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The Journal of Bone and Joint Surgery (American).2010;92:232-239.

Perioperative Strategiesfor Decreasing Infection
A Comprehensive Evidence-Based Approach

Joseph A. Bosco, III,MD1, James D. Slover, MD, MS1 and Janet P. Haas, RN, PhD2
1 Department ofOrthopaedic Surgery, NYU Hospital for Joint Diseases, New York UniversityLangone Medical Center, 301 East 17th Street, New York, NY 10003. E-mailaddress for J.A. Bosco III: joseph.bosco@nyumc.org. E-mail address for J.D.Slover: james.slover@nyumc.org
2 InfectionPrevention and Control, Westchester Medical Center, 100 Woods Road, MacyPavilion SW246, Valhalla, NY 10595. E-mail address: Haasj@wcmc.com
An InstructionalCourse Lecture, American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons

Surgical siteinfections associated with orthopaedic surgical procedures are devastatingcomplications. They increase morbidity, mortality, and cost and result in outcomesthat are worse than those in uninfected cases1. Decreasing the incidence ofsurgical site infections is not only of interest to patients and surgeons, itis also a major focus of several groups of interested parties. These range frompayers, including the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS,Baltimore, Maryland), to institutions represented by the Surgical CareImprovement Project (SCIP), a multiple-institution partnership between majorpublic and private health-care organizations, including the Joint Commission onAccreditation of Healthcare Organizations (Oakbrook Terrace, Illinois).Decreasing the incidence of surgical site infections is, and will continue tobe, a major focus in medicine.
对于骨科手术而言,手术部位的感染是一种毁灭性的并发症,往往会导致致残率、致死率以及医疗费用的增加,并且与没有发生感染的病例相比,最终的治疗结果通常也会更差【1】。减少手术部位的感染率,不仅对患者和医生都很有意义,也是利益相关的各方非常关注的问题。如出资方,包括医疗保险与医疗辅助服务中心(CMSBaltimore, Maryland);以外科医疗改良项目(SCIP)为代表的相关机构;介于大众公共机构与私人医疗保健机构之间的多机构合作组织,包括医疗机构评审联合委员会(JCAHOOakbrook Terrace, Illinois)等。减少手术部位的感染率现在是,将来也仍会是,医学领域关注的焦点问题。
To effectivelyprevent surgical site infections, the clinician must consider preoperative,intraoperative, and postoperative factors and interventions. Preoperativestrategies for reduction of infection rates include identification of high-riskpatients, screening and decolonization of patients with methicillin-sensitiveStaphylococcus aureus and methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureuscolonization, preoperative preparation of the patient with chlorhexidinegluconate, utilization of proper hair-removal techniques, and addressingpreexisting dental and nutritional issues prior to surgery.
There are a varietyof perioperative strategies that can and should be employed to decrease therisk of surgical site infections. Intraoperative interventions that have beenshown to decrease surgical site infection rates include the proper selection, timing,and doses of prophylactic antibiotics and utilization of best practices forhand hygiene and surgical site preparation. Maintaining a sterileoperating-room environment by decreasing operating-room traffic, monitoring forbreaks in sterile technique, and decreasing the use of flash sterilization isvital. Finally, postoperative strategies for the reduction of surgical siteinfection rates include the proper use and duration in situ of urinarycatheters and surgical drains; standardization of wound care; use ofantibiotic-impregnated bandages; and, perhaps most importantly, maintenance ofproper hand hygiene, isolation precautions, and room cleaning.


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 楼主| 发表于 2011-2-18 21:46 | 显示全部楼层

