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发表于 2007-9-9 11:28 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式


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Risk factors for particulate and microbial contamination of air in operating theatres
Journal of Hospital Infection
Volume 66, Issue 4, August 2007, Pages 320-326
This study was designed to standardize dust collection in recently built operating theatres equipped with a continuous monitoring system. The objectives were to establish the relationship between microbiological and dust contamination, and then to compare those parameters with the main indicators of surgical activity in order to better define risk factors affecting air quality. The air quality during 23 surgical operations was studied in three conventionally ventilated operating theatres. Microbiological air counts were taken using both passive and active sampling methods. Air dust particles, ≥0.5 and ≥5 μm in size, were measured using a light-scattering particle analyser. The overall dust load was mainly (98%) composed of fine particulate matter, most probably due to its longer suspension time before settlement. These particles positively correlated with operation length, but not with surgical technique, suggesting that fine particles may be a good tracer of operation complexity. In contrast, the surgical technique was the main predictor for the concentration of particles ≥5 μm, with a higher risk from general conventional surgery compared with scope surgery. The frequency of door-opening, taken as an index of staff and visitor movement, was the main negative predictor of over-threshold values of both fine and larger dust particles but, conversely, was a positive predictor of raised bacterial counts.
Keywords: Environmental monitoring; Operating theatre; Air quality; Microbial contamination; Particle contamination; Risk factors

这项研究是为最近建成的配备了连续监测系统的手术室设定除尘标准,目的是探讨微生物与尘埃污染的联系,然后用这些参数来比较手术活动的一些主要情况,以便更好地界定影响空气质量的危险因素。对在三个常规通风手术室中的23台手术的空气质量进行了研究。空气中菌落数采用被动和主动采样方法。用光散射尘埃粒子分析器来测量空气中的≥ 0.5和≥ 5 μ m的尺寸的尘埃粒子。空气中的粉尘98%是由细小粒物组成,在处理前它们长期悬浮在空气中。这些颗粒浓度与手术时间呈正相关,但与外科技术无关,表明微粒可能是一个很好的反映手术复杂性的指标,相反,而外科技术是评价≥ 5 μ m尘埃粒子浓度的主要指标,开展大面积的常规手术要比局部手术危险性高。频繁开关手术室门、室内人员数量和探视人员流动,是微粒和较大的尘埃超标的主要危险因素,也预示着细菌浓度超标。


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绿叶 + 5 原创内容



使用道具 举报

发表于 2007-9-9 13:17 | 显示全部楼层


使用道具 举报

发表于 2007-9-9 21:44 | 显示全部楼层
谢wzcdcyxh (球蛋白) 版主。本人对译文有一些不同意见,请同行们批评指正!
This study was designed to standardize dust collection in recently built operating theatres equipped with a continuous monitoring system. 这项研究是为最近建成的配备了连续监测系统的手术室设定尘埃收集标准。
The overall dust load was mainly (98%) composed of fine particulate matter, most probably due to its longer suspension time before settlement. 空气中的粉尘98%是由细小粒物组成,可能是因为它们在沉降前能较长时间悬浮在空气中。
The frequency of door-opening, taken as an index of staff and visitor movement, was the main negative predictor of over-threshold values of both fine and larger dust particles but, conversely, was a positive predictor of raised bacterial counts.频繁开启手术室的门作为工作人员和探视者走动的一项指标,不是微粒和较大尘埃粒子超标的主要因素,相反地,却是引起细菌含量升高的一个因素。


使用道具 举报

发表于 2007-9-9 23:49 | 显示全部楼层
原帖由 gxmuic 于 2007-9-9 21:44 发表
多谢wzcdcyxh (球蛋白) 版主。本人对译文有一些不同意见,请同行们批评指正!

This study was designed to standardize dust collection in recently built operating theatres equipped with a continuous  ...


使用道具 举报

 楼主| 发表于 2007-9-10 11:16 | 显示全部楼层

回复 #3 gxmuic 的帖子

This study was designed to standardize dust collection in recently built operating theatres equipped with a continuous monitoring system. 这项研究是为最近建成的配备了连续监测系统的手术室设定尘埃收集标准。(从文字上应该理解为设定尘埃收集标准,但是从本人从事洁净手术室监测的经历来看,本文提到的连续监测系统可能是指尘埃粒子数的监测,那么监测的目的应该是评价该手术室内的尘埃浓度,也就是手术室设定除尘标准)
The overall dust load was mainly (98%) composed of fine particulate matter, most probably due to its longer suspension time before settlement. 空气中的粉尘98%是由细小粒物组成,可能是因为它们在沉降前能较长时间悬浮在空气中。(完全同意)
The frequency of door-opening, taken as an index of staff and visitor movement, was the main negative predictor of over-threshold values of both fine and larger dust particles but, conversely, was a positive predictor of raised bacterial counts.频繁开启手术室的门作为工作人员和探视者走动的一项指标,不是微粒和较大尘埃粒子超标的主要因素,相反地,却是引起细菌含量升高的一个因素。(negative predictor 这两个单词琢磨了我好久,从字面上理解似乎应该是否定的,但是实际工作中频繁开启手术门是微粒超标的主要因素,微粒超标也预示是细菌总数的超标。The frequency of door-opening, taken as an index of staff and visitor movement 这一句我完全同意。


使用道具 举报

发表于 2007-9-10 15:07 | 显示全部楼层

回复 #5 wzcdcyxh 的帖子

This study was designed to standardize dust collection in recently built operating theatres equipped with a continuous monitoring system. 这项研究是为最近建成的配备了连续监测系统的手术室设定尘埃收集标准。(从文字上应该理解为设定尘埃收集标准,但是从本人从事洁净手术室监测的经历来看,本文提到的连续监测系统可能是指尘埃粒子数的监测,那么监测的目的应该是评价该手术室内的尘埃浓度,也就是手术室设定除尘标准)----我们的理解是一样的!在洁净手术室监测术语上,您更专业。
The overall dust load was mainly (98%) composed of fine particulate matter, most probably due to its longer suspension time before settlement. 空气中的粉尘98%是由细小粒物组成,可能是因为它们在沉降前能较长时间悬浮在空气中。(完全同意)
The frequency of door-opening, taken as an index of staff and visitor movement, was the main negative predictor of over-threshold values of both fine and larger dust particles but, conversely, was a positive predictor of raised bacterial counts.频繁开启手术室的门作为工作人员和探视者走动的一项指标,不是微粒和较大尘埃粒子超标的主要因素,相反地,却是引起细菌含量升高的一个因素。(negative predictor 这两个单词琢磨了我好久,从字面上理解似乎应该是否定的,但是实际工作中频繁开启手术门是微粒超标的主要因素,微粒超标也预示是细菌总数的超标。The frequency of door-opening, taken as an index of staff and visitor movement 这一句我完全同意。------我的理解是:negative predictor 针对的是both fine and larger dust particles(两者),后面的positive predictor指的是与细菌数关系密切的微粒。这样想是不是就顺了?


参与人数 1 +5 收起 理由
wzcdcyxh + 5 有交流才会提高



使用道具 举报

发表于 2007-9-10 15:13 | 显示全部楼层
名字看象是广西医科大学的,看了原文,支持你的意见。 [/quote]


使用道具 举报

 楼主| 发表于 2007-9-10 16:07 | 显示全部楼层

回复 #6 gxmuic 的帖子



使用道具 举报

发表于 2007-9-10 17:37 | 显示全部楼层

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