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发表于 2009-4-14 19:31 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式


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Journal of Hospital Infection
Volume 72, Issue 1, May 2009, Pages 50-56
Nosocomial infection surveillance and control: current situation in Spanish hospitals

J. Sánchez-Payáa, , , C. Bischofbergerb, M. Lizanc, J. Lozanod, E. Muñoz Platóne, J. Navarrof, J. Pazg and J.A. Vicenteh

aHospital General Universitario de Alicante, Spain

bHospital El Escorial/Guadarrama, Spain

cHospital General Universitario de Albacete, Spain

dHospital General Yagüe de Burgos, Spain

eHospital General Virgen de la Salud de Toledo, Spain

fHospital General Universitario de Elche, Spain

gHospital Montecelo (Complejo hospitalario de Pontevedra), Spain

hHospital de Mostoles, Spain

Received 10 October 2008;  accepted 8 January 2009.  Available online 9 March 2009.

We studied healthcare-associated infection (HCAI) surveillance and control programmes in Spanish hospitals in 2006 and the human resources and materials used. A questionnaire on the structure, organisation and resources for HCAI surveillance and control was sent to all hospitals registered in the 2005 National Catalogue of Hospitals. A total of 237 hospitals (29.8%) responded, representing 55.9% of the beds included in the catalogue. Some 92% of hospitals had a surveillance and control programme, although 29.9% had had it for less than five years. Only 17.4% of hospitals had one infection control nurse per 250 beds, and only 36.2% had one infection control doctor per 500 beds. Surveillance is the main activity of those responsible for surveillance and control, and the most widely used systems are reviews of microbiology laboratory test results and studies of outbreaks, prevalence surveys, the incidence of certain procedures and of infection in critical care areas. Collaboration in multicentre studies is variable. EPINE, the prevalence survey of nosocomial infections in Spain, is performed annually in 80.5% of centres; ENVIN-UCI, a study of the incidence of infection in critically ill patients, is carried out in 24.8%, and the European study of the incidence of surgical infection, HELICS, in 22.7%. Priority should be given to improving specialised human resources and establishing common surveillance and control systems.

Keywords: Infection control policies; Nosocomial infection; Resources

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