Although everyprecaution should be taken to prevent infection for all orthopaedic patients,the identification of high-risk patients enables clinicians to provide maximalprevention strategies for them. Furthermore, the identification of patients athigh risk for infection allows appropriate preoperative counseling for shareddecision-making and establishes appropriate patient expectations regardingsurgical risks.
Numerous high-riskpatient populations and risk factors that place patients at high risk forinfection after total joint replacement or spine surgery have been described inthe literature. Some of these factors can be modified, while others cannot. Anexplanation of the risk factors that cannot be modified should be included whenpatients are counseled about their increased risk of infection with theproposed surgical procedure. In this way, patients will more completely understandthe risks and benefits when deciding on surgery. Two common factors that cannotbe modified and that increase the risk of infection with joint replacement area history of infection in the joint2 and a history of steroid injection intothe joint3. Factors that cannot be modified that increase the risk of infectionin patients undergoing spine surgery include trauma-related surgery4, use ofinstrumentation5, and lumbar6 and posterior4 surgery.
Other factors that increasethe risk of infection are potentially modifiable and, therefore, provide theopportunity for patient optimization prior to elective orthopaedic procedures.For example, patients with inflammatory arthritis7, sickle-cell disease8,diabetes9, renal failure10, and human immunodeficiency virus (HIV)11 haveincreased infection rates with joint replacement. Although these risk factorscannot be eliminated, the risks can be minimized. For example, patients withinflammatory arthritis should have a preoperative consultation with theirrheumatologist about reducing or discontinuing immunosuppressive medicationsperioperatively. Patients with sickle-cell disease should be screened for skinulcerations or potential sources of osteomyelitis, which can cause seeding ofthe site of a prosthetic joint. Diabetic patients should have their hemoglobinA1C levels checked andnormalized (to <6.9%, which reflects long-term glucose control) prior tosurgery; consultation with an endocrinologist may be necessary. Patients withrenal failure certainly should have their renal function optimized prior tosurgery, and patients with HIV should be placed on regimens that achieve anundetectable viral load, if possible, prior to joint replacement. Malnutritionis associated with an increased risk of infection; therefore, preoperativeoptimization, with the assistance of a nutritionist if necessary, isbeneficial12.

Smoking and obesityincrease the risk of infection with spine surgery13. Although these factors areoften difficult to modify, patients should be counseled that a benefit ofsmoking cessation and weight reduction is a decreased risk of infection withspine surgery. Patients considering or planning surgical weight-losstreatments, such as gastric bypass surgery, probably should be advised topursue these procedures first to reduce the risk of infection at the sites ofhardware or prostheses as a benefit from weight loss. Working with patients andthe appropriate consultants to optimize these factors prior to surgery mayimprove patient outcomes by lowering the risk of infection with high-riskjoint-replacement and spine procedures.
Another importantpreoperative consideration is preoperative bathing. Preoperative bathing hasbeen used to reduce the bacterial load of the skin prior to surgery becauseskin preparation immediately before surgery does not completely sterilize theskin. In addition, direct contamination can occur at the time of surgery. Arecent Cochrane review was performed to assess the information in theliterature regarding preoperative bathing with antiseptics for the preventionof surgical site infection14. Chlorhexidine gluconate is the most commonly usedantiseptic for preoperative bathing. The Cochrane review revealed evidence thatthe bacterial load of resident skin flora is reduced by use of chlorhexidinegluconate preparations for preoperative bathing. Repeated, consecutivetreatments reduce this load progressively over time. However, concerns aboutthe development of resistant organisms and hypersensitivity remain. Therefore,the authors of the review concluded that there is no clear evidence thatpreoperative bathing with chlorhexidine gluconate is superior to preoperativebathing with other products, such as bar soap, for reducing the incidence ofsurgical site infection.
Hair removal has beenused traditionally to keep hair from contaminating the wound. More recently,hair removal has allowed surgeons to apply occlusive dressings to the skinperioperatively to keep skin flora from directly contaminating the wound. Threemethods used for hair removal include traditional razors, clippers, andhair-removal creams or depilatories. Hairless surgical sites can make thesurgery and application of dressings and protective draping easier, but the useof razors to shave the surgical site increases the risk of introducing primaryinfections through microscopic injuries to the skin. The Centers for DiseaseControl and Prevention (CDC) recommend that hair removal be minimized and that,when it is necessary, electric clippers or depilatories be used rather thanrazors15. A Cochrane review of the literature on hair removal prior to surgerysupported the CDC recommendations and added that hair removal can be done onthe day of the surgery16.
Dental care isanother preoperative issue to be discussed with high-risk orthopaedic patients.All patients, but particularly those at high risk for infection, should beencouraged to maintain good dental health before and after surgery. Bacteremiafrom a dental infection can cause acute hematogenous infection at the site of atotal joint replacement. Evidence shows that the most critical period is thefirst two years after surgery17. The American Academy of OrthopaedicSurgeons (AAOS) in conjunction with the American Dental Association (ADA)developed guidelines for antibiotic prophylaxis for patients with a total jointreplacement who require dental procedures18. Patients are identified as beingat high or low risk depending on their medical comorbidities. Dental proceduresare categorized as high or low risk depending on the risk of bacteremia. Allpatients should receive antibiotic prophylaxis for high-risk dental proceduresfor two years after the joint replacement, and high-risk patients should receiveprophylaxis for high-risk dental procedures for life. Antibiotic regimens areincluded in the recommendations (Table I).


