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发表于 2015-5-29 15:01 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式


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本帖最后由 Yuki 于 2015-5-29 15:08 编辑

大家读文献的时候,经常会看到ITT/AT/PP等RCT设计的分析,那么意向治疗分析(intention to treat analysis, ITT)、接受治疗分析(as-treated analysis,AT)、完成治疗分析(per protocal PP)有什么不同呢?相关资料总结以下,并附以范文:
  As treated
As-treated analysis has the general idea of comparing the subjects with the treatment regimen that they received. It does not consider which treatment they were assigned for the treatment.
Intention to treat analysis
Randomized clinical trials analyzed by the intention-to-treat (ITT) approach provide fair comparisons among the treatment groups because it avoids the bias associated with the non-random loss of the participants. The basic ITT principle is that participants in the trials should be analysed in the groups to which they were randomized, regardless of whether they received or adhered to the allocated intervention. However, medical investigators often have difficulties in accepting ITT analysis because of clinical trial issues like missing data or adherence to protocol.
Per protocol
This analysis can only be restricted to the participants who fulfil the protocol in the terms of the eligibility, interventions, and outcome assessment. This analysis is known as an "on-treatment" or "per protocol" analysis. Also, the per-protocol restricts the comparison of the treatments to the ideal patients, that is, those who adhered perfectly to the clinical trial instructions as stipulated in the protocol. This population is classically called the per-protocol population and the analysis is called the per-protocol-analysis. A per-protocol analysis envisages determining the biological effect of the new drug. However, by restricting the analysis to a selected patient population, it does not show the practical value of the new drug.
在临床试验中,常有这种情况,受试者被随机分到两组,其中任何一组肯定有的受试者的感觉疗效不好,而中途退出试验,这一部分受试者没有完成试验方案的每一项观察。困此,这一部分受试者的试验数据是不完整的,在分析时删除这一部分受试者,势必会提高疗效,与上市后的市场真正疗效不符,而且两组的基线情况也发生了改变,且两组病例数不平衡。因此删除这一部分受试者不合适,但保留这一部分受试者,由于其疗效观测数据不完整,也没法进入疗效统计,因此,Austin Bradfood Hill首先在他的著作《医学统计原理》第六版中提出了ITT原则[7]。
  ITT是Intention-TO-Treat的英文缩写,ITT在中国译为意向性治疗原则,分析在国外的药品临床试验中常常用到,ICH E9临床试验中的统计学原则中也明确提到,意向性治疗原则是一种认为处理策略以想要治疗受试者(即计划好的治疗进程),而不是基于实际给与的治疗措施为基础进行评价,可以对效果做最好的评定的原则。其结果是分到一个处理组的受试者即应作为该组的成员被随访评价和分析,而不管他们是否依从计划的处理过程。因此,做ITT分析的数据集一定是全分析集,是尽可能接近意向性处理原则的理想的受试者集,由所有随机化的受试者中以最小的和合理的方法剔除受试者得出,未完成的数据观测值以最后一次观测值转接到最后的观测值。

joi140179.pdf (406.92 KB, 下载次数: 14)


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