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数据显示:德国难民乙肝高发原创 2016-04-24 SIFIC热点团队 SIFIC官微
数据显示:德国难民乙肝高发Data Reveal High Prevalence of Hepatitis B Among Refugees in Germany
检索:刘金淑,河南省濮阳市油田总医院 译者:刘金淑,河南省濮阳市油田总医院 孔晓明,江苏省溧阳市人民医院 审核:陈志锦,广东医科大学附属东莞市厚街医院
✔A new study presented last week demonstrates the potential challenge posed to public health systems across Europe as a result of the prevalence of hepatitis B among new refugee populations. The study was presented at The International Liver Congress 2016 in Barcelona, Spain. ★上一周,2016年西班牙巴塞罗那国际肝病会议上,一项新的研究表明,欧洲新难民人群中的乙肝流行对欧洲公共卫生体系构成潜在威胁。 ✔With nearly one million asylum applications lodged in Germany alone last year, the European Union (EU) is experiencing an unprecedented wave of immigration by refugees and asylum seekers. With many coming from unstable and fragile states like Syria where health systems have broken down and routine immunisation has been severely compromised, health authorities in the EU face serious challenges in responding to the spread of communicable diseases among both refugee and native populations. ★仅仅去年,在德国就有将近一百万名的难民提出庇护申请,欧洲联盟(欧盟)正在经历一个前所未有的难民和寻求庇护者移民潮。许多难民来自动荡不安的国家,如叙利亚,它们的卫生体系已经遭到严重毁坏,常规免疫接种工作已严重受阻,欧盟卫生当局正面临着应对传染病在难民和本地人口中扩散的严峻挑战。 ✔"Recording data amongst transient and displaced populations can be extremely challenging," said Dr. Philipp Solbach from the Department of Gastroenterology, Hepatology and Endocrinology of the Medizinsche Hochschule Hannover, Germany and lead author of the study. "The prevalence data we have recorded, alongside decreased levels of immunity and non-immunization, reveals the true extent of the public health challenge that Europe is facing with regard to Hepatitis B." ★德国汉诺威医学院内分泌—肝脏—消化科的菲利普·索尔巴克博士,是这项研究的主要发起人,他指出:“暂住难民的乙肝监测数据可能提示将会面临巨大的挑战。我们已经监测到特性性与非特异性免疫水平双双下降的流行数据揭示了,欧洲正面临乙肝相关公共卫生挑战的真实程度。” ✔The study was conducted by testing 793 patients from all age groups for serological markers of hepatitis B virus infection (HBsAg and anti-HBc), and liver enzyme tests (ALT, AST, bilirubin, gGT, alkaline phosphatase) were performed in refugee reception centers in northern Germany throughout August 2015. 258 patients were tested for anti-HBs antibodies. ★通过在2015年8月份一整个月对德国北部的几个难民收容中心所有年龄组的793人进行研究,检测他们的乙型肝炎病毒感染的血清学标志物(乙肝表面抗原和核心抗体)和肝酶(ALT、AST、总胆红素试验、GGT、碱性磷酸酶),检测结果为乙肝抗体阳性的乙肝患者258人。 ✔The presence of Hepatitis B, as measured by HBsAg, was found in 2.3% of people tested and anti-HBc in 14% of people tested, indicating higher levels of Hepatitis B infection than in the German controls, but not higher than other migrant populations working in Germany. Prevalence of HBsAg was found to be higher overall in male patients (2.5%) and middle-aged to older patients (3.1%) compared to female and younger patients. Male patients were also more likely to exhibit anti-HBc than female patients (14.5% compared to 13.5%) however the highest levels were found amongst the over 50s age group (38%). ★在进行的乙肝病毒标志物检测中,乙肝表面抗原阳性率占2.3%,乙肝核心抗体阳性率14%,乙肝感染率对比德国本地人口处于较高水平,但不高于在德国工作的其他移民。男性和中老年人的乙肝表面抗原阳性率为2.5和3.1%,分别高于女性和年轻人;男性的乙肝核心抗体阳性率明显比女性高,分别为14.5%和13.5%,其中以50岁以上年龄组为甚,高达38%。 ✔With regard to liver enzymes, elevated ALT and AST were recorded in 15.9% and 5.8% respectively of those refugees studied. The study further revealed that more than half of patients studied (62%) had no immunity to Hepatitis B altogether and only 18.6% had been vaccinated against the disease. ★关于这些难民的肝酶研究显示,ALT和AST升高者分别的占比为15.9%和5.8%。该研究进一步显示,超过一半的患者(62%)对乙肝病毒完全没有免疫力,只有18.6%的人接种过乙肝疫苗。 ✔"This new research demonstrates the potential impact of health policy across Europe," said professor Tom Hemming Karlsen, EASL vice secretary. "Understanding the potential health implications of large scale migratory trends like the one Europe is currently experiencing can be challenging, however it is urgently needed. While this study looks at Hepatitis B markers in isolation, there are potential implications for surveillance of communicable diseases across the board." ★欧洲肝病协会副秘书长汤姆·赫明·卡尔森教授说:“这项新的研究表明了欧洲卫生政策所受到的潜在冲击。和欧目前经历的一样,我们意识到大规模移民潮对公共卫生潜在的含义可能具有挑战性,且迫在眉睫。尽管这项研究仅局限于乙肝标志物,但仍有可能由此影响到全线传染病监测。”
来源:欧洲肝脏研究协会 Source: European Association for the Study of the Liver 转自: http://www.infectioncontroltoday.com/news/2016/04/data-reveal-high-prevalence-of-hepatitis-b-among-refugees-in-germany.aspx