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孤掌难鸣,“邦德”助力抗击SSI2016-05-23 SIFIC热点团队 SIFIC官微
编者按 在美国,手术部位感染(SSI)仍然是外科手术后最常见的并发症,感染SSI能降低生活质量、增加再入院风险、延长住院时间、增加住院费用等,单一的防控方法效果并不明显,而采用Bundle Decreases(集束化管理)能显著降低外科手术部位感染率,本文通过对不同手术类型的比较,得出差异性统计结果,进而推出结论。
Bundle Decreases Infections in High-Risk Surgeries集束化管理可以降低高危外科手术的感染
作者:Troy Brown, RN 特洛伊·布朗 检索:唐文瑞 翻译:唐文瑞 编写:唐文瑞、臧金成 审核:陈志锦
An evidence-based surgical site infection (SSI) reduction bundle significantly reduced the overall SSI rate from 6.0% to 1.1% (P = 0.01) in patients with high-risk gynecologic cancer surgeries, according to a new study. 根据一项最新的研究显示,在降低外科手术部位感染为依据的集束化管理中,高危妇科病人肿瘤外科手术部位的总体感染率显著降低,从6.0%降至1.1%。 "[SSI] is a key factor in the vitally important measures of patient morbidity and mortality. After bundle implementation, our overall rate of [SSI] decreased significantly, exceeding our goal and supporting this institutional practice change," write Megan P. Johnson, PA-C, from the Mayo Clinic, Rochester, Minnesota, and colleagues. The authors published their findings online May 4 and in the June issue of Obstetrics & Gynecology. 来自明尼苏达州罗切斯特市梅约医学中心的摩根·约翰森和他的同事们撰述道:“在影响病人发病率和死亡率的重要措施中,外科手术部位感染是至关重要的因素。集束化措施实施后,我们的外科手术部位的总体感染率显著降低,且超过了我们的预期目标,这项实践证明了集束化措施所产生的作用。”他们的研究成果在分别在《妇产科》5月4日在线版和6月刊发表。 The researchers studied SSIs in patients who underwent staging laparotomy for uterine cancer, ovarian cancer debulking without bowel resection, or ovarian cancer debulking with bowel resection. 研究人员研究了外科手术部位感染,手术包括子宫癌分期剖腹手术、卵巢癌非切肠减灭术或者是卵巢癌切肠减灭术。 "The high-complexity surgery often required to cytoreduce ovarian cancer carries a substantial risk for [SSI], which is associated with worse overall survival," the researchers write. "For patients with uterine cancer, staging performed through laparotomy, rather than a minimally invasive approach, increases the risk of surgical site infection 15-fold." 研究人员写道:“高复杂性的卵巢癌的外科手术,往往感染风险高,总体存活率极低。如果是通过分期剖腹手术而不是微创方法,那么子宫癌病人的外科手术部位的感染率将增加15倍。” They adapted an interventin bundle proven to reduce SSI in patients with colorectal surgery. "Our aim was to evaluate whether implementing a bundle of interventions that spans the entire surgical encounter...could reduce 30-day [SSI] rates by 50% in high-risk gynecologic cancer operations," the authors write. 他们采取了一种集束化干预措施,结果证明可以降低病人卵巢癌结直肠术的手术部位感染。作者们写道:“我们的目标是,评估整个手术过程中实施集束化干预措施后,是否可以使高危妇科癌症手术的30日感染率降低50%。” For the preintervention period, the researchers determined SSI rates retrospectively among 635 patients who underwent one of the three surgeries between January 1, 2010, and December 31, 2012. During this baseline period,the SSI reduction bundle included a patient education pamphlet on SSI prevention, Hibiclens (4% chlorhexidine gluconate) shower before surgery, prophylactic antibiotic administration,coverage of the incisional area with ChloraPrep (2% chlorhexidine gluconate and 70% isopropyl alcohol), and cefazolin redose within 3 to 4 hours after incision. Compliance with SSI guidelines was high. 干预前,研究者决定采取回顾性方法,研究2010年1月1日到2012年12月31日期间的635名此三种外科手术病人的外科手术部位感染率,在此基线期,降低外科手术部位感染的集束化措施包括预防外科手术部位感染的宣传手册、术前用洗必泰(4%葡萄糖酸氯己定)沐浴,预防性使用抗生素,手术区域覆盖ChloraPrep (2%洗必泰和70%异丙醇)以及手术部位切开后3到4小时内追加头孢唑林,这些均符合预防外科手术部位感染指南的高水平措施。 