7a. | Human Resources and Occupational Health人力资源和职业健康 | Yes/No/Other 是/否/其他 | Reason原因 |
| The following questions apply to all staff that work in the hospital on either a permanent or temporary basis.下述问题适用于所有在医院工作的员工,不论是长期还是临时雇员。 | y | |
7a.1 | Is there a human resource strategy aligned to the overall hospital business plan?有符合医院整体发展的人力资源战略吗? | | |
7a.2 | Is there an organisational chart? 有组织结构图吗? | | |
7a.3 | Are there written and dated policies regarding: 是否有关于以下各项的书面的且标明日期的制度: | y | |
| · Ensuring sufficient numbers of qualified staff are available at all times
确保始终有足够数量的、具有资格的员工可用 | | |
| · Pre-employment checks including criminal convictions and qualifications 入职前检查,包括犯罪记录审查和资格证明 | | |
| · Staff recruitment 员工招聘 | | |
| · Staff retention 员工保留 | | |
| · Staff induction 员工入职培训 | | |
| · Ongoing staff evaluation/appraisal员工持续考核 | | |
| · Continuous training of staff 员工的继续教育 | | |
| · Safety and security of staff 员工安全和保卫 | | |
| · Managing employee absenteeism 员工考勤管理 | | |
7a.4 | Is there a formal mechanism by which a member of staff may confidentially raise a professional concern about a colleague (whistle-blowing)? | | |
7a.5 | Does each job advertised specify job title, grade and objectives?招聘广告中的每个职位是否注明职务名称、级别和责任? | | |
7a.5a | Does each job advertised specify previous experience required? 每个招聘的职位是否对申请人之前的工作经历做明确要求? | | |
7a.5b | Does the hospital have a defined process / written policy to ensure that all clinical staff recruited have the knowledge and skills to meet patient needs 医院是否有明确的流程/书面的制度以确保所有招入的医护人员具备适当的知识技能以满足患者的要求? | | |
7a.5c | Does the hospital have a defined process (eg written policy) to ensure that all non-clinical staff recruited have the skills and experience to meet the needs of the hospital?
医院是否有明确的流程(书面的制度)以确保所有招入的非临床人员具备适当的知识及经验以满足患者的要求? | | |
7a.5d | Does the hospital have written policies to ensure:医院是否有书面规定以确保 | | |
| · clinical responsibility is given on the basis of experience and ability 临床的责任是基于经验以及能力 | | |
| · non-clinical responsibilities are given on the basis of experience and ability
非临床的责任是基于经验以及能力 | | |
7a.6 | Is there a central register of all staff employed? 有所雇全体员工的中央登记册吗? | | |
7a.6a | Do all staff have a personnel file that includes: 是否所有员工都有个人档案并包括以下文档 | y | |
| · a copy of their employment contract 工作合同 | | |
| ·
a copy of their job description 岗位职责 | | |
| · details of their ongoing training and personal development 在职培训及个人发展规划 | | |
| · a pre-employment health check 入职前体检 | | |
| · a copy of their references or employment resume 推荐人或者工作简历 | | |
7a.6b | Is all personnel information kept securely and confidentially? 是否所有的个人信息都被安全保密的保存 | | |
7a.6c | Is a copy of a staff members personnel file available to them on request? 员工的档案是否在其需要时可以得到一份复印件? | | |
7a.7 | Are all employees issued with a written contract covering the terms and conditions of employment?所有员工都持有一份包括聘用条款和条件的书面合同吗? | | |
7a.8 | Are there dedicated smoking areas, away from patient and clinical areas, for staff? 是否为员工提供远离病人及临床区域的指定吸烟处? | | |