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H1N1 (Swine) Flu Survey
Please complete this 8 minute survey on the recent H1N1 (swine) flu crisis.
The results of this survey will help SHEA, in partnership with CDC and state health departments, better prepare and respond to future crises more effectively and efficiently.
The survey will close on Wednesday, June 3.
Please indicate your level of agreement with the following statements.
Strongly agree Agree Neutral Disagree Strongly disagree
H1N1 flu is a very important problem.
H1N1 flu is more important than the other ID/infection control-related problems that I deal with on a regular basis.
The novel H1N1 flu is going to reappear this fall/winter.
Prior to H1N1 flu emergence, influenza was viewed as an important problem to hospital administrators at my institution.
Senior-level hospital administrators at my institution (e.g. CEO, Chief Medical Officer, Chief Nursing Executive) believed that H1N1 flu was a more important problem than I thought it was.
Prior to the current H1N1 crisis, my hospital was well prepared for a potentially pandemic situation such as H1N1 flu or avian flu.
Right now, my hospital is well prepared for a potentially pandemic situation such as H1N1 flu or avian flu.
During the H1N1 flu crisis, senior-level hospital administrators at my institution provided adequate political support.
During the H1N1 flu crisis, senior-level hospital administrators at my institution provided adequate resources to respond to the crisis.
During the busiest week of the H1N1 flu crisis, I worked the following number of hours in my job:
Select your option Less than 40 hours 41-60 61-80 More than 80 hours
During the busiest week of the H1N1 flu crisis, I worked the following number of hours on H1N1 flu:
Select your option Less than 40 hours 41-60 61-80 More than 80 hours
During the busiest week of the H1N1 flu crisis, I spent the following percentage of time on my work week taking care of issues related to H1N1 flu:
Select your option 0-20% 21-40% 41-60% 61-80% 81-100%
Please indicate your agreement with the statement:
During the H1N1 flu crisis, other important infection prevention-related activities were neglected.
Select your option Strongly agree Agree Neutral Disagree Strongly disagree
If other important infection prevention-related activities were neglected, what were they?
What other information would you have liked to have received about H1N1 flu, but didn't?
In my facility, I have seen the following number of cases of H1N1 flu:
Select your option 0 cases 1 case 2-5 cases More than 5 cases
In my facility, I have had the following number of hospital-acquired cases of H1N1 flu:
Select your option 0 cases 1 case 2-5 cases More than 5 cases
Please indicate your attitude toward the CDC recommendations of reassigning pregnant healthcare workers who are in direct contact with patients with confirmed, probable, or suspected H1N1 flu to lower risk activities:
Select your option Strongly agree with recommendations Agree Neutral Disagree Strongly disagree with recommendations
Please indicate your level of agreement with the following statements about YOUR INSTITUTION.
Strongly agree Agree Neutral Disagree Strongly disagree
All employees had been fit-tested for N95 masks at the beginning of the H1N1 crisis.
The recommendation for airborne precautions for suspected H1N1 cases was appropriate at the beginning of the H1N1 crisis.
The recommendation for airborne precautions for suspected H1N1 cases was appropriate throughout the H1N1 crisis.
N95 masks were readily available throughout the H1N1 crisis.
Surgical masks have been readily available throughout the H1N1 crisis.
Alcohol based hand hygiene products have been readily available throughout the H1N1 crisis.
There was a shortage of antiviral medication during the H1N1 crisis.
There was personal stockpiling of antiviral medications during the H1N1 crisis.
My institution undertook efforts to prevent personal stockpiling of antiviral medications.
Please rank from 1-8 in order of importance the following areas for emphasis in the coming months: (1 = most important. This question is not mandatory, but once started you must rank all with no duplicates)
Stockpiling drugs
Stockpiling devices
Vaccine development
Education of staff about flu biology and transmission
Training and certification in the use of particulate respirators
Revision of pandemic influenza plan
Formalization of guidelines for furloughing sick healthcare workers
Other: (please list below)
If you wish to specify an area of focus ranked as "other" above please do so in this space:
Please indicate your agreement with the following statement:
All healthcare workers should be mandated to receive the flu vaccine or risk losing their jobs.
Select your option Strongly agree Agree Neutral Disagree Strongly disagree
How long have you been working in the field of healthcare epidemiology?
Select your option Less than 1 year 1-3 years 4-8 years 9-12 years 13-20 years 21-30 years More than 30 years
Which of the following best describes your current role? (check all that apply)
Infection preventionist / infection control professional
Infection control research nurse
Hospital epidemiologist
Infectious diseases physician
Infectious diseases fellow
Healthcare administrator
Please indicate your level of training in healthcare epidemiology research methods. (check all that apply)
Bachelor's Degree in Nursing
Bachelor's Degree in Science
Masters in Public Health
Masters of Science
Medical Technology Degree
Postgraduate Training Course
Registered Nurse
Your age:
Select your option 20-29 30-39 40-49 50-59 60-69 70 or over
Your gender:
Select your option Male Female
Which of the following best describes the primary hospital in which you work?
Select your option Community non-teaching hospital with academic affiliation Community hospital, no academic affiliation Community teaching hospital with an academic affiliation Academic medical center University-affiliated academic medical center Federal military hospital Federal non-military hospital Long-term care facility Rehabilitation facility Behavioral health hospital Outpatient facility only N/A
Please indicate the number of beds in your primary hospital.
Select your option 0-49 50-249 250-499 More than 500 N/A
If you work in the United States, please list your state below: (2 character limit)
If you work outside the United States, please list your country below:
Any final comments about the H1N1 virus that you would like to share with us?
Please provide your member number or e-mail address. (This is a mandatory field. Please note that all identifiers will be removed before analysis and the survey will remain confidential.) |