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[资料] 美国CDC对埃博拉防控个人防护装备使用的强化指南

发表于 2014-10-24 09:55 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式


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本帖最后由 gemao 于 2014-10-24 09:59 编辑

CDC FactSheet: Tightened Guidance for U.S. Healthcare Workers on PersonalProtective Equipment for Ebola

上海中医药大学附属曙光医院 张亮   

       The Centers forDisease Control and Prevention (CDC) is tightening previous infection controlguidance for healthcare workers caring for patients with Ebola, to ensure thereis no ambiguity. The guidance focuses on specific personal protective equipment(PPE) health care workers should use and offers detailed step by stepinstructions for how to put the equipment on and take it off safely.

The enhanced guidance is centered on three principles:

  • All healthcare workers providing care for Ebola patients undergo rigorous     training and be competent with PPE, including taking it on and off in a     systematic manner
  • 所有为埃博拉患者提供医疗服务的医护人员都要经过严格的培训,并且有能力使用个人防护装备(PPE),包括系统地穿脱。
  • No skin should be exposed when PPE is worn
  • 当穿上个人防护装备时应没有皮肤裸露。
  • All workers are supervised by a trained monitor who watches each worker don     and doff PPE
   •  所有人员在受过训练的监视者的监督下穿脱个人防护装备

All patientstreated at Emory University Hospital, Nebraska Medical Center and the NIHClinical Center have followed the three principles. None of the workers atthese facilities have contracted the illness.

Principle #1:Rigorous and repeated training

Training is the essential way to guarantee the effectiveness ofPPE in prevention infection transmission.  Facilities need to ensureall healthcare providers practice numerous times to make sure they understandhow to appropriately use the equipment, especially in the step by step donningand doffing of PPE. CDC and partners will ramp up training offerings forhealthcare personnel across the country to reiterate all the aspects of safe carerecommendations.

Principle #2: No skin exposure when PPE isworn

Given the intensive and invasive care that US hospitals providefor Ebola patients, the tightened guidelines are more directive in recommendingno skin exposure when PPE is worn. CDC is recommending all of the same PPEincluded in the August 1, 2014 guidance, with the addition of coveralls andsingle-use, disposable hoods. Goggles are no longer recommended as they may notprovide complete skin coverage in comparison to a single use disposable fullface shield. Additionally, goggles are not disposable, may fog after extendeduse, and healthcare workers may be tempted to manipulate them with contaminatedgloved hands. PPE recommended for U.S. healthcare workers caring for patientswith Ebola includes:

  • Double     gloves
  • Boot     covers that are waterproof and go to at least mid-calf or leg covers
  • Single     use fluid resistant or imperable gown that extends to at least mid-calf or     coverall without intergraded hood.
  • Respirators,     including either N95 respirators or powered air purifying respirator     (PAPR)
  • Single-use,     full-face shield that is disposable
  • Surgical     hoods to ensure complete coverage of the head and neck
  • Apron     that is waterproof and covers the torso to the level of the mid-calf     should be used if Ebola patients have vomiting or diarrhea  

The guidancedescribes different options for combining PPE to allow a facility to select PPEfor their protocols based on availability, healthcare personnel familiarity,comfort and preference while continuing to provide a standardized, high levelof protection for healthcare personnel. The guidance includes having:

  • Two     specific, recommended PPE options for facilities to choose from. Both     options provide equivalent protection if worn, donned and doffed     correctly.
  • Designated     areas for putting on and taking off PPE. Facilities should ensure that     space and lay-out allows for clear separation between clean and     potentially contaminated areas
  • Trained     observer to monitor PPE use and safe removal
  • Step-by-step     PPE removal instructions that include:
  • Disinfecting     visibly contaminated PPE using an EPA-registered disinfectant wipe prior     to taking off equipment
  • Disinfection     of gloved hands using either an EPA-registered disinfectant wipe or     alcohol-based hand rub between steps of taking off PPE.

Principle #3:Trained monitor

CDC isrecommending a trained monitor actively observe and supervise each workertaking PPE on and off. This is to ensure each worker follows the step by stepprocesses, especially to disinfect visibly contaminated PPE. The trainedmonitor can spot any missteps in real-time and immediately address.


使用道具 举报

发表于 2014-10-24 10:06 | 显示全部楼层


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 楼主| 发表于 2014-10-24 12:02 | 显示全部楼层
草地 发表于 2014-10-24 10:22

可参见https://bbs.sific.com.cn/forum.ph ... p;page=1#pid2080332

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