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儿童中最常见的医院感染——血流感染 翻译:莫延花 审核:陈志锦 《柳叶刀传染病》杂志发表的一项研究确定了欧洲儿童的医院感染(HAI)的流行和类型,并描述了该人群感染的风险因素。 这项研究数据是以欧洲疾控中心对欧洲急症处理医院在2011年和2012年的现患率调查,调查内容主要为医院感染和抗菌药物使用等数据,包括726名儿童和青少年报告的770例感染。 研究结果显示,医院感染患病率最高的是儿科重症监护病房,约为15.5%,差不多每六个儿童就有一个出现医院感染。其次是新生儿重症监护病房,医院感染患病率为10.7%,约十分之一的婴儿发生医院感染。医院感染(HAI)绝大部分发生在12个月以下的婴儿,约占77%。 在医院感染部位构成中,血流感染是最常见的,占45%;其次是下呼吸道感染,为22%。尽管在研究中绝大多数血流感染在小于12个月的婴儿中报告,但是在其他年龄组中的比例也很高。血流感染与新生儿和儿童高死亡率和长期不良神经学表现相关。 作者指出,迫切需要一个泛欧计划,以预防和减少欧洲高得令人无法接受的儿童医院感染率,并专注于解决新生儿和儿科重症监护病房与医疗相关的血流感染问题。 这是迄今为止评述儿童医院感染中最大型的多国研究,该研究提供了这些特定人群中医院感染的流行和分布的详细信息。欧洲正在进行第二次现患病率调查,包括改进和解决第一次研究过程中发现的一些局限,其结果将由欧洲疾病预防和控制中心在2017年过后公布。 更多精彩,请看原文: Bloodstream Infections are the Most Common Type of HAI in Children A study published by The Lancet Infectious Diseases establishes the prevalence and type of healthcare-associated infections (HAIs) in children in Europe and describes risk factors for infection in this population. The study was based on data from the ECDC point prevalence survey of HAIs and antimicrobial use in European acute care hospitals 2011-2012, and included 770 infections reported in 726 children and adolescents. The findings show that the prevalence of infections was highest in pediatric intensive care units (15.5% - one in six children) and neonatal intensive care units (10.7% or 1 in 10 babies). Most HAIs (77%) were identified in infants younger than 12 months. Bloodstream infections were the most common type of infection (45%), followed by lower respiratory tract infections (22%). Although the vast majority of bloodstream infections in the study were reported in infants younger than 12 months, the proportion remained high in other age groups as well. This type of infections in neonates and children are associated with a high mortality and long-term adverse neurological outcomes. The authors stated that a pan-European program is urgently required to prevent and reduce the unacceptably high rates of HAIs in children in Europe, with a focus in neonatal and pediatric intensive care units and addressing the issues related to healthcare-associated bloodstream infections. This is the largest multinational study describing HAIs in children so far, providing detailed information about the prevalence and distribution of these infections in this specific population. A second point prevalence survey is ongoing in Europe, including improvements to address some of the limitations found during the development of the study, and its results will be published by the European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control after 2017. Source: European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control (ECDC) |