MEDICAL PRACTICE 医疗实践 The doctor-patient relationship 医患关系 The contents of this book are not all basedon indisputable contemporary evidence; many reflect, wisdom and understandingdistilled over hundreds of years and passed from generation of doctors. This perceivedwisdom lies at the heart of the way that doctors and patients interact; itdemands respect, and if the doctor also displays compassion, sets the scene forthe development of trust. 这本书的内容并非都是取决于当代无可争议的证据;许多观念、智慧和认识来自于一代代医生数百年经历的结晶。这当中的智慧核心是医患互动的方式;它需要相互尊重,医生表现出来的同情心,为相互之间的信任奠定了基础。 Due to the complexitiesof many chronic diseases and treatments, and the multifaceted impact of illnesson a patient there is an increasing role for health care to be delivered by a multidisciplinaryteam (Box 1.1).This model of care recognizes the different skill of each allied health professionaland focuses patient care beyond surgical procedures or pharmacological manipulation.The doctor usually takes the lead in determining the overall direction of carebut must also: 由于许多慢性疾病及治疗、疾病对患者多方面影响的复杂,医疗工作的一个新角色由多学科成员提供(Box 1.1)。这个医疗模式彰显出了各个医疗团队成员不同的技巧,对患者护理的关注程度超越了外科手术和药物处方。医生通常在确定医疗整体方案中起决定性的作用,但也必须做到: ● guide the patient through theunfamiliar landscape, language and customs of clinical care ● 指导病人在临床治疗中适应陌生的环境、语言和习惯 ● interpret, synthesise andconvey complex information ● 说明、综合和传递复杂的信息 ● help patients and families toparticipate fully in the decision-making process. ● 帮助病人和家属在决策过程中充分地参与 In many clinical disciplines, doctor fromseveral specialties form a multidisciplinary term in order to formulate atreatment plan. In oncology, for example, this ensures that various modalitiesof treatment (surgical, oncological and palliative) are considered. 在许多临床学科中,为制定医疗计划,几个不同专业的医生组建成一多学科治疗团队。例如,在肿瘤科,应确保治疗的各种方式(手术治疗、肿瘤治疗、姑息治疗)。 Thedoctor-patient relationship is in itself therapeutic; a successful consultationwith a trusted and respected practitioner will have beneficial effects irrespectiveof any other therapy given. The doctor-patient relationship is multilayered, dynamicand bilateral (Fig. 1.1). 医患关系本身就是治疗;与一个值得胜任和受尊重的医生的成功交流胜于其他任何治疗。医患关系是多层次、充满活力和双方互动的。 |