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 楼主| 发表于 2011-2-18 21:48 | 显示全部楼层

Perioperative prophylactic antibiotics are effective in reducing the rate of surgical site infections in high-risk orthopaedic cases. In a 2002 meta-analysis of spine fusion surgery, Barker19 reported that use of antibiotic therapy for such procedures is beneficial even when the infection rates without antibiotics are low. Similar studies have demonstrated the efficacy of preoperative antibiotics in general orthopaedic surgery and before total joint replacement20,21.


The choice of antibiotic for patients with a low risk of methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus colonization is either cefazolin (1 to 2 g administered intravenously) or cefuroxime (1.5 g administered intravenously). These doses must be adjusted for children. For patients with a beta-lactam allergy, clindamycin (600 mg administered intravenously) or vancomycin (1.0 g administered intravenously) should be used in lieu of cephalosporins. Patients who are colonized with methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus are at high risk for colonization (e.g., nursing home residents), or have had a previous methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus infection have an increased risk for the development of an infection with methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus22,23. Prophylaxis with vancomycin (1.0 g administered intravenously) should be considered for these patients24.


The proper timing and duration of antibiotic prophylaxis are imperative for safety and effectiveness. In general, antibiotic therapy should be started within one hour prior to the surgical incision, and the drugs should be completely infused prior to tourniquet inflation. The exception to this recommendation is vancomycin, the administration of which may be started up to two hours prior to the surgical incision. This allows a slower infusion and decreases the likelihood of red man syndrome. Red man syndrome occurs when hypersensitivity to vancomycin causes degranulation of mast cells and a release of histamine. The histamine leads to hypotension and facial flushing. Red man syndrome is prevented by the slow administration of vancomycin over a period of one to two hours.


Antibiotic treatment should be stopped within twenty-four hours after wound closure. Administration of prophylactic antibiotics for longer than twenty-four hours has not been demonstrated to be effective and may actually lead to superinfection with drug-resistant organisms25. Repeat dosing with antibiotics is recommended during surgical procedures that last for longer than four hours or when there is >1500 mL of blood loss26.


We recommend that, in order to ensure the proper selection and timing of antibiotic prophylaxis, the choice of antibiotics and duration of administration be incorporated into the surgical "time-out." Rosenberg et al. reported that compliance with the proper timing and selection of antibiotics increased from 65% to 99% when the protocol was incorporated into the time-out27.


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 楼主| 发表于 2011-2-18 21:48 | 显示全部楼层
Surgical HandAntisepsis

The objective of apreoperative hand scrub is to remove or kill as many bacteria as possible fromthe hands of the surgical team. Aqueous scrub solutions consisting ofwater-based solutions of either chlorhexidine gluconate or povidone-iodine havebeen traditionally used.
The authors of arecent Cochrane review28 found alcohol-based rubs containing ethanol,isopropanol, or n-propanol to be as effective as aqueous solutions forpreventing surgical site infections in patients29. Hajipour et al.30 reportedthat alcohol rubs were more effective than either chlorhexidine gluconate oriodine-based scrubs for reducing bacterial colony-forming units (CFUs) on thehands of surgeons. Other investigators reported that the use of scrub brusheshad no positive effect on asepsis and may actually increase the risk ofinfection as a result of skin damage31. On the basis of this evidence, therecommended procedure for preoperative surgical hand antisepsis is that,preceding the first scrub of the day or when the hands are grosslycontaminated, the surgical team should wash with soap and water, use a nailpick to clean under the nails, and dry with paper towels. They should then usean alcohol-based rub for three minutes32. An alcohol-based rub should be usedfor each subsequent case. The use of scrub brushes is not recommended.

