Legionella spp. can be difficult to control in hospitals. 军团菌在医院比较难控制。The objective of this study was to describe an 11-year experience with the use of electric showers in the control of Legionella pneumophila.这项研究描述一项 11年的关于使用电热淋浴器控制军团菌污染的实验。From June 1989 to March 1990 there was an outbreak of pneumonia caused by L. pneumophila in a 20-bed renal transplant unit in a university-associated tertiary-care hospital.从1989年6月到1990年3月在一所大学附属3级护理医院的20张床位肾移植病区发生了由嗜肺军团菌感染引起的肺炎爆发。 Control measures included hyperchlorination, heating and flushing of the water system with limited results. 控制措施包括氯化消毒、加热和冲洗供水系统,但效果不佳。In November 1993 the central hot water was disconnected and water for bathing was heated using electric showers.在1993年11月集中热水供应被停止,洗澡水通过电热淋浴器加热。 From January 1992 to June 1995 water was collected from showers and water faucets and cultured for L. pneumophila every two weeks. 从1992年2月到1995年6月每两周把从淋浴器和水龙头采集的水样进行军团菌培养。Surveillance cultures were then collected every month until May 1999. 以后每个月进行监测直到1999年5月。During this seven-year surveillance period, 1115 samples of water were cultured. 在7年的监测期间,共采集了1115份水样。 Water cultures were positive on 24 of 429 occasions (without cases of legionellosis) during the pre-shower period (22 months). 在使用电热淋浴器前(22个月)429份水样中24份培养阳性(不包括军团菌感染病例)。In the post-shower period (67 months) only one of 686 cultures was positive.在使用电热淋浴器后(67个月)686份水样培养仅1份阳性。 Subsequently there have been no new cases of nosocomial pneumonia by L. pneumophila although surveillance continues.尽管监测还在继续,但随后没有出现新的由嗜肺军团菌感染引起的医院获得性肺炎病例。In conclusion, disconnecting the central hot water was effective in avoiding colonization of the water system by L. pneumophila. 结论,停止集中供应热水可以避免嗜肺军团菌污染供水系统。Heating was possible by using electric showers, which are effective, easy to maintain and cheap. 加热尽可能用电热淋浴器,有效、容易维护而且便宜。
Keywords: Legionella pneumophila; Electric showers; Central water heating