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[进展] 在社区医院中,C. diff正在超越MRSA

发表于 2011-3-20 07:55 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式


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C. diff Surpassing MRSA Infections in Community Hospitals

While prevention methods appear to be helping to lower hospital infection rates from MRSA, a deadly antibiotic-resistant bacterium, a new superbug is on the rise, according to research from the Duke Infection Control Outreach Network.

New data shows infections from Clostridium difficile are surpassing methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) infections in community hospitals.

“We found that MRSA infections have declined steadily since 2005, but C. difficile infections have increased since 2007,” said Becky Miller, MD, an infectious diseases fellow at Duke University Medical Center.

C. difficile is a multi-drug resistant bacterium that causes diarrhea and in some cases life-threatening inflammation of the colon. The infections are currently treated with one of two antibiotics. But relapses are common and occur in one-quarter of patients despite treatment, according to Miller.

“This is not a nuisance disease,” said Daniel Sexton, MD, director of the Duke Infection Control Outreach Network (DICON). “A small percentage of patients with C. difficile may die, despite treatment. Also, it is likely that the routine use of alcohol-containing hand cleansers to prevent infections from MRSA does not simultaneously prevent infections due to C. difficile.”

Miller and her team evaluated data from 28 hospitals in DICON, a collaboration between Duke and 39 community hospitals located in Georgia, North Carolina, South Carolina, and Virginia. The group tries to improve infection control programs by compiling data on infections occurring at member hospitals, identifying trends and areas for improvement, and providing ongoing education and leadership to community providers.

During a 24-month period, there were 847 cases of C. difficile infections in the 28 hospitals and the rate of C. difficile infection was 25 percent higher than the rate of infection due to MRSA.

Miller presented her findings at the Fifth Decennial International Conference on Healthcare-Associated Infections on March 20 in Atlanta.

“C. difficile is very common and deserves more attention,” she said. “Most people continue to think of MRSA as the big, bad superbug. Based on our data, we can see that this thinking, along with prevention methods, will need to change.”

In the past, hospitals were focused on MRSA and developed their prevention methods on MRSA as the issue, Sexton said.

“I have always thought that we need to be looking more globally at all the problems and this new information about C. difficile provides more data to support that,” he said.

C. difficile has been a low priority for hospitals, but now it is a relatively important priority, Sexton said.

“The key is to develop prevention methods aimed at C. difficile while still maintaining the success we have had with MRSA,” Miller said.

Source: Duke University Health System

在社区医院中,C. diff正在超越MRSA




“我们发现,MRSA感染了自2005年以来持续下降,但梭状芽孢杆菌感染自2007年以来增加了,” Becky Miller, MD说,他在杜克大学医学中心研究感染性疾病。

C. difficile是一个多抗药性的细菌,可致腹泻并在某些情况下导致危及生命的结肠炎。感染的治疗,目前有两种抗生素。但据米勒说,复发是常见的,发生在1/4的经治病人中。

“这不是一个公害病,”杜克大学的感染控制外联网络(DICON)主任,Daniel Sexton, MD说。 “一小部分艰难梭菌患者虽经治疗,也可能会死亡。此外,可能常规用于防止MRSA感染的含酒精手消毒剂,不能同时防止梭状芽孢杆菌导致的感染。“



米勒在3月20日在亚特兰大召开的第五届医疗保健相关感染十年国际会议上发表了她的调查结果 “长梭状非常普遍,值得更多的注意”她说。 “大多数人仍然认为MRSA为大的,坏的超级病菌。根据我们的数据,我们可以看到这种想法,随同预防方法,都将需要改变”。




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