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[转帖] 柳叶刀:不必进行埃博拉疾控

发表于 2014-9-1 14:49 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式


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                                         作者:马宏伟 译 来源:医学论坛网 日期:2014-09-01
        据西班牙巴伦西亚大学Jose M. Martin-Moreno教授等在柳叶刀发表的一篇作者来信认为,大多数卫生机构对西非埃博拉的流行一直采取的呼吸道感控措施并非必要,并可能加重公众恐慌。
        埃博拉病毒主要通过感染患者的血液、呕吐物、排泄物和其他分泌物传播,从受污染的针管及其他材料直接或间接感染。这通常发生在家庭成员或健康护理时的密切接触,很少通过空气途径传播。然而,据作者所言,“虽然对这些传播途径众所周知,但包括负责遣送西方患者回国的政府机构在内的大多数卫生机构,均采用应对空气传播性疾病的感控措施。 ”
信源地址:http://ebola.thelancet.com/pb/as ... 14067361461343X.pdf

关键字: 疾控,埃博拉


在感染性疾病的控制方面多做无益,常常是最简单的应对恰是最好!  发表于 2014-9-4 09:48


参与人数 1金币 +2 收起 理由
禅静思语 + 2 谢谢分享!



使用道具 举报

发表于 2014-9-1 15:04 | 显示全部楼层

使用道具 举报

发表于 2014-9-1 23:13 | 显示全部楼层
Is respiratory protection appropriate in the Ebolaresponse?
We write to express our concern about one aspect of theresponse to the current epidemic of Ebola that has, so far, received littleattention,1 lacks anevidence base, and might be counterproductive.
The primary mode of transmission of Ebola virus isthrough contact with infected patients’ secretions (such as blood, vomit, orfaeces) directly and indirectly (for example, from contaminated needles). Thistransmission occurs via close family contact or in health-care settings,particularly when placing orotracheal intubation or when caring for a patientwho is vomiting or bleeding. Ebola is rarely transmitted via an airborne route.2 Although these routes of transmission are well known,3,4 most agencies, including governmental agenciesresponsible for repatriating western patients, apply infection- controlmeasures appropriate for airborne diseases.
Excessive precautions could offer reassurance to thoserespon- ding to Ebola, yet complete respiratory protection is expensive,uncomfortable, and unaffordable for countries that are the most affected.Worse, such an approach suggests that the only defence is individual protectiveequipment, which is inaccessible to the general population. Moreover, the imageof workers with spectacular protective clothing might contribute to the panicin some communities. If this leads people to flee affected areas it couldincrease the spread of infection. It also reinforces the view that some livesare more valuable than others, already engendered by decisions about the use ofexperimental Ebola drug ZMapp.5
We contend that the systematic application ofprecautionary measures that protect health-care personnel and others from direct 4 contact (ie, gloves andwaterproof smocks, goggles, masks, and individual rooms or wards in thehospital) are sufficient to manage most patients (who do not experiencehaemorrhage or vomiting). In fact, goggles and masks might not even benecessary to speak with conscious patients, as long as a distance of 1–2 metresis maintained (the maximum distance that infectious droplets might reach).Exceptional precautions, such as pressurised suits with oxygen tanks, should bereserved for interventions that generate aerosols (invasive explorations or intubations),specific situations (eg, massive haemorrhage), or in laboratories where thevirus is cultivated. They are unnecessary in the settings where the virus ismost rampant.
In western Africa nowthere is a need for rational and efficient use of protective equipment. Thiscan only be achieved by communicating a consistent message that the disease isessentially transmitted through direct contact. In control of infectiousdiseases, more is not necessarily better and, very often, the simplest answer isthe best.
Wedeclare no competing interests.
*Jose MMartin-Moreno, Gilberto Llinás, Juan Martínez Hernández dr.martinmoreno@gmail.com
Departmentof Preventive Medicine and Public Health, University of Valencia, 46010Valencia, Spain (JMM-M, GL); and Preventive Medicine and Public Health Service,Hospital La Paz-Carlos III, Madrid, Spain (JMH)


参与人数 1威望 +2 金币 +4 收起 理由
乔-乔 + 2 + 4 很给力!



使用道具 举报

发表于 2014-9-4 09:11 | 显示全部楼层
icchina 发表于 2014-9-1 23:13
Is respiratory protection app ...


使用道具 举报

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