本帖最后由 胡杨 于 2014-4-16 13:47 编辑
1、手术室使用是“避免,avoid”,而不是“禁止 prohibition 或者 Should not be“。那必须使用时如何操作管理呢?
CDC:Guidelines for Environmental Infection Control in Health-Care Facilities 2003
V. Animals as Patients in Human Health-Care Facilities 医院动物诊疗
Develop health-care facility policies to address the treatment of animals in human health-care facilities. 制定医院动物诊疗相关政策
1. Use the multidisciplinary team approach to policy development, including public media relations efforts to disclose and discuss these activities. Category II 组成包括媒体参与的多学科团队,讨论与完善相关政策。
2. Exhaust all veterinary facility, equipment, and instrument options before undertaking the procedure. Category II 开展诊疗前,首选兽用设施设备和器材。
3. Ensure that the care of the animal is supervised by a licensed veterinarian. Category II 诊疗活动要有执业兽医监督。
When animals are treated in human health-care facilities, avoid treating animals in operating rooms or other patient-care areas where invasive procedures are performed (e.g., cardiac catheterization laboratories or invasive nuclear medicine areas). Category II当动物在人类医疗机构进行诊疗时,避免在手术室或者侵入性操作环境下进行(如心导管实验室或侵入性的核医学室),
Schedule the animal procedure for the last procedure of the day in the area, at a time when human patients are not scheduled to be in the vicinity. Category II 同一区域诊疗,当日先安排人类患者,动物安排在后面。
Adhere strictly to standard precautions. Category II落实标准预防
Clean and disinfect environmental surfaces thoroughly by using an EPA-registered product in the room after the animal has been removed. Category II 动物诊疗后使用合格消毒剂消毒环境表面。
Allow sufficient ACH to clean the air and help remove airborne dander, microorganisms, and allergens (Table 1). Category II 使用充足的换气次数清洁空气,帮助除去空气中动物皮屑,微生物,以及过敏原。
Clean and disinfect using EPA-registered products or sterilize equipment that has been in contact with the animal; or use disposable equipment. Category II 使用合格消毒剂或灭菌设备处置与动物接触过的设施器具。或动物诊疗尽可能使用一次性器具产品。
If reusable medical or surgical instruments are used in an animal procedure, restrict future use of these instruments to animals only. Category II若复用医疗产品或手术器械使用于动物。则不得再使用于人类患者。仅限于动物使用。
VI. Research Animals in Health-Care Facilities 医院动物研究
Use animals obtained from quality stock, or quarantine incoming animals to detect zoonotic diseases. Category II使用动物实验室提供的合格动物或经过人畜共患疾病检测的动物。
Treat sick animals or remove them from the facility. Category II 实验动物患病要给予治疗或剔除。
Provide prophylactic vaccinations, as available, to animal handlers and contacts at high risk. Category II 评估动物实验与接触具有高风险,则尽可能做预防接种。
Ensure proper ventilation through appropriate facility design and location (399). Category IC (U.S. Department of Agriculture [USDA]: 7 USC 2131) 完善设备与布局提供适宜的通风。
1. Keep animal rooms at negative pressure relative to corridors (399). Category IC (USDA: 7 USC 2131) 动物室与走廊保持相对负压。
2. Prevent air in animal rooms from recirculating elsewhere in the health-care facility (399). Category IC (USDA: 7 USC 2131) 避免动物室空气再循环进入医疗环境。
Keep doors to animal research rooms closed. Category II 动物实验室门保持关闭
Restrict access to animal facilities to essential personnel. Category II动物研究机构限制非必需人员参观
Establish employee occupational health programs specific to the animal research facility, and coordinate management of postexposure procedures specific to zoonoses with occupational health clinics in the health-care facility (400,401). Category IC (U.S. Department of Health and Human Services [DHHS]: Biosafety in Microbiological and Biomedical Laboratories [BMBL]; OSHA: 29 CFR 1910.1030.132-139) 建立动物实验人员健康档案
Document standard operating procedures for the unit (400). Category IC (DHHS: BMBL)建立SOP管理程序
Conduct routine employee training on worker safety concerns relevant to the animal research facility (e.g., working safely with animals, animal handling) (400,401). Category IC (DHHS: BMBL; OSHA: 29 CFR 1910.1030.132--139) 员工进行相关安全培训
Use precautions to prevent development of animal-induced asthma in animal workers (400). Category IC (DHHS: BMBL) 落实员工动物源性哮喘预防措施。