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翻译:莫延花 审核:陈志锦 根据一项发表在3月份美国感染控制与流行病学专业协会(APIC)官方杂志——《美国感染控制杂志》上的研究,医院病房的地板可能是被忽视的感染源。因为病人房间的物品可能接触到地板,医院地板上的病原体可以迅速地转移到整个病房的高频接触表面。 2017年APIC会长、注册护士、国会议员、最高司令员琳达·格林说:“了解感染预防的缺口对寻求改善医疗质量的医疗机构来说是至关重要的。相信尽管大多数医疗机构正采取适当的预防措施,但本研究指出了在这个问题上,确保医院环境清洁和对医务人员及患者进行教育的重要性。” 在Abhishek Deshpande医学博士和同事们的研究中,研究人员在五所克里夫兰地区医院中,对159个病房,每个房间两个布点,进行了318个细菌培养。医院病房划分为两种:艰难梭菌感染(CDI)隔离病房和非艰难梭菌感染病房。研究人员还对戴着手套和裸露的手以及其它高频接触的物体表面(如被服、呼叫按钮、医疗设备、床单和医疗用品)进行了培养。 研究人员发现,病房的地板通常被MRSA、VRE和艰难梭菌所污染,艰难梭菌是在艰难梭菌感染隔离病房和非艰难梭菌感染隔离病房中发现的最常见的病原体。 在被调查的100个使用中的病房中,41%的病房存在一个或多个高频接触物体会接触到地板,包括个人物品,医疗设备和医疗用品。 裸露或戴着手套的双手分别处理这些物品后,检出MRSA、VRE和艰难梭菌的比率分别为18%(6例)、6%(2例),3%(1例)。 Deshpande等研究人员称:“改善医院环境清洁消毒的工作重点往往在医护人员或患者手部频繁触及的表面上。虽然医疗机构的地板污染都很严重,但由于手部没有经常接触地板,所以往往忽视了对地板的消毒。我们的研究结果表明,医院病房的地板可能是被低估的病原体传播源头,是进一步研究的重要领域。” 原文: Hospital floors may pose a larger health risk than previously thought Hospital room floors may be an overlooked source of infection, according to a study published in the March issue of the American Journal of Infection Control, the official journal of the Association for Professionals in Infection Control and Epidemiology (APIC). Because items in the patient’s room may touch the floor, pathogens on hospital floors can rapidly move to the hands and high-touch surfaces throughout a hospital room. “Understanding gaps in infection prevention is critically important for institutions seeking to improve the quality of care offered to patients,” said 2017 APIC president Linda Greene, RN, MPS, CIC, FAPIC. “Even though most facilities believe they are taking the proper precautions, this study points out the importance of ensuring cleanliness of the hospital environment and the need for education of both staff and patients on this issue.” In the study by Abhishek Deshpande, MD, PhD and colleagues, researchers cultured 318 floor sites from 159 patient rooms (two sites per room) in five Cleveland-area hospitals. The hospital rooms included bothC. difficile infection (CDI) isolation rooms and non-CDI rooms. Researchers also cultured hands (gloved and bare) as well as other high-touch surfaces such as clothing, call buttons, medical devices, linens, and medical supplies. The researchers found that floors in patient rooms were often contaminated with Methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA), VRE, and C. difficile, with C. difficile being the most frequently recovered pathogen found in both CDI isolation rooms and non-CDI rooms. Of 100 occupied rooms surveyed, 41 percent had one or more high-touch objects in contact with the floor. These included personal items, medical devices, and supplies. MRSA, VRE, and C. difficile were recovered from 6 (18 percent), 2 (6 percent), and 1 (3 percent), respectively of bare or gloved hands that handled the items. “Efforts to improve disinfection in the hospital environment usually focus on surfaces that are frequently touched by the hands of healthcare workers or patients,” said Deshpande, et al. “Although healthcare facility floors are often heavily contaminated, limited attention has been paid to disinfection of floors because they are not frequently touched. The results of our study suggest that floors in hospital rooms could be an underappreciated source for dissemination of pathogens and are an important area for additional research.” |