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宋晓岩, 博士
Xiaoyan Song, PhD, MB, MSc

Associate Director of Hospital Epidemiology
Division of Infectious Disease
Children's National Medical Center
Assistant Professor of Pediatrics
The George Washington University
111 Michigan Ave, NW
Washington, D.C., 20010
Phone: (202)476-3952
Email: xsong@cnmc.org

1987– 1992 M.B (U.S. MD Equivalent) in Preventive Medicine Tongji Medical University
Wuhan, P.R.China
1994 – 1997 M.Sc in Epidemiology
Shanghai Medical University
Shanghai, P.R.China
2001 – 2007 Ph.D. in Epidemiology
Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health
Baltimore, MD

7/1992 – 9/1994 Lecturer
Department of Preventive Medicine
Taishan Medical College
Taian, Shandong Province, P.R.China
1/1999 – 9/2005 Programmer Analyst – Epi
Department of Hospital Epidemiology and Infection Control
Johns Hopkins Hospital
Baltimore, MD 21287
10/2005 – 8/2007 Assistant Professor of Medicine
Division of Infectious Disease, Department of Medicine
Johns Hopkins University
Baltimore, MD 21287
8/2007 – Present Associate Director of Hospital Epidemiology
Division of Infectious Disease
Children’s National Medical Center
Washington, D.C., 20002
8/2007 – 7/2008 Assistant Professor, Department of Pediatrics
George Washington University
Adjunct Faculty, Department of Medicine
The Johns Hopkins School of Medicine
8/2007 - Present Adjunct Faculty of Medicine
Division of Infectious Disease, Department of Medicine
Johns Hopkins University
Baltimore, MD 21287

