2018年5月5日 预防医源性败血症——机遇在你手中 It’s in your hands–prevent sepsis in health care
1、卫生工作者: “为预防医源性败血症,请在5个时刻把手洗干净。”
2、感染预防控制领导部门: “ 为预防医源性败血症成为手部卫生的倡导者。”
3、领导者——医院院长或其他高层领导: “预防医源性败血症,使手部卫生成为医院的一项质量指标。”
5、病人宣传团体: “为预防医源性败血症,请在5个时刻把手洗干净。”
Health workers: “Take 5 Moments to clean your hands to prevent sepsis in health care."
IPC leaders: “Be a champion in promoting hand hygiene to prevent sepsis in health care.”
Health facility leaders: "Prevent sepsis in health care, make hand hygiene a quality indicator in your hospital.”
Ministries of health: "Implement the 2017 WHA sepsis resolution. Make hand hygiene a national marker of health care quality."
Patient advocacy groups: "Ask for 5 Moments of clean hands to prevent sepsis in health care."