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[感控科普] 【感染科普笔记2023-10-9】此时的消毒不是可有可无,更不是多此一举!

发表于 2023-10-23 09:41 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式


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WS310.2-2106《医院消毒供应中心 第二部分:清洗消毒及灭菌技术操作规范》的5.4.1规定:清洗后的器械、器具和物品应进行消毒处理。方法首选机械湿热消毒,也可采用75%乙醇、酸性氧化电位水或其他消毒剂进行消毒。由此可见,清洗后的消毒是必须的。
美国的规范(AAMI ST79)清洗后的消毒有这样描述的
  • 从第7章《清洗、消毒(杀微生物过程)和其他去污步骤》可以看出,美国把消毒看作是“去污程序”的一部分。(“7 Cleaning, disinfection (microbicidal processes) and other decontamination steps.”)
  • 在7.1节总则中:清洗不会杀灭微生物,随后的消毒或灭菌过程可能是必要的,以使物品在下次使用时确保安全。(7.1General considerations:Cleaning does not kill microorganisms and a subsequent disinfection or sterilization process may be necessary to render the item safe for next use.)
  • 医疗机构中的所有微生物都应被认为具有潜在致病性。当清洗不足以使器械确保安全时,该器械将进行随后的杀微生物过程,该过程旨在提供适当水平的微生物致死率,足以灭活潜在的传染性或产生疾病的微生物。这个过程可以是消毒过程或灭菌过程。如果没有首先通过清洗去除污物,杀微生物过程可能不会有效。当消毒用于去污目的时,杀微生物工艺旨在提高器械在操作和后续处理时的安全性,但微生物的灭活水平有可能不足以满足预期用途(如无菌手术所需的手术器械)。(All microorganisms in health care facilities should be considered potentially pathogenic. ….Whenever cleaning is not sufficient to render an item safe for handling, the item is subjected to a subsequent microbicidal process that has been designed to provide an appropriate level of microbial lethality sufficient to inactivate potentially infectious or disease producing microorganisms. This process could be a disinfection process or a sterilization process. The microbicidal process may not be effective if soil has not been first removed by cleaning. When used for decontamination purposes, a microbicidal process is intended to render a device safe for handling and subsequent processing, but the level of microbial inactivation may not be sufficient for the intended use (as in the case of surgical instruments needed for sterile procedures).)
  • 遵守感染预防和控制原则将有助于防止潜在传染性或产生疾病的微生物从一个人传播到另一个人,并将有助于确保在检查、组装、准备和包装过程中所有物品的处理都是安全的。(Adherence to the principles of infection prevention and control will help prevent the spread of potentially infectious or disease-producing microorganisms from one person to another and will help ensure that all items are safe for handling during inspection, assembly, preparation, and packaging.)
  • 去污方法的选择是复杂的,因为可重复使用的物品种类繁多,实现不同程度去污的过程其范围也相当广泛。(The selection of a decontamination method is complex because of the huge variety of reusable items and the wide range of processes for achieving various levels of decontamination.)
  • 为了确保操作安全,一些医疗设备只需要彻底清洗;对于其他的器械,由于职业接触的考虑(如埃博拉病毒和艰难梭菌),应进行清洗并进行杀微生物处理(注:“杀灭微生物处理”即“消毒”)。(To be rendered safe to handle, some medical devices require only thorough cleaning; others, because of occupational exposure considerations (such as ebola and Clostridium difficile), should be cleaned and subjected to a microbicidal process.)
  • 部分器具可以在去污后以供患者重复使用,而其他器械则应该准备好并进行最终灭菌(如:手术器械的蒸汽灭菌)。某种污染器具所需的去污类型取决于该设备所呈现的生物危害。(Some devices can be prepared for patient reuse following the decontamination process, whereas others should be prepared and subjected to terminal sterilization (e.g., steam sterilization of surgical instruments). The type of decontamination required for a particular contaminated device depends on the biohazard that the device presents.)

  • 消毒是去污工作的一部分。清洗是去除可见的污染物,消毒是去除不可见的微生物;
  • 当把消毒作为去污目的时,消毒的目的旨在提高器械在操作和后续处理时的安全性,保护后续的检查和包装人员免受职业暴露;
  • 由于需要去污的物品种类繁多,所以选择恰当的去污程序(清洗、清洗+消毒以及其它方法)也是复杂的。
  • 有些器械在去污(清洗+消毒)后可以供患者使用,但大多数的器械还是需要最终灭菌。因为仅仅清洗后,微生物的灭活水平不足以满足预期的手术用途。




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