Societies and Honors
2002 - Present Membership
The Society for Healthcare Epidemiology of America (SHEA)
2006 Delta Omega Poster Competition 1st Prize
1995 Guanghua Scholarship
Guanghua Educational Foundation Committee
1987 – 1992 First-class People’s Scholarship (given to top 5% students)
Ministry of Public Health
Educational Achievements
a) Courses Taught
Spring 2001 & 2007 Guest lecturer
Healthcare Associated Infections offered by the Department of Epidemiology, Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health
Consultant Appointments: None
Grants Awarded or Pending
Title of Grant: Impact of Daily Bathing with Chlorhexidine Impregnated Cloths on Nosocomial Infections in the Pediatric & Cardiac Intensive Care Unit (IND 77954)
Funding Agency: Sage Products, Inc
Dates of Award: 09/30/2007-06/30/2008
Yearly Direct Costs of Award: $50,000
Role (PI, Co-PI, etc.): PI
% Effort: 4%
Title of Grant: Bringing Value Through BioSense: a performance-based approach (CDC-RFA-HK06-602)
Funding Agency: Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
Dates of Award: 09/30/2006-09/29/2009
Yearly Direct Costs of Award: $739,817
Role (PI, Co-PI, etc.): Co-PI
% Effort: 40%
Title of Grant: Developing and Optimizing a National Bioterrorism Syndromic Surveillance System (SSS) (1 R01 Cl000098)
Funding Agency: Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
Dates of Award: 09/15/2003-09/14/2006
Yearly Direct Costs of Award: $636,682
Role (PI, Co-PI, etc.): Co-PI
% Effort: 6%
Title of Grant: Prevention and Outcomes of Hospital Acquired Infections - Prevention Epicenters Program (UR8/CCU31509206)
Funding Agency: Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
Dates of Award: 09/30/1997-01/31/2006
Yearly Direct Costs of Award: $562,223
Role (PI, Co-PI, etc.): Programmer Analyst
% Effort: 4%
a) Papers in Refereed Journals
1. Song X, McDonald LC, Bartlett JG, Speck K, Naegeli A, Carroll K, Perl TM. The Rising Economic Impact of Clostridium difficile-associated Disease in Adult Hospitalized Patients Infection Control and Hospital Epidemiology. Infect Control Hosp Epidemiol Infect Control Hosp Epidemiol 2008 Jan
2. Song X, Cosgrove SE, Pass MA, Perl TM. Using Hospital Claim Data to Monitor Surgical Site Infections for Inpatient Procedures. AJIC 2008 (suppl.) S32-S36
3. Milstone AM, Maragakis LL, Townsend T, Speck K, Sponseller P, Song X, Perl TM. Timing of Preoperative Antibiotic Prophylaxis: a Modifiable Risk Factor for Deep Surgical Site Infections Following Pediatric Spinal Fusion Surgery. Pediatr Infect Dis J (in press)
4. Benson L, Song X, Campos J, Singh N. Changing Epidemiology of Clostridium difficile Associated Disease in Children. Infect Control Hosp Epidemiol 2007 Aug
5. Chen AE, Goldstein M, Carroll K, Song X, Perl TM, Siberry GK. Evolving epidemiology of pediatric Staphylococcus aureus cutaneous infections in a Baltimore hospital. Pediatr Emerg Care. 2006 Oct; 22(10):717-23
6. Maragakis LL, Bradley KL, Song X, Beers C, Miller MR, Cosgrove SE, Perl TM. Increased catheter-related bloodstream infection rates after the introduction of a new mechanical valve intravenous access port. Infect Control Hosp Epidemiol. 2006 Jan; 27(1):67-70.
7. Srinivasan A, Karchmer T, Richards A, Song X, Perl TM. A prospective trial of a novel, silicone-based, silver-coated foley catheter for the prevention of nosocomial urinary tract infections. Infect Control Hosp Epidemiol. 2006 Jan;27(1):38-43
8. Farley JE, Srinivasan A, Richards A, Song X, McEachen J, Perl TM. Handheld computer surveillance: shoe-leather epidemiology in the "palm" of your hand. Am J Infect Control. 2005 Oct; 33(8):444-9.
9. Sohn S, Climo M, Diekema D, Fraser V, Herwaldt L, Marion S, Noskin G, Perl TM, Song X, Tokars J, Warren D, Wong E, Yokoe DS, Zembower T, Sepkowitz KA Varying rates of Clostridium difficile-associated diarrhea at Prevention Center hospitals. Infect Control Hosp Epi 2005Aug 26 (8): 676-680
10. Cosgrove SE, Perl TM, Song X, Sisson SD Ability of physicians to diagnose and manage illness due to category A bioterrorism agents. Arch Intern Med 2005 Sep 26;165(17):2002-2006
11. Maragakis LL, Cosgrove SE, Song X, Kim D, Rosenbaum P, Ciesla N, Srinivasan A, Ross T, Carroll K, Perl TM. An outbreak of multidrug-resistant Acinetobacter baumannii associated with pulsatile lavage wound treatment. JAMA. 2004 Dec 22; 292(24):3006-11.
12. Kim PW, Perl TM, Keelaghan EF, Langenberg P, Perencevich EN, Harris AD, Song X, Roghmann MC. Risk of mortality with a bloodstream infection is higher in the less severely ill at admission. Am J Respir Crit Care Med. 2005 Mar 15; 171(6):616-20.
13. Srinivasan A, Wolfenden LL, Song X, Perl TM, Haponik EF. Bronchoscope reprocessing and infection prevention and control: bronchoscopy-specific guidelines are needed. Chest. 2004 Jan; 125(1):307-14.
14. Srinivasan A, Song X, Richards A, Sinkowitz-Cochran R, Cardo D, Rand C.A survey of knowledge, attitudes, and beliefs of house staff physicians from various specialties concerning antimicrobial use and resistance Arch Intern Med. 2004 Jul;164(13):1451-1456.
15. Li X, Song X, Gray RH Comparison of the missing-indicator method and conditional logistic regression in 1: m matched case-control studies with missing exposure values Am J Epidemiol. 2004 Mar; 159(6):603-610.
16. Srinivasan A, Wolfenden LL, Song X, Perl TM, Haponik EF Bronchoscope reprocessing and infection prevention and control: bronchoscopy-specific guidelines are needed Chest. 2004 Jan; 125(1):307-14.
