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文献翻译: 五种方法鉴定optochin耐药肺炎链球菌

发表于 2007-9-28 16:42 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式


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Comparison of Five Genotypic Techniques for Identification of
Optochin-Resistant Pneumococcus-Like Isolates
Rita Verhelst,1* Tarja Kaijalainen,2 Thierry De Baere,1 Gerda Verschraegen,1 Geert Claeys,1
Leen Van Simaey,1 Catharine De Ganck,1 and Mario Vaneechoutte1
Department of Chemistry, Microbiology and Immunology, Ghent University Hospital, Gent, Belgium,1 and
National Reference Laboratory for Pneumococcus, National Public Health Institute, Oulu, Finland2

Received 31 December 2002/Returned for modification 3 March 2003/Accepted 8 May 2003

    Three PCR techniques (amplification of the psaA, ply, and lytA genes) and a commercial kit (AccuProbe
[GenProbe, San Diego, Calif.], based on hybridization with the 16S rRNA gene), all four of which claimed to
be specific for Streptococcus pneumoniae, were used to identify 49 alpha-hemolytic streptococcal isolates suspected of being pneumococci. The definite phenotypic identification of these organisms as S. pneumoniae was
difficult when optochin susceptibility and the presence of a capsule were taken as markers. Furthermore, RsaI
digestion of the amplified 16S rRNA gene was applied. All 49 strains were optochin resistant. Eleven of these
were encapsulated and were identified as pneumococci by all tests. Twenty of the 38 unencapsulated strains
were unambiguously identified as nonpneumococci by all tests. The identities of another 18 unencapsulated
strains remained inconclusive due to highly variable reactions for all phenotypic and genotypic techniques
applied. The AccuProbe test was positive for seven strains for which the results of the other tests were inconclusive. RsaI restriction of the amplified 16S rRNA gene confirmed the AccuProbe result for all strains, while
the result of the psaA-specific PCR was in concordance with encapsulation for all strains. The results presented
here indicate that identification problems continue to exist for some strains, despite the application of
genotypic and phenotypic tests in combination. We found the psaA-specific PCR to be the genotypic technique
best suited for the identification of genuine pneumococci and optochin-resistant pneumococci.

全文   五种基因检测方法鉴定optochin耐药肺炎链球菌.pdf (64.48 KB, 下载次数: 13)

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omparison of Five Genotypic Techniques for Identification of
Optochin-Resistant Pneumococcus-Like Isolates (五种基因检测方法鉴定optochin耐药的肺炎链球菌样分离菌)
    Three PCR techniques (amplification of the psaA, ply, and lytA genes) and a commercial kit (AccuProbe
[GenProbe, San Diego, Calif.], based on hybridization with the 16S rRNA gene), all four of which claimed to
be specific for Streptococcus pneumoniae, were used to identify 49 alpha-hemolytic streptococcal isolates suspected of being pneumococci. (三种PCR检测方法[扩增psaA,ply和lytA基因]和一个商品化的试剂盒被用于鉴定49株疑似肺炎链球菌的有a溶血的链球菌,这四种方法都基于对16SrRNA基因的杂交,而且都声称对肺炎链球菌有很好的特异性。)The definite phenotypic identification of these organisms as S. pneumoniae was difficult when optochin susceptibility and the presence of a capsule were taken as markers. (当optochin敏感且有荚膜的时候,仅靠肺炎链球菌表型进行鉴定就很困难。)Furthermore, RsaI digestion of the amplified 16S rRNA gene was applied. (用RsaI消化扩增好的16SrRNA基因的方法可行。)All 49 strains were optochin resistant. (所有49株细菌都是optochin耐药。)Eleven of these were encapsulated and were identified as pneumococci by all tests. (其中11株有荚膜包被,且所有检测均鉴定为肺链。)Twenty of the 38 unencapsulated strains were unambiguously identified as nonpneumococci by all tests. (38株无荚膜包被的细菌有20株被所有检测鉴定为非肺炎链球菌。)The identities of another 18 unencapsulated strains remained inconclusive due to highly variable reactions for all phenotypic and genotypic techniques applied. (其他18株无荚膜的细菌由于表型和基因型检测结果高度不一致而没有结果。)The AccuProbe test was positive for seven strains for which the results of the other tests were inconclusive. (其他检测方法无法判断的7株细菌用AccuProb检测阳性。)RsaI restriction of the amplified 16S rRNA gene confirmed the AccuProbe result for all strains, while the result of the psaA-specific PCR was in concordance with encapsulation for all strains. (对16S rRNA基因的扩增产物用限制性内切酶RsaI切割的条带图谱证实了AccuProbe的检测结果,psaA特异性PCR结果与所有有荚膜的细菌相一致。)The results presented here indicate that identification problems continue to exist for some strains, despite the application of genotypic and phenotypic tests in combination. (结果表明,尽管联合应用表型和基因型检测方法,但仍有一些细菌无法鉴定。)We found the psaA-specific PCR to be the genotypic technique best suited for the identification of genuine pneumococci and optochin-resistant pneumococci.(我们发现psaA特异性PCR是最适合鉴定真正的和optochin耐药的肺链的一种基因技术。)


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