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 楼主| 发表于 2011-2-18 21:49 | 显示全部楼层
Surgical SitePreparation

Chlorhexidinegluconate-based solutions have supplanted alcohol and iodine-based solutionsfor surgical site preparation. Ostrander et al.33 examined the residual amountsof bacteria on feet prepared with a chlorhexidine gluconate, iodine/isopropylalcohol, or chloroxylenol scrub. They found that chlorhexidine gluconate wassuperior to the other two preparation solutions in reducing or eliminatingbacteria from the feet prior to surgery. Chlorhexidine gluconate skinpreparation was superior to either 70% alcohol or iodine in decreasinginfection associated with the placement of central venous catheters and thedrawing of blood for culture34,35. Thus, the current evidence-basedrecommendations and best-practice guidelines call for the use of chlorhexidinegluconate-based solutions for surgical site preparation and placement ofcentral venous catheters.

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 楼主| 发表于 2011-2-18 21:50 | 显示全部楼层
Decreasing the Risk of Surgical Site Infection Related to the Operating-Room Environment

Although the arcane details of techniques used to sterilize surgical instruments are beyond the expected knowledge of most orthopaedic surgeons, many of a surgeon's actions can adversely affect sterilization and increase the risk of surgical site infections. Flash sterilization is a procedure used by operating-room staff to sterilize instruments or implants with steam, on an as-needed basis. Flash sterilization is not equivalent to sterilization in central processing36,37. In central sterile processing, instruments are properly cleaned and all lumens are inspected; the instruments are then sterilized and allowed to dry completely, after which they are delivered in closed containers that ensure maintenance of sterility. Most importantly, the process is performed by trained, focused professionals. The entire process takes three to four hours. Flash sterilization should be used only for dropped instruments or in an emergency situation. Preventable reasons for flash sterilization include an insufficient quantity of instruments, loaner instruments and/or instruments not delivered in time for proper processing, and inaccurate or incomplete surgical booking requiring the emergency, unplanned use of instruments and/or implants.


To reduce the incidence of flash sterilization, we recommend an increase in physician awareness about the inadequacy of the technique; improvement in the accuracy of surgical booking; mandating cooperation from vendors to ensure timely delivery of equipment, including financial penalties for late delivery; purchase of more frequently flash-sterilized items; surgical scheduling to accommodate and mitigate equipment shortages; and, finally, generation of incident reports when a flash-sterilized implant is used in a patient. Adopting these policies and procedures leads to a decrease in the incidence of flash sterilization38.


Powderless Gloves
Traditionally, surgical gloves contained powder to aid in the manufacturing process and to make donning easier. The powder was either talc or lycopodium spores. Because of concerns about granuloma formation and adhesions associated with the use of these substances, cornstarch is now the powder of choice39. However, cornstarch is not benign. It causes foreign-body granuloma formation and delayed wound-healing and can decrease the amount of bacteria required to cause a clinically apparent infection40. Cornstarch also leads to increased latex sensitivity in health-care workers. Type-I and type-IV hypersensitivity reactions to latex protein in hospital staff lead to increases in sick time and decreased job satisfaction41. Powderless gloves decrease staff absenteeism and eliminate the potential for foreign-body granuloma formation. These gloves cost 25% more than powdered gloves, but the added expense is mitigated by increased productivity of the operating-room staff41.



Antiseptic-Coated Sutures
The use of antiseptic-coated sutures has generated increased interest. These sutures are typically coated with the antiseptic triclosan. Edmiston et al. demonstrated the effectiveness of coated sutures in inhibiting bacterial growth and contamination in an in vitro model42. In a randomized controlled trial, Rozzelle et al. reported a significant reduction in surgical site infection rates following cerebral spinal-fluid-shunt surgery with the use of antiseptic-coated sutures as compared with the rate following the same procedure without the use of such sutures43. These sutures cost 7% to 10% more than their uncoated counterparts. To our knowledge, no cost-effectiveness analysis has been published; however, the use of these sutures in high-risk patients may be justified.



