回复 1# 阿女
HAIs are the most common complication of hospital care and are one of the top 10 leading causes of death in the United States, accounting for an estimated 1.7 million infections and 99,000 associated deaths in 2002. The financial burden attributable to these infections is estimated at $28 to $33 billion in excess health care costs each year.
——Klevens RM, Edwards J, Richards C, Horan T, Gaynes R, Pollock D, Cardo D. Estimating Health Care-Associated Infections and Deaths in U.S. Hospitals, 2002. Public Health Reports 2007; 122:160-166.
美国VAP的发病率一般小于10/1000个插管日,而我国一般大于30/1000个插管日;我国的SSI发病率更是远远高于美国一般SSI的发病率(这里不指通过回顾性调查,或者现患率调查获取的数据,做过真正的目标性监测的医院都知道,漏报有多严重)。因此我认为感染率约8%、损失150亿(美国人口3亿多),不是高估,而是低估。 |