本帖最后由 majiarui 于 2011-6-2 11:06 编辑
Mobile phones may be source of hospital infections
NEW YORK (Reuters Health) - Mobile phones used by hospital healthcare workers are often contaminated with germs, including those that can causes illness in hospitalized patients, a Turkish research team reports.
Dr. Fatma Ulger and others at Ondokuz Mayis University, Samsun, swabbed the dominant hand and the mobile phones of 200 doctors, nurses, and other healthcare staff working in intensive care units and operating rooms.
They found that 95 percent of telephones were contaminated, often with more than one type of microbe, and often with antibiotic-resistant bacteria.
Potentially serious infectious bugs such as staphylococci were isolated from phones in intensive care units, the team reports in the online BMC journal Annals of Clinical Microbiology and Antimicrobials.
When the study participants were questioned, 90 percent said they never cleaned their mobile phones. The investigators conclude that mobile phones "may facilitate transmission of bacterial isolates from patient to patient in wards or hospitals."
They recommend routine decontamination of mobile phones with alcohol-containing disinfectants.
SOURCE: Annals of Clinical Microbiology and Antimicrobials 2009.
路透社健康副刊,纽约报道~据土耳其一个研究小组报道,医院内医护人员使用的手机经常会被细菌沾染,其中一些可能会导致住院病人发病。Dr. Fatma Ulger和同事提取了200名在重症监护室和手术室工作的医生护士及其他工作人员的手机和主要用手上的病菌(作培养)。他们发现九成五的手机被多种微生物污染,而且多是耐药菌。在ICU工作人员的手机上还发现了链球菌之类的潜在严重致病菌,这发表在BMC 临床微生物与抗微生物治疗年报电子版上.
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