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 楼主| 发表于 2011-2-18 21:51 | 显示全部楼层
Maintaining adisciplined operating-room culture can reduce the risk of surgical siteinfections. Unnecessary operating-room traffic increases the rate ofinfections44. In a study of spine surgery, Olsen et al. reported that two ormore residents participating in the operative procedure was an independent riskfactor for surgical site infections, with an odds ratio of 2.245. Babkin et al.found that the rate of surgical site infections associated with left kneereplacements was 6.7 times higher than that associated with right kneereplacements performed during the same time period and in the same operatingrooms46. When the door on the left side of the operating room was locked,preventing ingress or egress, the surgical site infection rate associated withthe left knee replacements rapidly decreased to that associated with the rightknee replacements, a finding that supports the importance of limitingoperating-room traffic.
Drains and BloodTransfusions
Whether to use drainsat the end of orthopaedic surgical procedures is a decision that surgeons makeon the basis of their training, opinions, and personal experience, in additionto research findings. A recent Cochrane review on this topic that includedfindings from thirty-six studies (5464 patients) revealed that the use ofclosed drains reduced bruising and the need for reinforcement of dressings47.However, the use of closed drains was also associated with an increased needfor transfusion, a risk factor that is discussed below. There was no differencein surgical site infection rates between drained and undrained wounds. Theauthors concluded that closed suction drains were of doubtful benefit.
In addition to thedoubtful benefit of surgical drains in orthopaedic procedures, they areassociated with a more frequent need for blood transfusion. Blood transfusioncarries the general risk of infection with blood-borne pathogens, such as HIVor hepatitis, and with other bacteria or parasites. This risk is very small,although still present, in the United  States and other developed countries thathave rigorous testing procedures for donated blood48. The more immediate riskassociated with transfusion is surgical site infection and an increased lengthof hospital stay49. Transfusion of blood induces immunomodulation that can leadto an increased risk of infection at the surgical site50. Talbot et al.reported a 3.2-fold increase in the post-sternotomy infection rate amongpatients who had had a transfusion compared with the rate among those who hadnot51. In a study of cardiac surgery, Bower et al. reported that the rate ofinfection in patients who had had a transfusion was almost twice as high asthat in patients who had not52. Weber et al. found that patients who had had atransfusion after hip arthroplasty had an increased length of hospital stay,even when the authors controlled for surgical site infection49. Strategies todecrease the need for transfusion include preoperative assessment of hemoglobinlevels and the hematocrit and prescription of drugs to improve theseparameters, if indicated, as well as the use of an algorithm that depends onsymptomatic anemia, rather than hemoglobin and hematocrit results alone, todetermine transfusion need.

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 楼主| 发表于 2011-2-18 21:52 | 显示全部楼层
Postoperative WoundManagement
The CDC recommendsmaintaining surgical dressings for twenty-four to forty-eight hourspostoperatively53. Some surgeons use a three-day rule, keeping the originalsurgical dressing in place for seventy-two hours. There is little evidence thatkeeping dressings on for an extra day or two decreases the infection risk;however, if the dressing is not clean and dry, it may become a source ofmicrobes close to the incision. Perhaps as important as the duration that thedressing is in place is ensuring the proper process for postoperative woundmanagement. The surgeon should review policies and procedures to determine whochanges dressings (e.g., nurses, or physicians only), under what circumstancesthey are changed, and if they are ever reinforced rather than changed. Thebasic concept of infection prevention is to keep the wound clean and dry.Soiled or blood-soaked dressings should be removed immediately rather thanreinforced. If dressings do not stay intact, use of a different product may bewarranted.
A multidisciplinarygroup should evaluate current practices and discuss ways to optimizepostoperative wound care. Some basic issues are ensuring that an aseptictechnique is used for dressing changes and having accurate descriptions of theamount and character of the wound drainage and of the wound itself in anaccessible place. We have found that restrictions on the use of products due tocost may hinder good wound care. For example, restricting the use ofsemipermeable occlusive dressings to the operating room leaves staff on thenursing units without an appropriate product with which to keep surgicaldressings intact. When viewed with respect to the cost of surgical siteinfections, the cost of the occlusive dressing is very reasonable. Staffeducation is needed if long-standing policies and procedures are to be changed.
Antimicrobialdressings are available, and research indicates that they may be helpful inreducing infection risk. Silver-based dressings have been available for a longtime, and they are effective in decreasing the risk of mediastinitis followingcardiac surgery54 and following lumbar laminectomy and fusion55. They are notroutinely used for surgical care, most likely because they are expensive andnot always covered by insurance. Other compounds, such as polyhexamethylenebiguanide (PHMfile:///C:/DOCUME~1/ADMINI~1/LOCALS~1/Temp/msohtml1/01/clip_image001.gif, have shown promise in small studies56,57. PHMBdressings look and feel similar to traditional gauze dressings and are muchless expensive than silver-containing dressings. The cost of a PHMB-containing4 x 4-inch sponge is roughly twice the cost of regular 4 x 4-inch gauze (theleast expensive antimicrobial dressing). Gentian violet and methylene blue arecombined for bacteriostatic effect in some dressings, but there is littleevidence to support their use for clean surgical incisions.


