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作者:王英 来源:生物通 日期:2014-07-23
最近,华盛顿大学的Juliet Morrison和她的合作者已经在H7N9病毒流感中迈出了这方面的第一步,他们的工作发现了六种治疗这种高毒力菌株的潜在方法。相关研究结果最近刊登在病毒学领域知名期刊《病毒性杂志》(Journal of Virology)。
本研究是在论文共同作者、华盛顿大学同事Michael Katze的实验室内完成,他指出:“我们发现,导致严重疾病的病毒,像H7N9和臭名昭著的1918病毒,所触发的基因表达特征不同于更温和感染中所看到的。重要的是,我们可以利用这些特征来开发抗病毒药物。”
H7N9 and other pathogenic avian influenza viruses elicit a three-pronged transcriptomic signature that is reminiscent of 1918 influenza and associated with lethal outcome in mice
Abstract: Modulating the host response is a promising approach to treating influenza, a virus whose pathogenesis is determined in part by the reaction it elicits within the host. Though the pathogenicity of emerging H7N9 influenza virus has been reported in several animal models, these studies have not included a detailed characterization of the host response following infection. To this end, we characterized the transcriptomic response of BALB/c mice infected with H7N9 (A/Anhui/01/2013) virus and compared it to the responses induced by H5N1 (A/Vietnam/1203/2004), H7N7 (A/Netherlands/219/2003) or pandemic 2009 H1N1 (A/Mexico/4482/2009) influenza viruses. We found that responses to the H7 subtype viruses were intermediate to those elicited by H5N1 and pdm09H1N1 early in infection, but that they evolved to resemble the H5N1 response as infection progressed. H5N1, H7N7 and H7N9 viruses were pathogenic in mice, and this pathogenicity correlated with increased transcription of cytokine response genes and decreased transcription of lipid metabolism and coagulation signaling genes. This three-pronged transcriptomic signature was observed in mice infected with pathogenic H1N1 strains such as the 1918 virus, indicating that it may be predictive of pathogenicity across multiple influenza strains. Finally, we used host transcriptomic profiling to computationally predict drugs that reverse the host response to H7N9 infection, and identified six FDA-approved drugs that could potentially be repurposed to treat H7N9 and other pathogenic influenza viruses.
关键字: 禽流感病毒,H7N9,治疗药物