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发表于 2007-9-16 22:23 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式


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Ten-year air sample analysis of Aspergillus prevalence in a university hospital
Airborne fungal samples were collected on a monthly basis for 10 years, from 1995 to 2005, at a tertiary university hospital. Paired samples were cultured at 25 and 37 °C. Data were interpreted according to the air filtration systems serving each location. Samples cultured at 37 °C from the patient care areas had a mean recovery of 18% of the mean recovery from outdoor air (22 versus 122 cfu/m3). Recovery of Aspergillus spp. at 37 °C in the high-efficiency particulate air (HEPA)-filtered locations was positive for Aspergillus spp. approximately one-third of the time; the rest of the patient care areas were positive half of the time and the outdoor samples were positive 95% of the time. We found 48 sporadic bursts at 37 °C which produced counts >3 SD above the mean. Hospital-acquired infection was related to high recovery of Aspergillus fumigatus on at least one occasion. We have found it impossible, without implementing impractical measures, to provide an environment completely devoid of Aspergillus spp. We conclude that routine air sampling is not an effective means of predicting hospital-acquired infections. However, a transient spike, or burst, may be useful in identifying an in-house source of contamination and may be used to consider additional interventional treatments for patients at risk. Emphasis should be placed on maintaining high-efficiency filtration of the outside air and on ensuring that other environmental control methods are used to prevent dissemination of environmental opportunistic fungal spores.
Keywords: Aspergillus; Ventilation; Environmental air sampling; Immunocompromised host; Fungal sources; Hospital-acquired infections; Aspergillosis
Journal of Hospital Infection
Volume 67, Issue 1, September 2007, Pages 35-41


使用道具 举报

发表于 2007-9-20 14:34 | 显示全部楼层

回复 #1 wzcdcyxh 的帖子

Airborne fungal samples were collected on a monthly basis for 10 years, from 1995 to 2005, at a tertiary university hospital. Paired samples were cultured at 25 and 37 °C. Data were interpreted according to the air filtration systems serving each location. Samples cultured at 37 °C from the patient care areas had a mean recovery of 18% of the mean recovery from outdoor air (22 versus 122 cfu/m3). Recovery of Aspergillus spp. at 37 °C in the high-efficiency particulate air (HEPA)-filtered locations was positive for Aspergillus spp. approximately one-third of the time; the rest of the patient care areas were positive half of the time and the outdoor samples were positive 95% of the time. We found 48 sporadic bursts at 37 °C which produced counts >3 SD above the mean. Hospital-acquired infection was related to high recovery of Aspergillus fumigatus on at least one occasion. We have found it impossible, without implementing impractical measures, to provide an environment completely devoid of Aspergillus spp. We conclude that routine air sampling is not an effective means of predicting hospital-acquired infections. However, a transient spike, or burst, may be useful in identifying an in-house source of contamination and may be used to consider additional interventional treatments for patients at risk. Emphasis should be placed on maintaining high-efficiency filtration of the outside air and on ensuring that other environmental control methods are used to prevent dissemination of environmental opportunistic fungal spores.
Keywords: Aspergillus; Ventilation; Environmental air sampling; Immunocompromised host; Fungal sources; Hospital-acquired infections; Aspergillosis
Journal of Hospital Infection
Volume 67, Issue 1, September 2007, Pages 35-41
在一家第三世纪大学附属医院按月收集了从1995到2005年10年间的空气真菌样本。每份标本分别在25和37度作了双份培养。数据按每个空气过滤系统所安置的采样点进行分析诠释。标本在37度培养时得出的病员护理区域的中位回收率仅仅是室外空气回收率的18%(22/122 cfu/m3).曲霉菌回收率,来自各个高效空气粒子过滤器采样点的样本在37度培养时均为阳性,大约要占1/3的采样时间;在病员护理休息处一半的时候是阳性而与此同时室外样本是95%的阳性率。在37度时我们发现了48次散在爆发其异常计数已经高出中位值的3个标准差。烟曲霉菌的医院获得性感染持续高发至少需要一个以上的诱因。我们发现无须去实行一些不现实的措施,去提供给病人一个完全没有曲霉菌的环境,那是不可能办到的。我们总结出采用常规空气监测并不是一个有效预测医院感染的措施。不过,当发生短期内的突发,或爆发时,这些将有助于识别是否发生了室内空气污染,也可以考虑用作病人危险因素的格外的人工干预监控措施。(不过我们认为)重点还是应该放在保持对室外空气的高效过滤以及保证其他的一些环境保护手段能阻止环境中的一些机会性感染真菌孢子的传播上。
关键词: 曲霉菌;通风;环境空气采样;免疫妥协宿主;真菌孢子;医院获得性感染;曲霉病


参与人数 1 +10 收起 理由
wzcdcyxh + 10 参与就加分



使用道具 举报

发表于 2007-9-20 14:53 | 显示全部楼层
t a tertiary university hospital 好像应该是一所大学的三级综合教学医院,可能更好理解些。
mean recovery是不是平均回收率?
dissemination 可能解释为“ 播散“ 更好些


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发表于 2007-9-20 18:36 | 显示全部楼层

回复 #3 David 的帖子

在统计学上一般认为mean 是中位值,而平均值应该是average.
而对于tertiary university hospital 中的tertiary我想了很久不知道该怎样翻译最好,觉得这个单词用在这儿感觉“怪怪”的,难道国内也象国内一样搞什么医院等级评审?还挂牌吗?恕我孤陋寡闻哦!


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 楼主| 发表于 2007-9-20 21:23 | 显示全部楼层

回复 #2 巴斯德之徒 的帖子

。tertiary这个词经常碰到,一般我都译为3级,有时候是tertiary nurse hospital 。那位高人来解释一下是否国外医院也分级。
2。mean recovery 这两个似乎可以译为平均回收率,看看“回收率”的解释(回收率是已知含量的某种物质在经过一系列前处理后(包括消解等),用仪器测得的总质量与原始总质量的比值。)在全文内这个名词怎么理解?欢迎大家探讨!


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发表于 2007-9-21 15:38 | 显示全部楼层
赞同David,认为tertiary university hospital 中的tertiary译为“三级”,国外医院应该也有这样的分级,可能称呼上不叫做“三级医院”吧。但意思和我们这里的三级医院应该相同。


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