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 楼主| 发表于 2011-2-18 21:53 | 显示全部楼层
Other IssuesConcerning Infection Prevention

Hand Hygiene
Proper hand hygieneis the most important way to prevent infections in health-care settings, yetcompliance with hand-hygiene procedures is suboptimal. The authors of the 2002CDC Guideline for Hand Hygiene in Health-Care Settings reported an average compliancerate of 40%58. Since that time, the Joint Commission on Accreditation ofHealthcare Organizations has made decreasing rates of health-care-associatedinfections one of its national patient-safety goals, and hospitals that areaccredited by the Joint Commission are required to have a hand-hygienemonitoring and improvement program59. Studies have linked improved compliancewith hand-hygiene protocols with decreased rates of marker organisms, such asmethicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus60. Many studies have demonstratedthat multi-pronged interventions that include strong administrative support aremore successful over time than are traditional single interventions, such aseducation or feedback of hand-hygiene-compliance data61. Another strategy thathas helped increase hand-hygiene compliance is the use of alcohol-based handsanitizers. These are recommended preferentially by the CDC for routine handhygiene58. The rationale is that alcohol-based sanitizers can be moreconveniently located than sinks and take less time to use than traditional handwashing. In addition, a counterintuitive finding is that alcohol handsanitizers are less irritating to skin than hand washing with soap andwater62,63.
Isolation Precautions
Contact isolationprecautions are recommended by the CDC for patients with drug-resistantorganisms, and this is now part of the national patient safety goals of theJoint Commission. Patients with drug-resistant organisms are placed in privaterooms, if possible, or with other patients who harbor the same organism. Gownsand gloves are required for care of these patients and should be donned onentry into the room. The decision about when to don gowns and gloves is nolonger at the discretion of clinicians, since that leads to substantialvariability in adherence. The Joint Commission requires hospitals to monitoradherence to contact precautions and to have a program to improve compliance.Some issues regarding contact precautions are unclear. These include decisionsabout how to handle patients who have been decolonized formethicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus, a standardized definition ofresistant gram-negative organisms, and how long to continue contact precautionsfor various organisms. More research is needed in these areas. Contactprecautions are not without consequences. Recent study results indicate that patientssubjected to contact isolation precautions are seen less frequently byattending physicians, are more likely to have skin breakdown or falls, and aremore likely to complain about their care. Hospitals should include strategiesto ameliorate these consequences when isolation precautions are indicated64.


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 楼主| 发表于 2011-2-18 21:54 | 显示全部楼层

