I am writing to let you know about our upcoming Special Issue on "Antibiotic Resistance of Bacteria," which will be published in the Microbiology subject area of BioMed Research International in December 2014. You can find the Call-for-Papers for this Special Issue at http://www.hindawi.com/journals/bmri/si/714819/cfp/ and the deadline for submission is July 18, 2014. The Special Issue is open to both original research articles as well as review articles.
BioMed Research International is an open access journal, which means that all published articles are made freely available online without a subscription, and authors retain the copyright of their work. Moreover, all published articles will be made available on PubMed Central and indexed in PubMed at the time of publication. The most recent Impact Factor for BioMed Research International is 2.880 according to 2012 Journal Citation Reports released by Thomson Reuters (ISI) in 2013.