根据在儿科杂志发表的一项新的研究表明,42.8 %的住院婴儿发生感染,呼吸道感染尤为突出。作者在文章的结论中指出,采取更多的措施,以减少这类感染的发生,将有助于大幅削减婴幼儿的住院成本。
1、呼吸道感染( 59.0 % )
2、肾脏,泌尿道及膀胱感染( 7.6 % )
3、上呼吸道感染( 6.5 % )
4、败血症( 6.5 % )
Infections major cause of infant hospitalizations
42.8% of infant hospitalizations can be blamed on infections, especially respiratory problems, according to a new study in the journal Pediatrics.
Taking more steps to reduce such infections would help substantially to cut the costs of these hospitalizations, the authors conclude.
Researchers found an estimated 286,739 such hospitalizations of infants in the U.S. annually. The percentage broke down this way:
Respiratory tract infections (59.0%)
Kidney, urinary tract and bladder infections (7.6%)
Upper respiratory tract infections (6.5%)
Septicemia (6.5%)
The median cost of these hospitalizations came in at $2,235 or $690 million a year.
The biggest risks fell to younger infants, boys and non-white infants
he median cost of these hospitalizations came in at $2,235 or $690 million a year.