17. Song X, Srinivasan A, Plaut D, Perl TM Effect of Nosocomial Vancomycin-Resistant Enterococcal Bacteremia on Mortality, Length of Stay, and Costs Infect Control Hosp Epidemiol. 2003 Apr; 24(4): 251-256.
18. Srinivasan A, Wolfenden LL, Song X, Mackie K, Hartsell TL, Jones HD, Diette GB, Orens JB, Yung RC, Ross TL, Merz W, Scheel PJ, Haponik EF, Perl TM. An Outbreak Of Pseudomonas Aeruginosa Infections Associated With Flexible Bronchoscopes N Engl J Med 2003 Jan 16; 348(3): 221-227
19. Zaas AK, Song X, Tucker P, Perl TM. Risk Factors For Development Of Vancomycin-Resistant Enterococcal Bloodstream Infection In Patients With Cancer Who Are Colonized With Vancomycin-Resistant Enterococci Clin Infect Dis 2002 Nov 15;35(10):1139-1146
20. Srinivasan A, Song X, Ross T, Merz W, Brower R, Perl TM A Prospective Study To Determine Whether Cover Gowns in Addition to Gloves Decrease Nosocomial
Transmission of Vancomycin-Resistant Enterococci in an Intensive Care Unit Infect Control Hosp Epi 2002 Aug 23 (8): 424-428
21. Atta MG, Eustace JA, Song X, Perl TM, Scheel PJ Jr. Outpatient Vancomycin Use and Vancomycin-Resistant Enterococcal Colonization in Maintenance Dialysis Patients. Kidney International 2000; 59: 718-724
22. Song X, Gu H, Yu G The Abnormality of p53 Gene and its Risk Factors in Gastric Cancer. J. Chinese Epi. 1998 (8) (Chinese)
23. Song X, Gu H, Yu G p53 Gene Mutation and Over-expression in Gastric Cancer. J. Chinese Public. Health 1997 (6) (Chinese)
24. Song X, Gu H, Yu G The Aberration of p53 Gene and Lymph Node Metastasis in Gastric Cancer Acta Academiae Medicine Shanghai 1996 (4) (Chinese)
25. Song X The Cohort Study of Mortal Causes in The Dying and Cotton-Spinning Workers Acta Academiae Medicine Taishan 1993(1) (Chinese)
b) Papers in Non-Refereed Journals
1. Song X The Progress in Studying the Relationship Of p53 Gene Abnormality and Gastric Cancer Foreign Med. Sci. 1996, 23 (Suppl.)
2. Song X The Influence of p53 Gene Abnormality to Gastric Cancer Shanghai J. of Prev. Med.1996 (4)
c) Chapters in Books
1. Song X Environmental and Occupational Health Epidemiology (in Chinese) Epidemiology Basic Course Yu SZ (Ed). Shanghai Med Univ., Shanghai, China 1999
d) Abstracts (Selected)
The following abstracts were presented in the 2006 SHEA Annual Scientific Meeting SHEA, Baltimore, MD April 14 – 17, 2007
The following abstracts were presented in the 2006 SHEA Annual Scientific Meeting SHEA, Chicago, April 9 – 12, 2006
The following abstracts were presented in the 2005 SHEA Annual Scientific Meeting SHEA, Los Angeles, April 9 – 12, 2005
1. Song X, Cosgrove SE, McDonal CL, et al. Methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aurues (MRSA), vancomycin resistant enterococcus (VRE), and Clostridium difficile (CD) : comparision of temporal changes and impact on patient outcomes
2. Maragakis LL, Sunenshine RH, Song X, et al. Long-term care facility exposure as a risk factor with multi-drug resistance Acinetobacter
3. Lawson P, Song X, Winkler A, et al. Electronic surveillance: an alternative method for monitoring surgical site infections after craniotomy
4. Cosgrove SE, Patel A, Song X, et al. An evaluation of methods for provider feedback about choice of antimicrobial therapy
5. Cosgrove SE, Srinivasan A, Song X, et al. Evaluation of post-prescription review as a method of promoting rational antimicrobial use: a multi-center study
The following abstract was presented in the 41st Annual Meeting of IDSA, San Diego, October 9 –12, 2003
6. Srinivasan A, Patel A, Song X, Richards A, Cosgrove S, Perl TM Cost Reductions in Antimicrobial Expenditures Following Implementation of a Comprehensive Antimicrobial Management Program (AMP)(oral presentation)
The following abstracts were presented in the 43rd Annual Interscience Conference on Antimicrobial Agents and Chemotherapy, Chicago, Il, September 14 –17, 2003
7. Cosgrove SE, Kaye KS, Song X Assessing the Association of Antecedent Antimicrobial (AM) Exposure and Vancomycin Resistant Enterococcus (VRE) Acquisition (poster)
8. Krummi K, Perl TM, Song X, Carmeli Y, Cosgrove SE Fluroquinolone (FQ) Exposure is Not Associated with Methicillin-Resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) Bloodstream Infection (BSI)(oral presentation)
The following abstracts were presented in The Society for Healthcare Epidemiology of America (SHEA) Annual Meeting, Arlington, VA, April 5-8, 2003.
9. Song X, Roghmann MC, Gramatikova A, Perl TM Severity of Illness Measurements for Nosocomial Bloodstream Infections (NBSI) and Mortalities
10. Srinivasan A, Song X, Richards A, Sinkowitz-Cochran, Cardo D, Bartlett J, Rand C Housestaff Physicians and Antimicrobial Use: A Knowledge, Attitudes and Beliefs Survey (poster)
11. Krummi, K.,Perl, TM, Song, X, Carmeli, Y, Cosgrove, S: Fluoroquinolone (FQ) Exposure is not Associated with Methicillin-Resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) Bloodstream Infection (BSI) (oral presentation)
The following abstracts were presented in The Society for Healthcare Epidemiology of America Annual Meeting, Salt Lake City, UT, April 2 – 6, 2002.
12. Song X, Srinivasan A, Perl TM Vancomycin Resistant Enterococci (VRE) Nosocomial Bloodstream Infections (BSI): the Attributable Mortality, Length of Stay and Excess Cost (oral presentation)
13. Richards A, Perl TM, Song X, Srinivasan A Direct costs of catheter associated nosocomial urinary tract infections (CANUTIS) (poster)
14. Farley J, Song X, Perl TM 8-year Trends in Bloodstream Infections (BSIs) Among Critically Ill Neurosurgical (NS) Adult Patients at Johns Hopkins Hospital (JHH) (

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