days of fever and vomiting, ulcerative lesions in the oral mucosa, and vesicles on the backs of the hands and feet. The initial illness resolves but is sometimes followed by aseptic meningitis, encephalomyelitis, or even acute flaccid paralysis similar to paralytic poliomyelitis. METHODS: We describe the neurologic complications associated with the enterovirus 71 epidemic that occurred in Taiwan in 1998. At three major hospitals we identified 41 children with culture-confirmed enterovirus 71 infection and acute neurologic manifestations. Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) was performed in 4 patients with acute flaccid paralysis and 24 with rhombencephalitis. RESULTS: The mean age of the patients was 2.5 years (range, 3 months to 8.2 years). Twenty-eight patients had hand-foot-and-mouth disease (68 percent), and 6 had herpangina (15 percent). The other seven patients had no skin or mucosal lesions. Three neurologic syndromes were identified: aseptic meningitis (in 3 patients); brain-stem encephalitis, or rhombencephalitis (in 37); and acute flaccid paralysis (in 4), which followed rhombencephalitis in 3 patients. In 20 patients with rhombencephalitis, the syndrome was characterized by myoclonic jerks and tremor, ataxia, or both (grade I disease). Ten patients had myoclonus and cranial-nerve involvement (grade II disease). In seven patients the brain-stem infection produced transient myoclonus followed by the rapid onset of respiratory distress, cyanosis, poor peripheral perfusion, shock, coma, loss of the doll's eye reflex, and apnea (grade III disease); five of these patients died within 12 hours after admission. In 17 of the 24 patients with rhombencephalitis who underwent MRI, T2-weighted scans showed high-intensity lesions in the brain stem, most commonly in the pontine tegmentum. At follow-up, two of the patients with acute flaccid paralysis had residual limb weakness, and five of the patients with rhombencephalitis had persistent neurologic deficits, including myoclonus (in one child), cranial-nerve deficits (in two), and ventilator-dependent apnea (in two). CONCLUSIONS: In the 1998 enterovirus 71 epidemic in Taiwan, the chief neurologic complication was rhombencephalitis, which had a fatality rate of 14 percent. The most common initial symptoms were myoclonic jerks, and MRI usually showed evidence of brainstem involvement.
N Engl J Med. 2007 Mar 22;356(12):1226-34. Links
Neurodevelopment and cognition in children after enterovirus 71 infection.
Chang LY, Huang LM, Gau SS, Wu YY, Hsia SH, Fan TY, Lin KL, Huang YC, Lu CY, Lin TY.
Department of Pediatrics, National Taiwan University Hospital, College of Medicine, National Taiwan University, Taipei, Taiwan. ly7077@tpts6.seed.net.tw
BACKGROUND: Enterovirus 71 is a common cause of hand, foot, and mouth disease and encephalitis in Asia and elsewhere. The long-term neurologic and psychiatric effects of this viral infection on the central nervous system (CNS) are not well understood. METHODS: We conducted long-term follow-up of 142 children after enterovirus 71 infection with CNS involvement - 61 who had aseptic meningitis, 53 who had severe CNS involvement, and 28 who had cardiopulmonary failure after CNS involvement. At a median follow-up of 2.9 years (range, 1.0 to 7.4) after infection, the children received physical and neurologic examinations. We administered the Denver Developmental Screening Test (DDST II) to children 6 years of age or younger and the Wechsler intelligence test to children 4 years of age or older. RESULTS: Nine of the 16 patients with a poliomyelitis-like syndrome (56%) and 1 of the 5 patients with encephalomyelitis (20%) had sequelae involving limb weakness and atrophy. Eighteen of the 28 patients with cardiopulmonary failure after CNS involvement (64%) had limb weakness and atrophy, 17 (61%) required tube feeding, and 16 (57%) required ventilator support. Among patients who underwent DDST II assessment, delayed neurodevelopment was found in only 1 of 20 patients (5%) with severe CNS involvement and in 21 of 28 patients (75%) with cardiopulmonary failure (P<0.001 for the overall comparison). Children with cardiopulmonary failure after CNS involvement scored lower on intelligence tests than did children with CNS involvement alone (P=0.003). CONCLUSIONS: Enterovirus 71 infection with CNS involvement and cardiopulmonary failure may be associated with neurologic sequelae, delayed neurodevelopment, and reduced cognitive functioning. Children with CNS involvement without cardiopulmonary failure did well on neurodevelopment tests. (ClinicalTrials.gov number, NCT00172393 [ClinicalTrials.gov].). Copyright 2007 Massachusetts Medical Society.
Clin Infect Dis. 2007 Mar 1;44(5):646-56. Epub 2007 Jan 22. Links
Human enterovirus 71 disease in Sarawak, Malaysia: a prospective clinical, virological, and molecular epidemiological study.
Ooi MH, Wong SC, Podin Y, Akin W, del Sel S, Mohan A, Chieng CH, Perera D, Clear D, Wong D, Blake E, Cardosa J, Solomon T.
Department of Paediatrics, Sibu Hospital, Sibu, Malaysia.
BACKGROUND: Human enterovirus (HEV)-71 causes large outbreaks of hand-foot-and-mouth disease with central nervous system (CNS) complications, but the role of HEV-71 genogroups or dual infection with other viruses in causing severe disease is unclear. METHODS: We prospectively studied children with suspected HEV-71 (i.e., hand-foot-and-mouth disease, CNS disease, or both) over 3.5 years, using detailed virological investigation and genogroup analysis of all isolates. RESULTS: Seven hundred seventy-three children were recruited, 277 of whom were infected with HEV-71, including 28 who were coinfected with other viruses. Risk factors for CNS disease in HEV-71 included young age, fever, vomiting, mouth ulcers, breathlessness, cold limbs, and poor urine output. Genogroup analysis for the HEV-71-infected patients revealed that 168 were infected with genogroup B4, 68 with C1, and 41 with a newly emerged genogroup, B5. Children with HEV-71 genogroup B4 were less likely to have CNS complications than those with other genogroups (26 [15%] of 168 vs. 30 [28%] of 109; odds ratio [OR], 0.48; 95% confidence interval [CI], 0.26-0.91; P=.0223) and less likely to be part of a family cluster (12 [7%] of 168 vs. 29 [27%] of 109; OR, 0.21; 95% CI, 0.10-0.46; P<.0001); children with HEV-71 genogroup B5 were more likely to be part of a family cluster (OR, 6.26; 95% CI, 2.77-14.18; P<.0001). Children with HEV-71 and coinfected with another enterovirus or adenovirus were no more likely to have CNS disease. CONCLUSIONS: Genogroups of HEV-71 may differ with regard to the risk of causing CNS disease and the association with family clusters. Dual infections are common, and all possible causes should be excluded before accepting that the first virus identified is the causal agent.
[ 本帖最后由 David 于 2008-4-29 14:24 编辑 ]
Clinical characteristics of an outbreak of hand, foot and mouth disease in Singapore.pdf
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Outbreak of neurologic enterovirus type 71 disease is a diagnostic challenge.pdf
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Clinical spectrum of enterovirus 71 infection in children in southern Taiwan.pdf
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Upper aerodigestive tract sequelae in severe enterovirus 71 infection.pdf
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Cardiopulmonary manifestations of fulminant enterovirus 71 infection.pdf
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Neurologic complications in children with enterovirus 71 infection.pdf
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Neurodevelopment and cognition in children after enterovirus 71 infection.pdf
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Human enterovirus 71 disease in Sarawak, Malaysia.pdf
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