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[转帖] 盖洛普调查显示:中国人幸福感低于伊拉克

发表于 2011-4-25 10:44 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式


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  伴随着幸福感下降的是通胀水平的不断攀升。2009年底,中国的M1增速达到惊人的38.97 %,今年3月,中国的居民消费价格指数(CPI)5.4%的同比增速达到32个月来最高。
  皮尤和盖洛普的调查都请受访者根据坎特里尔量表(Cantril Scale)── 也就是皮尤所称的“生活阶梯”(Ladder of Life)──给自己的生活打分,进而衡量受访者对生活的满意度。坎特里尔量表是对目前和未来生活质量的衡量,评分从0到10,其中10分代表最理想的生 活。在皮尤的调查中,有31%的中国人给目前的生活打了高分(7到10分),有74%的人说他们预计未来会过上非常满意的生活。(盖洛普将目前和未来生活 的打分合在起来,它的生活“美满”一档大致相当于皮尤调查中的“高”分。)
  只要看看人均GDP就可以简单地解释地区乐观差距的原因。普林斯顿大学经济学家迪顿(Angus Deaton)在分析盖洛普公司2006年全球幸福调查时发现,生活满意度和人均GDP之间几乎呈正相关关系:国家越富裕,人民越幸福。分析同时发现经济增长实际上对人民的幸福感有着负面影响。
High Wellbeing Eludes the Masses in Most Countries Worldwide
WASHINGTON, D.C. -- Gallup's global wellbeing surveys in 2010 reveal that a median of 21% across 124 countries were "thriving" last year, based on how people rated their lives at the current time and their expectations for the next five years. This is unchanged from a median of 21% in 2009. The percentage rating their lives well enough to be considered thriving ranged from a high of 72% in Denmark to a low of 1% in Chad
Gallup classifies respondents' wellbeing as "thriving," "struggling," or "suffering," according to how they rate their current and future lives on a ladder scale with steps numbered from 0 to 10 based on the Cantril Self-Anchoring Striving Scale. People are considered thriving if they rate their current lives a 7 or higher and their lives in five years an 8 or higher.
Majorities of residents in 19 countries -- mostly in Europe and the Americas -- rated their lives well enough to be classified this way. Denmark, along with Sweden (69%) and Canada (69%), led the list, which is largely dominated by more developed and wealthier nations, as expected given the links between wellbeing and GDP. The U.S. falls somewhat near the middle of the pack, with 59% of Americans thriving.


Outside of this group, much of the world was not doing nearly as well. In 67 countries, less than 25% of people were thriving. Countries on this list hailed from all regions, but thriving was generally lowest in sub-Saharan Africa. The median thriving percentage in this region was 8%. No country in sub-Saharan Africa had a thriving percentage higher than 19%, underscoring the entire region's development challenges.


In other regions, the divides remained great in how people evaluated their lives. In the Americas, where the median thriving percentage is the highest in the world at 39%, thriving ranged from a high of 69% in Canada to a low of 2% in earthquake-ravaged Haiti. In Europe, where the median thriving percentage was lower, but still higher than average at 28%, thriving ranged from a high of 72% in Denmark to a low of 9% in Bulgaria.
A median of 20% in the Middle East and North Africa region were thriving. Nearly two in three (63%) were thriving in Israel -- the highest score in the region -- as were more than half of respondents in the relatively wealthy United Arab Emirates and Qatar. Small minorities -- one in seven or fewer -- were thriving in Tunisia, Yemen, Egypt, and Morocco, which provides some evidence of the underlying discontent that bubbled over in late 2010 and early 2011.
In Asia, where a median of 17% were thriving, there were large gaps between developed and developing Asian countries. Thriving was higher than 60% in Australia (65%) and New Zealand (63%) and as low as 3% in Tajikistan and Cambodia.
Little Progress in 2010
Global wellbeing improved little between 2009 and 2010, remaining relatively steady when Gallup groups all these countries into four major global regions: Asia, Africa, the Americas, and Europe. In Europe, the median percentage thriving in 2009 was 25%, remaining essentially unchanged in 2010 at 28%. Ten percent in Africa were thriving in 2009, compared with 9% in 2010. In Asia, the median remained flat at 18% each year. In the Americas, the 42% thriving in 2009 wasn't significantly different from the 39% thriving in 2010.
Gallup's global wellbeing data underscore the diversity of development challenges worldwide. As the uprisings in Tunisia and Egypt showed earlier this year, leaders should not rely on GDP alone as an indicator of how well their countries and their citizens are doing. Monitoring and improving behavioral economic measures of wellbeing are important to helping leaders better the lives of all their residents.
See the complete data for all countries on page 2.
For complete data sets or custom research from the more than 150 countries Gallup continually surveys, please contact SocialandEconomicAnalysis@gallup.com or call 202.715.3030.
Survey Methods
Results are based on face-to-face and telephone interviews with approximately 1,000 adults, aged 15 and older, conducted in 2010 in 124 countries. Results in Russia, Tunisia, Egypt, the United Arab Emirates, Libya, Saudi Arabia, Qatar, Djibouti, Sudan, Lebanon, Morocco, Jordan, the Palestinian Territories, Bahrain, Yemen, Comoros, Somaliland region, and Iraq are based on data aggregated from multiple surveys. For results based on the total samples, one can say with 95% confidence that the maximum margin of sampling error ranges from ±1.7 percentage points to ±5.7 percentage points. The margin of error reflects the influence of data weighting. In addition to sampling error, question wording and practical difficulties in conducting surveys can introduce error or bias into the findings of public opinion polls.



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