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An Evaluation of EnvironmentalDecontamination With Hydrogen Peroxide Vapor for Reducing the Risk of Patient Acquisition of Multidrug-Resistant Organisms
Background. Admission to a room previously occupied by a patient with certain multidrug-resistant organisms(MDROs) increases the risk of acquisition. Traditional cleaning strategies do not remove all environmental MDROs.We evaluated the environmental and clinical impact of hydrogen peroxide vapor (HPV) room disinfection.
Methods. We performed a 30-month prospective cohort intervention study on 6 high-risk units in a 994-bed tertiary care hospital. Following a 12-month preintervention phase, HPV was implemented on 3 units to decontaminate the rooms of patients known to be infected or colonized with epidemiologically important MDROs, following their discharge. Monthly environmental samples for MDROs were collected on all study units for 3 preintervention and 6 intervention months. The risk of MDRO acquisition in patients admitted to rooms decontaminated using HPV was compared with rooms disinfected using standard methods.
Results. The prior room occupant was known to be infected or colonized with an MDRO in 22% of 6350 admissions. Patients admitted to rooms decontaminated using HPV were 64% less likely to acquire any MDRO (incidence rate ratio [IRR], 0.36; 95% confidence interval [CI], .19–.70; P < .001) and 80% less likely to acquire VRE (IRR, 0.20;95% CI, .08–.52; P < .001) after adjusting for other factors. The risk of acquiring Clostridium difficile, methicillinresistant Staphylococcus aureus, and multidrug-resistant gram-negative rods individually was reduced, but not significantly.
The proportion of rooms environmentally contaminated with MDROs was reduced significantly on the HPV units (relative risk, 0.65, P = .03), but not on non-HPV units. Conclusions. HPV decontamination reduced environmental contamination and the risk of acquiring MDROs compared with standard cleaning protocols.
背景:被一个携带特定多重耐药菌感染的患者先前进入病房增加了探测的风险。传统的清洗方法不能清除环境中的所有多重耐药菌。我们评估了过氧化氢蒸汽房间灭菌的环境和临床效果。 方法:我们在一个拥有994个床位的三级护理医院对6个高风险单位进行了为期30个月的前瞻性干预研究。 经过12个月的干预前阶段,对属于流行病学上重要的多重耐药菌感染的或已经潜伏感染的患者出院后房间三个单元实施过氧化氢蒸汽灭菌。
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