The investigators then added new elements to the SSI bundle for 190 patients treated between August 1, 2013, and September 30, 2014 (the intervention period). Those elements were sterile closing tray and staff glove change for fascia and skin closure, dressing removal at 24 to 48 hours, discharge with 4% chlorhexidine gluconate, and follow-up telephone call from a nurse within 24 to 72 hours. 干预阶段从2013年8月1日到2014年9月30日),研究者对190名接受治疗的病人增加了SSI集束化管理措施的新项目,包括:闭式引流、橡胶手套更换和皮肤缝合、24至48小时内取下敷料,4%的洗必泰冲洗伤口以及一名专职护士负责24至72小时内的后续呼叫。 The overall SSI rate among patients with ovarian cancer without bowel resection fell from 4.8% to 1.0% (relative risk reduction,79.3%; P = 0.12), whereas the rate among those who underwent ovarian cancer surgery with bowel resection dropped from 10.6% to 2.4% (relative risk reduction, 77.6%; P =0.19). The SSI rate among those who underwent hysterectomy for uterine cancer fell from 5.1% to 0.0% (P = 0.23), even though patients in the intervention group were more likely to have advanced-stage disease. 卵巢癌非切肠减灭术和卵巢癌切肠减灭术的外科手术部位总体感染率分别从4.8%降到了1.0%(相对危险度减少率79.3%,P=0.12)和从10.6%降到2.4%(相对危险度减少率77.6%,P=0.19)。虽然干预组病人的疾病进展到晚期的可能性更大,但子宫癌病人子宫切除的外科手术部位感染率从5.1%降至0.0%(P=0.23)。 The superficial incisional SSI relative risk reduction was 100% (from 1.7% to 0.0%; P = 0.08). The relative risk reduction for organ and space SSI was 73.3% (from 3.9% to 1.1%; P = 0.05). That rate fell from 3.0% to 1.0% (P = 0.45) among ovarian cancer without bowel resection, from 8.8% to 2.4% (P = 0.29) among ovarian cancer with bowel resection, and from 2.8% to 0.0% (P = 0.60) among uterine cancer. 另外,表浅切口和器官腔隙的外科手术部位感染的相对危险度减少率分别为100%(从1.7%降至0.0%,P=0.08)和73.3%(从3.9%降至1.1%,P=0.05)。卵巢癌非切肠减灭术和卵巢癌切肠减灭术的相对危险度分别从3.0%降至1.0%(P=0.45)和从8.8%降至2.4%(P=0.29),而子宫癌从2.8%降至0.0%(P=0.60)。 Only two deep incisional SSIs occurred, and these were in ovarian cancer without bowel resection in the preintervention group. 在非干预组的卵巢癌非切肠减灭术中,只有两例深部切口发生了外科手术部位感染。 The overall odds of SSI during the intervention period relative to the preintervention period were 0.17 (95% confidence interval [CI], 0.04 - 0.70). The adjusted odds ratio was 0.13 (95% CI, 0.03 - 0.71). 干预组与非干预组比较,外科手术部位感染OR=0.71(95%CI=0.04-0.07),调整OR=0.13 (95%CI=0.03-0.71)。 Among all patients who underwent gynecologic surgery at Mayo Clinic Rochester, the National Surgical Quality Improvement Program SSI decile ranking rose from the 10th decile during the preintervention period to the first decile after implementing the bundle. During the same periods, the risk-adjusted odds ratio for SSI dropped from 1.6 (95% CI, 1.0 - 2.6) to 0.6 (95% CI, 0.3 - 1.1). 在罗彻斯特梅约医学中心里,所有接受妇科手术的病人,按照国家外科手术部位感染质量改进项目的等分排名,从干预前的第十等分,通过集束化管理后上升到了第一等分。在同一时期,外科手术部位感染的调整OR值从1.6 (95%CI=1.0-2.6) 降至0.6 (95%CI=0.3-1.1)。
解 读目前,尽管医生和公众对手术部位感染的认识日益增加,而且临床上针对感染的控制工作有了明显进步,但手术部位感染(SSI)仍然是外科手术后最常见的并发症。 美国CDC估计每年发生的SSI近500,000例,差不多是所有院内感染病例数的1/4。研究表明SSI能降低健康相关的生活质量、使再入院的风险加倍、延长住院时间、增加住院费用等。 同时有研究证明,为预防感染的另一个有效措施是推行捆绑护理服务,又称为集束化管理,即把与一个疾病相关的一系列防护措施捆绑起来一起执行,这要比一次执行单个护理效果要好。据考证,推行集束化管理,不仅成本低,而且效果明显。英国的一个研究发现,实行可靠的集束化管理,可减少14.5%的医院住院死亡率。 参考文献 Source: Obstet Gynecol. 2016; 127: 1135-1144.