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[进展] 传统的感染控制措施被发现在减少MRSA感染率方面有效

发表于 2011-3-20 07:25 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式


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Conventional Infection Control Measures Found Effective in Reducing MRSA Rates


Scientists at the Virginia Commonwealth University Medical Center found a compliance with non-pathogen specific infection control practices such as hand hygiene, efforts to reduce device-related infections and chlorhexidine bathing, is successful for reducing rates of healthcare-associated methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA). The findings were presented at the Fifth Decennial International Conference on Healthcare-Associated Infections.

In an effort to reduce MRSA rates, some states have mandated active surveillance programs for patients admitted to hospitals.  However these programs remains controversial, with critics pointing to its expense, tying scarce infection prevention resources to one pathogen and the potential for adverse outcomes when patients who test positive are placed in isolation with reduced contact with healthcare personnel.  

Beginning in 2004, the medical center instituted a series of non-pathogen specific initiatives to reduce HAIs including an increasingly aggressive hand hygiene program, a central line bundle, a ventilator bundle and chlorhexidine bathing of all adult ICU patients and a recommendation for bare below the elbows, along with compliance monitoring and feedback via unit-specific posters.  Active surveillance cultures were not performed.

During this time, Michael Edmond, MD, MPH, MPA, and colleagues observed a 91 percent reduction in MRSA central line associated bloodstream infections, a 62 percent reduction in MRSA catheter-associated urinary tract infections and a 92 percent reduction in MRSA ventilator associated pneumonia.  These outcomes were observed in a 16-bed medical ICU, 18-bed surgical ICU and 14-bed neuroscience ICU.

Edmond cautioned this is an observational study using data from a single medical center and was observed in the ICU. Other healthcare facilities may have different results.   

"This study demonstrates that a broad focus on implementation of evidenced-based practices designed to reduce all healthcare-associated infections is effective at reducing MRSA infections, and will likely have a more beneficial impact on overall patient outcomes," said Neil Fishman, MD, president of SHEA.  These study findings are consistent with guidelines for infection prevention and control in healthcare settings.

The Society for Healthcare Epidemiology of America (SHEA), the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), the Association for Professionals in Infection Control and Epidemiology (APIC), Inc. and the Infectious Diseases Society of America (IDSA) are convening the Fifth Decennial International Conference on Healthcare-Associated Infections 2010, the scientific event to set the agenda for preventing healthcare-associated infections for the next decade March 18-22, 2010 in Atlanta.






在此期间,Michael Edmond, MD, MPH, MPA和同事发现,中央静脉导管相关血液MRSA感染降低91%,导管相关尿路MRSA感染减少62%, MRSA呼吸机相关性肺炎减少92%。这些成果是在16张病床的医疗病房,18张病床的外科ICU和14张病床的神经重症监护病房观测到的。


“这项研究表明,实施基于循证医学的感控措施,旨在减少所有医疗保健相关感染的做法,可有效减少MRSA感染,并可能对所有患者的治疗效果产生更为有利的影响”,Neil Fishman, MD, SHEA主席说。这些研究结果同医疗机构感染预防和控制指南是一致的。

2010年3月18号至22号, 美国医疗保健机构流行病学学会(SHEA),疾病控制和预防中心(CDC)的感染控制及流行病学专业协会(APIC),有关公司和美国传染病学会(IDSA)正在亚特兰大召开2010年第五届医疗保健相关感染十年国际会议,为未来10年防止医疗保健相关感染确定议程。



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