The CMS is changinggovernment payments for infections that arise as a result of hospital care.Successful interventions, such as the Institute for Healthcare Improvement's"100,000 Lives" campaign (currently, the "5 Million Lives"campaign; http://www.ihi.org/IHI/Programs/Campaign) and theKeystone (Michigan Health and Hospital Association Keystone Center) initiative(http://www.mibcn.com/newsroom/2008/pr_03-12-2008_47388.shtml)have shown that infections are not simply an unavoidable complication of healthcare and that, with attention to infection-prevention practices, manyinfections may be prevented. As a payer, the CMS has decided to rewardinstitutions that use best practices and not pay extra for certain preventablecomplications that are referred to as "never events." As of October2008, the CMS is not paying extra for infectious complications includingcatheter-associated urinary tract infections; central venouscatheter-associated bloodstream infections; surgical site infections followingspine, neck, shoulder, or elbow procedures; or mediastinitis following cardiacsurgery(http://www.cms.hhs.gov/HospitalA ... tions.asp#TopOfPage).
CMS正在改变政府对住院治疗相关感染的拨款,成功的干预,如美国医疗保健促进会的“100000生命运动(目前的“5000000生命运动;http://www.ihi.org/IHI/Programs/Campaign)和Keystone(密歇根医疗与医院协会Keystone 中心)所发起的(http://www.mibcn.com/newsroom/2008/pr_03-12-2008_47388.shtml)显示感染并不是医疗活动中单纯的不可避免的并发症,相反,如果对预防感染的工作认真实行,很多感染都是可以预防的。作为一个出资方,CMS决定对应用最佳方案的机构进行奖励,但对于某些可预防的并发症,则将其视为绝不应发生的事件,而不会支付额外的费用。从200810月开始,CMS便不再对以下感染性并发症支付额外的费用,包括导尿管相关的尿路感染,中心静脉导管相关的血流感染,脊柱、颈、肩或肘部手术后的术区感染,或心脏手术后的纵隔炎等(http://www.cms.hhs.gov/HospitalAcqCond/06_Hospital-Acquired_Conditions.asp#TopOfPage)。
Of thesehealth-care-associated events, urinary tract infections are the most numerous,so efforts at decreasing their occurrence are now a focus of hospitals aroundthe country. Recent studies have shed light on the fact that many clinicians donot know which of their patients have urinary catheters and that there is agreat opportunity to decrease the use of urinary catheterization. There are newguidelines and recommendations for appropriate use of urinary catheters(http://www.journals.uchicago.edu/doi/full/10.1086/591066). A daily assessmentof the necessity for the device is among these recommendations and is probablythe most straightforward approach to decreasing the use of urinary cathetersand the associated infection risk.
Public Reporting ofHealth-Care-Associated Infections
As a result ofconsumer and payer demands for more transparency about health-care quality,many states now require some level of public reporting ofhealth-care-associated infections. The elements of required reporting and themethodology for reporting vary from state to state, but many are using the CDCNational Healthcare Safety Network (NHSN) as the required system. The NHSN is aweb-based version of the CDC's hospital infection reporting system that hasbeen in place since the 1970s. The standardized definitions of infection havebeen used for many years and have become the gold standard for surveillancedefinitions. In addition to its long track record, advantages of the NHSNsystem include the fact that it is a secure database and that it allows groups(such as states) to sign up together, allows a conferral of rights to seeinstitutional data, provides some data analysis and data display capabilities,produces the national benchmarks for infection rates, and is free to use. NHSNmodules can be accessed online (http://www.cdc.gov/nhsn/psc_da.html).
Infection preventionhas become a focus of attention for patients, payers, and regulators.Physicians and hospitals must now incorporate infection-prevention practicesinto their care or risk losing payment and patients and having negativepublicity when their rates become public. Fortunately, this gives surgeons theopportunity to collaborate with partners throughout the health-care system todeliver the best care possible, paying attention to all processes of care fortheir patients.


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 楼主| 发表于 2011-2-18 21:54 | 显示全部楼层

Reduction of rates ofsurgical site infections promises to be an area of intense interest andactivity in the foreseeable future. Health-care payers and regulatoryorganizations such as CMS and the Joint Commission are demanding accountabilityand reductions in rates of surgical site infection. In the areas in whichevidence-based literature has demonstrated a clear best practice, such asprophylactic use of antibiotics and surgical scrub techniques, physicians andhospitals will be held accountable for compliance with these standards. Thisaccountability will be quantified, and the data will be made available to thepublic. It is also clear that payers will penalize those responsible forfailure to comply with these standards of care. Thus, it is necessary for allto become familiar with the known best practices and standards of care for thereduction of the rates of surgical site infections.

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 楼主| 发表于 2011-2-18 21:55 | 显示全部楼层
1.  Kirkland KB, Briggs JP, Trivette SL, Wilkinson WE, Sexton DJ. The impact of surgical-site infections in the 1990s: attributable mortality, excess length of hospitalization, and extra costs. Infect Control Hosp Epidemiol. 1999;20:725-30.

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