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id the End of Smallpox Vaccination Cause the Explosive Spread of HIV?
ScienceDaily (May 17, 2010) — Vaccinia immunization, as given to prevent the spread of smallpox, produces a five-fold reduction in HIV replication in the laboratory. Researchers writing in the open access journal BMC Immunology suggest that the end of smallpox vaccination in the mid-20th century may have caused a loss of protection that contributed to the rapid contemporary spread of HIV.
《科学日报》(ScienceDaily)2010年5月`17日报道 —— 用于预防天花扩散的牛痘接种,在实验室中使HIV复制减少了五倍。研究者在供开架浏览的英国医学委员会(BMC)《免疫学》杂志上发表的报告中提出:二十世纪中期天花疫苗种植的结束导致人类失去保护,使得HIV在当代得以快速传播。
Raymond Weinstein, a family doctor turned laboratory scientist at George Mason University, Manassas, Virginia, worked with a team of researchers from George Washington University and UCLA. The researchers looked at the ability of white blood cells taken from people recently immunized with vaccinia to support HIV replication compared to unvaccinated controls. They found significantly lower viral replication in blood cells from vaccinated individuals.
雷蒙德?温斯坦(Raymond Weinstein)原是家庭医生,后改行成为美国乔治梅森大学弗吉尼亚州马纳萨斯分校实验室科学家。他与来自乔治?华盛顿大学与加利福尼亚大学洛杉矶分校的研究人员组成了一支研究团队。该团队从新近接种牛痘的实验组对象提取了白细胞,细胞用以培养支持HIV复制,然后与来自未接种牛痘的对照组对象的白细胞支持HIV复制情况作比较。结果发现,HIV在来自于实验组对象的白细胞中复制能力下降极为明显。
Weinstein said, "There have been several proposed explanations for the rapid spread of HIV in Africa, including wars, the reuse of unsterilized needles and the contamination of early batches of polio vaccine. However, all of these have been either disproved or do not sufficiently explain the behavior of the HIV pandemic. Our finding that prior immunization with vaccinia virus may provide an individual with some degree of protection to subsequent HIV infection suggests that the withdrawal of such vaccination may be a partial explanation."
Smallpox immunization was gradually withdrawn from the 1950s to the 1970s following the worldwide eradication of the disease, and HIV has been spreading exponentially since approximately the same time period. Weinstein and his colleagues propose that vaccination may confer protection against HIV by producing long term alterations in the immune system, possibly including the expression of a certain receptor, CCR5, on the surface of a person's white blood cells which is exploited by both viruses.
Speaking about the results, Weinstein said, "While these results are very interesting and hopefully may lead to a new weapon against the HIV pandemic, they are very preliminary and it is far too soon to recommend the general use of vaccinia immunization for fighting HIV."
Photograph of a Nigerian child being immunized during the Smallpox Eradication and Measles Control Program of West Africa in 1960. (Credit: CDC/Dr. J.D. Millar)
图片显示: 1960年西非《根除天花与控制麻疹计划》期间,尼日利亚儿童接受免疫接种。(图片来源:CDC/J.D.Millar博士)