意 見 調 查 表
Evaluation Questionnaire
To all participants:
The purposes of this survey are to:
a. 蒐集參加者的意見,評估研討會/會議/課程的成效。
collect participants' feedback to help evaluate the effectiveness and usefulness of the seminar/conference/course;
b. 徵詢建議,供日後舉辦同類活動參考。
seek participants' views on the ways to improve the quality of similar functions to be organized in future.
A. 一般資料(可選擇填寫與否)
General Information (optional)
姓名: 機構:
Name : Organization :
B. 講者
The Speaker(s)
1. 總括講者的講解表現如何﹖
What do you think of the presentation of the speaker(s)?
極佳 很好 滿意 普通 不足
Excellent Very Good Satisfactory Fair Poor
a) Name of the speaker
b) Name of the speaker
c) Name of the speaker
C. 舉行月份
The Timing
是 否
Yes No
1. 研討會/會議/課程在這個時候舉行是否適宜﹖
Do you think it is the right time for holding the
2. 如選擇「否」,請建議宜舉行的月份。
If no, please recommend the month in which the
seminar/conference to be held.
D. 舉行時間
The Duration
太長 適中 太短
Too long Just right Too short
What do you think of the duration of the
- 2 -
E. 地點
The Venue
極佳 很好 滿意 普通 不足
Excellent Very Good Satisfactory Fair Poor
1. 位置
Your view on the location
2. 服務
Your view on the services provided
3. 設施
Your rating of the facilities of the venue
F. 整體評價
Overall Evaluation
極佳 很好 滿意 普通 不足
Excellent Very Good Satisfactory Fair Poor
1. 研討會/會議/課程整體評價
What do you think of the
seminar/conference/course as a whole?
2. 研討會/會議/課程對你工作的用處及相關程度
What do you think of the usefulness and
relevancy of the seminar/conference/course?
3. 研討會/會議/課程的安排及支援服務
What do you think of the arrangement
and logistics of the seminar/conference/course?
Too high Just right Too low
4. 研討會/會議/課程費用
What do you think of the fee of the
是 否
Yes No
5. 會否推介朋友參加日後的研討會/會議/課程﹖
Would you recommend the seminar/conference/
course to your friends in future?
If no, why not?
G. 其他建議
Additional Suggestions
Please hand in the completed Questionnaire at the registration counter. Thank you.