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近期,美国一份杂志《Antimicrobial Agents and Chemotherapy》报道了美国首次从本土尿路感染患者和猪样本中检出携带有MCR-1耐药基因的大肠杆菌,这种携带有MCR-1的超级细菌可以让抗生素多粘菌素毫无用武之地。我国曾在去年12月份首次报道称,从猪、猪肉和人中检出含有MCR-1的超级细菌,目前已有多个国家有相关报道。 Bacteria carrying the very worrisome MCR-1 resistance gene—which makes the last-line antibiotic colistin useless against them—have been found in human and animal samples for the first time in the United States, according to a report today inAntimicrobial Agents and Chemotherapy and a statement by federal health officials. A Chinese team first described the MCR-1 gene last November, after finding it in pigs, pork, and humans. Since then scientists in several countries have found the gene, sometimes alongside other resistance genes, after examining their sample collections. The gene can be transferred to other organisms, compounding the concern. Today's findings involve a 49-year-old woman whose urine contained Escherichia coli harboring the MCR-1 gene and an E coli isolate from a pig intestine that also contained the colistin-resistance gene. D.B.L
Antimicrob. Agents Chemother.-2016-McGann-AAC.01103-16(1).pdf
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