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当蚊子变成不孕不育,寨卡还会可怕吗?2016-05-15 SIFIC热点团队 SIFIC官微
携带寨卡病毒的蚊子要来了,我们该如何应对? Mosquitos With Zika Are Coming: How to Deal With ? 作者:Arthur L. Caplan, PhD 阿特·卡普兰博士 检索:唐文瑞 湖南省湘潭市中心医院 翻译:唐文瑞 湖南省湘潭市中心医院 审核:陈志锦 广东医科大学附属东莞市厚街医院 这是来自于纽约大学兰贡医学中心医学伦理部门阿特·卡普兰博士的一个视频演说,详细内容如下:
Zika is on its way here. We know that it has been moving fast through South America and Central America. It certainly has a serious outbreak going on in Puerto Rico, and it's coming to the southern United States—and maybe even further north—pretty soon. 寨卡病毒要来了!我们知道,寨卡病毒已经在南美洲和中美洲快速传播。经确认,在波多黎已经存在严重的寨卡病毒疫情,并正向美国南部各州扩散,甚至很快会进一步延伸至北美。
What should we tell our patients about this epidemic? We all saw what happened with Ebola. People panicked and got very nervous, and didn't know whom to trust. What are we going to do about Zika as it reaches mainlandUnited States? 关于这个流行病我们应该告诉病人什么呢?我们都知道发生埃博拉疫情时,人们惊慌失措,也不知道该信任谁。当寨卡病毒传播到美国时,我们该做些什么呢?
I think we have to tell people that this mosquito likes to stay indoors. I think we have to tell people that they need to wear repellent. I think we need to tell people that if they're going to do spraying, it ought to be in the house, because this is not a mosquito that is going to be killed easily by spraying outside in the streets. 我认为,我们必须告诉人们这些蚊子喜欢呆在室内,我们还必须告诉人们涂擦防蚊剂的必要性。如果要喷洒杀虫剂,最好在室内进行,因为在外面街道上进行杀虫剂的喷洒是不能杀死蚊子的。
It's going to be important to think about pregnancy when the Zika mosquito is around. That's where the greatest damage is done—to the fetuses of pregnant women who become infected. But that means that their sexual partners need to know that too. There might be a need to really pay attention to safe sex when Zika is around. 当携带寨卡病毒的蚊子在周围环境时,最值得关注的人群当属孕妇,这是因为胎儿也可能由于孕妇的感染而遭受巨大的伤害。这就意味着,他们的性伴侣也需要知道,当身边有寨卡病毒感染时,可能就要做好安全性行为的措施。
Also, if you have symptoms, you want to get to the hospital. Some people are associating Guillain-Barré syndrome and other nasty nerve infections with the Zika virus. 另外,如果你有相关症状,你就要去医院。有些人可能会将格林-巴利综合征或其他严重神经系统感染误认为是寨卡病毒感染。
Another issue is likely to come up, which is the use of insects that have been genetically altered to make them sterile and putting them into the environment to breed with the Zika mosquitos, hopefully to make more sterile insects and try to tamp down or eliminate the mosquito population. A lot of people are going to hear about that, and they're going to think "science fiction." They're going to think of giant mosquitos flying into the house, eating the children. 此时,另一个问题可能会被提到,就是使用转基因杀虫剂使蚊子不育,然后把不育的蚊子放到环境中和携带寨卡病毒的蚊子进行繁殖,希望产生更多的不育昆虫来试图减少或者消灭蚊子种群。很多人都听说过这一点,他们认为这是“科幻小说”,会联想到变异后的巨大蚊子飞进屋里吃孩子。
Well, genetically engineered sterile mosquitos are not a big risk. The worst that is going to happen if we put them out there is that they don't reproduce at all, which is fine. Maybe they won't breed with the naturally occurring mosquitos and we won't get mosquito control. These are not monsters. These are not creatures from beyond. This is not the stuff of Hollywood science fiction. This is actually pretty smart science, trying to breed away the mosquitos rather than poisoning them.
其实,基因工程化不育蚊子并不存在很大的风险。如果我们把真的把不育蚊子培育出来,最差的结果也只是它们不进行繁殖,或者他们不会与天然蚊子繁殖,这样我们就无法控制蚊子的数量。但是,不育蚊子并不会变成怪物,它们不是宇外生物,也不是好莱坞科幻小说里的异形。试图繁殖不育蚊子,而不是用杀虫剂来毒杀它们,这实际上是相当精妙的科学。 Remember, if we use insecticide and repellent, it's not good for the environment. It's going to run off places, and it may not even be good for us. If we could kill the mosquitos out there where they are by making them unable to breed, I think that that is an experiment worth trying. 请记住,如果我们使用杀虫剂和驱蚊剂,这会对环境不利。蚊子会跑到别的地方,可能还是对我们不利。如果我们可以使蚊子无法繁殖,从而杀灭它们,我认为这是一个值得尝试的试验。
An application has been made to try this in Florida. Mosquitos have already been released into the Cayman Islands and a couple of other locations—with no ill effects—to try to get this sterility concept going. This summer, one of the things that medicine and science can stand for is trying a genetic solution to a very dangerous pest. 在佛罗里达已经开始了这种应用试验。从这个不孕蚊子的构思出发,不育蚊子已经被释放到开曼群岛和其他几个地方,暂时没有出现不良影响。今年夏天,医学和自然科学将联合起来,试图用一种基因学方法,去解决颇具危险的蚊虫问题。 转自:http://www.medscape.com/viewarticle/862652