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发表于 2009-3-27 21:43 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式


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Major Articles
Methicillin resistance of airborne coagulase-negative staphylococci in homes of persons having contact with a hospital environment
Danuta O. Lis, Jerzy Z. Pacha, Danuta Idzik
pages 177-182
Impact of patient visiting activities on indoor climate in a medical intensive care unit: A 1-year longitudinal study
Chin-Sheng Tang, Feng-Fang Chung, Meng-Chih Lin, Gwo-Hwa Wan
pages 183-188
A prospective survey of air and surface fungal contamination in a medical mycology laboratory at a tertiary care university hospital
Marc Sautour, Frédéric Dalle, Claire Olivieri, Coralie L'ollivier, Emilie Enderlin, Elsa Salome, Isabelle Chovelon, Odile Vagner, Nathalie Sixt, Véronique Fricker-Pap, Serge Aho, Olivier Fontaneau, Claire Cachia, Alain Bonnin
pages 189-194
Eradication of methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus in a neonatal intensive care unit: Which measures for which success?
Didier Lepelletier, Stéphane Corvec, Jocelyne Caillon, Alain Reynaud, Jean-Christophe Rozé, Christèle Gras-Leguen
pages 195-200
Hospital-acquired infection surveillance in a neonatal intensive care unit
Giovanni Battista Orsi, Gabriella d'Ettorre, Alessandra Panero, Fernanda Chiarini, Vincenzo Vullo, Mario Venditti
pages 201-203
The effect of limiting antimicrobial therapy duration on antimicrobial resistance in the critical care setting
Alexandre R. Marra, Silvana Maria de Almeida, Luci Correa, Moacyr Silva, Marinês Dalla Valle Martino, Cláudia Vallone Silva, Ruy Guilherme Rodrigues Cal, Michael B. Edmond, Oscar Fernando Pavo dos Santos
pages 204-209
Cost of hospital-associated infections in Massachusetts
Patricia W. Stone, Laureen Kunches, Lisa Hirschhorn
pages 210-214
Application of cost/benefit analysis for surgical gown and drape selection: A case study
Adil Baykasolu, Türkay Dereli, Nevra Ylankrkan
pages 215-226
Estimating the annual burden of health care–associated infections in Finnish adult acute care hospitals
Mari Kanerva, Jukka Ollgren, Mikko J. Virtanen, Outi Lyytikinen, Prevalence Survey Study Group
pages 227-230
The evolution of drug-resistant microorganisms in patients with prolonged mechanical ventilation
Jung-Yien Chien, Po-Ren Hsueh, Chong-Jen Yu, Pan-Chyr Yang
pages 231-236
The influence of inhaled corticosteroids and spacer devices on the growth of respiratory pathogenic microorganisms
Tjalling W. de Vries, Bart L. Rottier, Hylke Visserman, Bob Wilffert, Jan Weel
pages 237-240

Brief Reports
Ethanol-based cleanser versus isopropyl alcohol to decontaminate stethoscopes
Paul Lecat, Elliott Cropp, Gary McCord, Nairmeen Awad Haller
pages 241-243
Precautions with gentian violet: Skin marking made sterile, effective, and economical
T. Minsue Chen, Manuela Castaneda, Rungsima Wanitphakdeedecha, Tri H. Nguyen, Jeffrey J. Tarrand, Mario K. Soares
pages 244-246
Methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus on hospital admission in Turkey
Nurcan Baykam, Harika Esener, Onder Ergonul, Pinar Zarakolu Kosker, Tuba Cirkin, Aysel Celikbas, Sebnem Eren, Basak Dokuzoguz
pages 247-249

Practice Forum
Update on infection prevention in disaster planning: New resources and policies
Terri Rebmann, Rita Wilson, Judene Bartley, Rachel Stricof
pages 250-255

Letters to the Editor
Nonpayment measures and surveillance for health care–associated infections
Pranavi V. Sreeramoju, Theresa Madsen, Jan E. Patterson
pages 256-257
More environmental controls are needed to prevent hospital and interhospital spread of Acinetobacter infections
Luke Curtis
page 257
Letter to the editor
Kevin A. Curran, Julie Miller
pages 257-258
The standard for the surgical mask
Nathan L. Belkin
pages 258-259
Improving avian influenza (H5N1) diagnositics: What do we need?
Anucha Apisarnthanarak, Linda M. Mundy
pages 259-260

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